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Big Skyz
10-01-2013, 10:28 AM
We had a heckuva wind storm here last night. It blew over a number of trees, knocked out the power, and some phone lines for a while. One of the trees that blew over was in the city park next to my house. It is a very large cottonwood tree. The interesting thing is that it turned out to be mostly hollow. Inside the base of the trunk was a large bee hive. I've never seen anything like this before.

Behive up close.

Bee's clustered together. The wind was blowing so hard not a single bee was in the air. I think they were just holding on for dear life.

Another close up of the bees in the part of the tree that was still standing.

The part of the tree that remained standing.

Here is a photo of me next to the fallen tree just to give a size perspective to how really big this tree/hive was. I always find nature interesting but between the forces of nature (wind) and the beehive it was a most interesting evening around here yesterday. Never seen anything like this behive before.

Big Skyz
10-01-2013, 11:03 AM
I hear ya Sunny. Right across the street from my house this tree blew over on the power line. Knocked out the power and phone lines for a while.

10-01-2013, 11:18 AM
You sure have had your share of weather-related happenings out there this year.

As for the beehive, that is one HUGE pile of bee spit and quite cool.

10-01-2013, 11:19 AM
My step Dad and I found a bee hive in a tree once and actually went down and moved the bees into a super we built for it. Haven't been down there in years but they stayed there for several years. The wild honey that came out of that old tree was awesome.

And fun fact.....did you know honey bees were an introduced species? Nope, they ain't native to North America.


Big Skyz
10-01-2013, 11:25 AM
Not sure where they originated, but I do know that the Egyptians used them. So I would assume they came from the middle east somewhere.

I tried the honey in this tree. Tasted like cottonwood tree. Wasn't that good.

10-01-2013, 11:39 AM
Troy, one of the fun things I did as a kid with one of my cousins was bee hunting. We never did anything with the hives we found, but it was a pretty cool thing to do in the outdoors in the summer when there wasn't anything to hunt. there's lots of methods to do it. Just watch for Mr NoToes.