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View Full Version : Well whats it gonna be today?

10-04-2013, 06:46 AM
Since them damn 'ol Republicans still got the gov'ment shut down (yea!) and we solved all the issues with that yesterday what we gonna jaw about today?

Maybe why a mother described as having post-partum depression ended with her being shot dead near the White House?

Or if we fought a war where we thought WMD's were why is Ding Dong not doing something about a place where we KNOW WMD's are and have been used to kill that countries citizens? Not that I think we should. Just asking about his line in the sand that like everything else he say means nothing.

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10-04-2013, 09:21 AM
Nah, I ain't up for it today. Y'all done wore me out yesterday.

I'm threatening you all that if you start with all this today I'm gonna talk about baseball all day.


10-04-2013, 09:24 AM
I'm threatening you all that if you start with all this today I'm gonna talk about baseball all day. BKB


UNCLE already..... ;-)
Take Care,,Captain

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10-04-2013, 09:26 AM
You ain't won shit. I'm just resting up. Hell it's 10 against 1 here, with all you Bachman lovin' Tea Partiers.


Big Muddy
10-04-2013, 09:30 AM
Bachman-----I'd hit it !!!! ;)

10-04-2013, 10:04 AM
You miss understood Posty... I was saying shit to your threat of talking Baseball and I was calling UNCLE.... As in I give up if you Stoop to that. :D
Peace, truce whatever.

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10-04-2013, 10:14 AM

I'll say CALF ROPE then too!


Chicken Dinner
10-04-2013, 10:19 AM
How 'bout them Redbirds?

10-04-2013, 10:20 AM
OMG! NOoooooooioo

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10-04-2013, 10:36 AM
Nah, I ain't up for it today. Y'all done wore me out yesterday.

I'm threatening you all that if you start with all this today I'm gonna talk about baseball all day.


I'm out! ;)

10-04-2013, 10:45 AM
My thoughts: nuke em all...... radioactive oil has gotta get us better gas mileage than regular gas. The Mid east has been fighting each other for 5000 years. We have Al Qaeda fighting a holy war against all outsiders while the Sunnis and Shiites are fighting each other because of a few minor differences. Could you imagine Baptist and Lutherans picking up guns????? I guess Church Softball leagues solve problems.. Let's not send Syria guns and Ammo. Send them some bats, balls, and gloves!
Feds shut down????? so what. If the people on Welfare don't get their checks.... they may have to work or sell some more drugs, (okay, I am not that calloused of a bastard, but a little hard work would be good for a bunch of them. The Republicans however, have royally screwed up my state's education system! IT will take years to fix it. There are so few intelligent kids going into Ed now in colleges here, that there will be a teacher shortage. Of course that is what they want so teachers will be considered temp jobs, not careers, and pay them a lot less.
Dems got my vote in the state of Indiana. Our new Governor is not doing a good job at all. He can't make a decision and the few he does make are bad for educators, policemen, firemen, etc. He cut our retirement in that we can get in half!
Oddm but on a national level, I kinda go REpub.... in Indiana.... Dem- because the party I used associate with purposely planned to screw me over, and did.