View Full Version : Dang, Putin is making Obama his bitch, lately

09-12-2013, 08:53 AM
I realize it's all political posturing. But I don't like it when another leader can whip our leaders ass. Political party notwithstanding. President should be able to whip some ass, verbally or otherwise.

Our president can't beat up their president!


Big Skyz
09-12-2013, 09:14 AM
"Political party notwithstanding. President should be able to whip some ass, verbally or otherwise."

Len, Len, Len, it's all a big misunderstanding on Obama's part. He thought he was supposed to "wipe" not "whip". At to that end he's a master.

09-12-2013, 10:20 AM
Our country has lost all credibility with the rest of the world in the past few years. It's downright embarrassing.

'Course, it started quite a while ago. I remember when I was in Russia, EVERY television I ever ran across had ONE subject going on constantly .... Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton. I had a hard time looking those Ruskies in the eye while there. :(

09-12-2013, 11:56 AM
I guess this is the "change" Obumer was "hoping" for, then?

He thinks the world is a community to be organized.

I kindof think the American People will be ready to elect a LEADER in 2016, instead of "Mr Popularity".

Putin's oped SOUNDS good, but I am still very wary of Russian politicians....especially ex KGB agents.

09-12-2013, 12:14 PM
We should be ashamed of ourselves. Our president can't hit the ground with his hat. Our congress can't even pass a friggin annual budget. And our citizens get their political facts from Facebook.

Its a fucking disgrace.


09-12-2013, 12:59 PM
I'm sure no fan of Vlad (he's a dangerous ego maniac) but from a non-American perspective, he's most certainly made your president look foolish. Obama wants to drop some bombs and Putin comes up with a disarmament plan that the world will jump on no matter how ridiculous it really is. Barack has been outplayed big time.

09-12-2013, 01:09 PM
Not that Obama has a frigging clue, but in his defense, "disarmament" talks are easy when you're dealing with the assholes you sold the stuff to in the first place. Syria and Russia share the same bed and it's easy-peasy to come out looking like a hero when you're dealing with your buddies.

"Hey, Bashar old buddy ... we'll tell 'em how you gave us back all your toys ... and when things quiet down a bit, we'll slip 'em back to ya'? It's a win/win ... it'll get the world off your back, I'll look like a hero to the rest of the world and ol' Barack will look like the dumbass he really is! Deal?"

09-12-2013, 01:18 PM
Putin also had good timing in that everyone in America was looking for an easy way out of this thing. If the UN has any hair on its nuts, and it doesn't, they'd indict Assad for war crimes against humanity. We pay a lot of money to be a part of the UN. The UN is supposed to maintain a policing type action against actions such as these. Yet they are strangely silent. Why? Putin.


Big Muddy
09-12-2013, 01:31 PM
Regardless of it's spelling, somehow, I just hesitate to even say his name----Pootin', ;)

09-12-2013, 02:14 PM
Use his FULL name ... that's Rootin' Tootin' Pootin' to you sir! ;)

09-12-2013, 02:28 PM
We should be ashamed of ourselves. Our president can't hit the ground with his hat. Our congress can't even pass a friggin annual budget. And our citizens get their political facts from Facebook.

Its a fucking disgrace.


What you said!

For some reason, the fact that Pootin' used the NY Times Op-Ed page to do it seems pretty damn funny to me. Maybe I'm just an asshole :)

09-12-2013, 02:33 PM
Oh, he punked us but good. You're right about that. I guess I look at it as punked us, all of us, rather than just our president though, even though it might be that our genius prezx put us in that position to begin with.

09-12-2013, 02:39 PM
Again, I agree. I feel punked, to be sure. That used to make me want some sort of reactive measure. These days... it just makes me wanna fish more.

09-12-2013, 03:03 PM
I need to fish too. come get me about daylight Saturday morning will ya?


09-12-2013, 04:34 PM
I know it's just a coinky-dink ... but isn't it ironic the op-ed appeared in a New York newspaper on 9/11?

Doesn't mean squat ... just seems weird for some odd reason.