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11-27-2013, 12:22 PM
Our closest friends here in town have decided to build a new house. For the past almost 25 years, he and I have had discussions about "urinals" and wondered why they weren't a normal fixture in bathrooms. He's a bit overweight and has a bad knee, so getting up from a toilet is a bit of a chore ... especially irritating when he just wants to "take a leak". (His wife hates the "splashing" when he stands.) He always said if he ever builds a house, he will have a urinal installed in the bathroom and it's been a bit of a "joke" between us for all these years!

Well, we were at their house for dinner on Sunday and he had the plans for their new house. (they already purchased the lot) As he rolled them out on the kitchen table to show me, I joked, "Are you installing a urinal?" After the plans were laid flat, he pointed to the main bathroom and ... sure enough, there is a urinal included in the blueprints! :D

11-27-2013, 12:28 PM
Wait. What? A wife that bitches about the splashing noise you make when you pee? WTF is that all about?

Sheesh, I've heard it all now.


11-27-2013, 12:35 PM
Every now and then I get that request, usually it's in the childrens bath if they have a few boys.
I've also showed the location of a relief tube through the wall in a garage where the end is just buried in the sand.

11-27-2013, 12:46 PM
Wait. What? A wife that bitches about the splashing noise you make when you pee? WTF is that all about?

Sheesh, I've heard it all now.


Nope ... I didn't say splashing "NOISE" ... ;)

Jerry, my dad and I built a custom Cadillac pick-up for a wealthy dude in Seattle (in the logging industry). He did a lot of traveling and evidently had a bladder problem. We built a little funnel/tube type thingy that just went through the floor so he could pee while on the road. Don't ask me how he managed to do all that while driving ... I assume he'd simply pull to the side of the road wherever he happened to be at the time. ;)