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View Full Version : This is just too cool!

10-08-2013, 06:02 PM
I've been talking to some old Army buddies for the past week or so and it looks like we're gonna put together a small reunion early next year. Looks like the middle of May, 2014 as it stands now. So far, we're all in. If I'm not healed up by then, they've promised to change my bandages for me! ;)

We were a VERY tight little group and worked VERY closely together from 1971-1975. Since that time, we have stayed in contact with each other ... in fact, I talk with at least one of them almost EVERY SINGLE day. We've all hooked up from time to time on an individual basis over the years, but never as a complete group. I'm telling you ... it's been a long time since I've been this excited about anything and am totally looking forward to it. One has a place in the mountains of N. California and that's where we'll all be headed for about a week. There are only 5 of us and I can honestly say, I'm closer to all of them than I am my own brothers. In fact, that's pretty much the same feeling we all share. It's a super special bond that only we can really understand. We all worked at one time or another on the Vietnamese, Cambodian, Laotian and/or Burmese (now Myanmar) missions.

One bud and I had the same job (Signal Intelligence). The one who will be hosting the reunion at his house was Mil. Intel. Special Forces (Green Beret), the other was Mil. Intel. ARDF (Airborne Radio Direction Finding) and the last was a Navy SEAL (the one I always traveled with before my health went to shit). Man-o-man, this will be the first time all 5 of us have been together under one roof and I can't wait! I'm sure there will be some VERY interesting war-stories rehashed during this little get-together! I just hope it happens. That's a lot of time for a monkey wrench to find it's way into the plan, so I'll keep my fingers crossed!

10-08-2013, 06:06 PM
Now that oughta be a great time. You gonna allow pictures?


10-08-2013, 06:24 PM
Now that oughta be a great time. You gonna allow pictures?


Ha ha! Yeah, we're too old and broken down these days for any x-rated stuff. We'll all just sit around drinking Geritol and Metamucil, then to bed by 8:00 pm. ;)