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View Full Version : I love this shit!

11-21-2013, 01:45 PM
I hope youse dufes don't get bored with this crap, but maybe someone here could learn sumpin' they didn't know before. I just sold an old rusty wrench I picked up out of a pile of crappy, mismatched tools at an estate sale for $0.50. They were just thrown loose in a box in the garage, a bunch of Chinese crap and junk like that. I picked up a "monkey wrench" out of the pile just because it looked "old". Turns out it is from the tool kit of a WWII Jeep! I threw it up on the "Bay" with a "Buy It Now" price of $68.50 and I'll be damned if someone didn't just buy the thing!

Man I love this "job"! :D


11-21-2013, 01:49 PM
You need to change your handle from Thumper to Sanford.


11-21-2013, 01:56 PM
The funny thing is ... I used to always throw "junk" like this into a box to save for Cappy. Lynn and I were in Charlotte a few weeks ago and I took a box of old tools to him that I'd picked up here and there at various sales. I found this at a sale I attended just days after returning from N.C. If I'd have found it earlier, it would have been in HIS box o' crap! :D

11-21-2013, 02:00 PM
It is VERY interesting what you're finding out there that has value. A lot of it, I would have never have thought of. I was downtown Tulsa a few days ago and waiting in the lobby of a building where we used to go eat lunch a lot when I worked downtown, and in the window of a tobacco shop there was a Zippo display that probably had four or five Zippo lights still in it. I swear that same display was in there when I used to look at it twenty years ago. They've probably sold three lighters off of it since and dusted it a million times. anyway, it made me think of you when I saw it.

11-21-2013, 02:15 PM
I think of Thump every time I pass by a KFC. :biggrin

11-21-2013, 02:23 PM
Haha...me too!


11-21-2013, 03:23 PM
Awww, youse dufes can BITE ME! :D

If I were you Barry Bob, I'd see what that guy wants for those old Zippo's ... the whole ball o' wax actually, as the display itself is worth $$$. Heck, make him an offer as he may be tired of dusting the things. That one I found a few weeks ago is only from 1967. I have it listed right now for a BIN of $89.95 and it's on two watch lists as I write this.


11-21-2013, 03:48 PM
He's got it displayed in his front window right by his big wooden indian. I have an idea he knows it has value just from how he's displayed it. This is a real throwback tobacco store that is truly a vanishing breed. I need to go down there atr lunchtime some day and just browse through his store. Of course that's probably the last thing he wants is browsers, not buyers.


11-21-2013, 03:52 PM
You have a good point. With the advent of the internet, someone has to live under a rock not to know what something is worth these days. That's PROBABLY why they're still there. He may have them marked with some ridiculous price ... but sooner or later, SOMEONE will snatch 'em up anydamnway!

11-21-2013, 04:01 PM
That old Sinclair one you posted the picture of probably has Oklahoma roots too. I think the original Sinclair refinery was in Pawhuska where Herb lives wasn't it? they still have Sinclair stations there.


11-21-2013, 04:30 PM
Not really P-hole. I think they did have one of their refineries in Oklahoma at one time, but the company was never located there that I can remember. I used to run across them here and there when I drove my truck, but I'm not sure if any are left in Florida or not.

I kinda-sorta had a Sinclair gas station "given" to me when I was a kid. As a young kid, I'd walk right by the place on my way home from school. I hung out there with the old man who was the owner/operator. When I moved on to Jr. H/S, I continued to stop by (it was also on the way home from Jr. H/S). My buddies and I would fill up our bicycle tires there ... that sort of thing. One day, I asked the old man (his name was Mr. Schweitzer ... not positive of the spelling) why he put up with us kids and he told me he knew that some day we'd grow up, start driving, and maybe we'd buy our gas there!

We moved away when I was 15, but a few years later, I drove down there to visit friends and family ... AND I stopped by old man Schweitzer's Sinclair station to fill up. He remembered me and we talked for a while. He said he was getting really old and was ready to retire. He then dropped a bomb shell on me! He asked if I'd like to "have" his gas station! He said he had no family and had worked it most of his life, but he's "tired". He said if I'd take it over, I could have the store as long as I gave him a "little bit of money" every month to live on. He said he didn't need much ... just enough for groceries and necessities. I was kind of blown away as I was only 18 years old at the time ... BUT I had plans to go to college and I guess deep down inside, I didn't really give it any serious thought.

He's long gone now and the station is no longer there ... but I have many fond memories of hanging out in that greasy old Sinclair station as a kid with "Old Man Schweitzer!"

11-21-2013, 04:55 PM
Dang just my luck, a day late and a dollar short. ;)
Congrats Jim, sounds like you really have a good thing going!

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