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12-03-2013, 12:21 PM
... and find those old Zippos!

I finally got around to listing that "old" (1967) Zippo lighter I bought at an estate sale for $2.00 and it just sold for $70.00. It ain't earth-shattering, but I'll take that profit margin all day long considering it was kinda "beat up"! I think I may start concentrating a bit more on old Zippos. I gots some studying to do. ;)

Ya' gots one with "Marlboro" on it? I only searched back 30 days and this one just sold for $1461.00! (another just like it just sold for $961.00)


A coupl'a these with "Marlboro Man" sold in the last couple weeks also ... one for $931.00 and another for $800.00!


12-04-2013, 09:41 AM
Come on P-hole ... I know you're hoarding a box full'o these things. Send 'em to me ... I'll give you a buck apiece. ;)

12-04-2013, 09:52 AM
I don't have but the one and it was a gift so I'm holding on to it. I know Bassdog used to have a couple of those Marlboro ones, because he saved those miles like they were gold. No telling where they ended up.

12-04-2013, 10:05 AM
I remember as a kid, my uncle had bazillions of those things. Seems he bought one weekly! He smoked Marlboros and I remember a ton of lighters with Marlboro on them. I have no clue if they were Zippos or not ... I was a kid. He was an avid outdoors type and also had those clear lighters with little fly fishing hooks/flies inside. I think those were made by Ronson (?). Same here ... after he passed away, I have no clue where that kinda stuff ended up. Some dufe prolly bought 'em all for $5.00 at an estate sale! ;)

12-04-2013, 10:28 AM
Holy moly!

Well I never took up smoking so I ain't got a lot of those hanging around. Do have one somewhere from my days at CAT. Might get enough for a six pack out of it if I could actually remember where I put it.


12-04-2013, 11:40 AM
When I was about ten, my Uncle Bill had a really cool Armed Forces zippo that had some US ARMY insignia on it. He caught me lighting firecrackers with it and wore my ass out. Yeah, aunts and uncles all had whipping rights in my family. It wasn't anything to see a kid snatched up by an aunt or uncle and get it for some misdeed. that's probably why I had such a distrust of anyone over thirty later in life come to think of it.


12-04-2013, 12:20 PM
Well.........don't that just figure!
I've got a bunch of "2007 Limited Edition" West Coast Choppers "Zippolike" lighters. I say "Zippolike" because they do not say Zippo on them. Prolly Chinese knockoffs. Or are all Zippos made off shore now? Anyway, there are not selling for much more than the shipping on the bay. Maybe they'll be worth something in another 20 years or so.


12-04-2013, 12:41 PM
Nope Niner ... they're still made in Bradford, Pennsylvania. They have a heck of a warranty also ... for life! The one I just sold was purchased at an estate sale for $2.00. It had a broken spring on the little clip that puts pressure on the lid so it snaps open and closed. I sent it back to Zippo (it was mfg. in '67) and they replaced the entire works ... just slipped a whole new set-up into my case ... AND they even sent the old one back to me. On top of that, they sent a new box for the lighter (I didn't have one) as well as a package of new flints. They also sent some paperwork (sales stuff) and a wallet card with the codes to identify the years of manufacture on all Zippos! Heck, they even paid the return postage. Actually, their official warranty reads: "It works or we fix it for free." On their website they say, "In almost 75 years, no one has ever spent a cent on the mechanical repair of a Zippo lighter regardless of the lighter’s age or condition." Great customer service.

Some of those old Zippos bring big bucks. 5-6 years ago, a 1933 model sold for $37,000!

BTW .. Zippo also owns Case Knives ... they have the same warranty.

12-04-2013, 12:48 PM
BTW .. Zippo also owns Case Knives ... they have the same warranty.

Interesting....I have a vintage case knife that has been sharpend so much over the years that the blade(s) don't go all the way back down when its folded up. Maybe I should look into sending it in for a refurb?

12-04-2013, 01:00 PM
Not sure how that would work. That "may" be considered customer damage ... not sure. They fix any manufacturing defects. Like the lighters ... if the hinge breaks and the lid falls off .. they'll repair/replace the case. But I'm sure they wouldn't replace it for dents or scratches, etc. Wouldn't hurt to ask I suppose.