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12-07-2013, 09:12 AM
... why I started hating Christmas!

Years ago, I got to the point Christmas was nothing but a drag. The best part was I got the day off work. Sure, when my son was a young kid, it was kinda fun, but as an adult with the kid grown and out on his own, Christmas started to lose it's charm. It seemed Christmas simply turned into an OBLIGATION ... to buy gifts!

Over the years it seemed to become too commercialized. "Christmas" sales started earlier and earlier. Decorations went up around town before the left-over T-giving turkey was made into sammiches and we were told we "need" to buy this and that. Next thing is this stupid Black Friday and people getting trampled or stabbed and shot over CHRISTMAS gifts!

I woke up this morning and flipped on FOX News. They had the same crap every other channel has ... tables lined up with this years "must have" gift suggestions. FOX had a banner at the bottom of the screen that read something like: Gift suggestions for your hard to please teen! Give me a frigging break. I got your "gift for that hard to please teen right here!" The first on the list was the latest and greatest (and frigging expensive) X-box whatevernumberitis! Every gift was some new electronic gizmo that costs what some people make in 6-months!

Another thing ... when I was growing up, Christmas morning meant a neighborhood full of kids out throwing their new football, or riding their new bike, or busting their butts with their new roller-skates. For the past I don't know how many years, Christmas morning (in this neighborhood anyway) is like a frigging ghost town outside. I assume all the kids are inside playing with their new x-box.

WTF??? Christmas has lost it's charm. We don't even do a tree anymore. Bah Humbug!

12-07-2013, 09:43 AM
Gotta agree with you on this one Jimmie. Kids toooday are spending wayyyyy too much time inside with their electronic gizzmos! My niece has a 10 year old and she wants too get him a computer that has computer game construction capability. He hardly goes outside and plays, this frosts my Bro's nuts big time.

quercus alba
12-07-2013, 10:27 AM
One of my most anticipated christmas gifts was a 1000 pack of bb's. Add a trip to grandma's house for some new hunting ground and christmas was complete. Dinner wasn't important, stalking the elusive fox sparrow and pine Siskin was. A Golden Crowned Kinglet was a real trophy.

Big Skyz
12-07-2013, 11:22 AM
Kribbs you are starting to sound an awful lot like Bucky...

12-07-2013, 11:27 AM

Big Muddy
12-07-2013, 01:17 PM
I'm gonna be "devil's advocate" here, but I love Christmas, and my family exchanges gifts, but in a small way.
Not because of all the aforementioned earthly reasons, but because the Guy that laid it ALL on the line for us was born on this day.
Not only was HE born, but he lived a sinless life here on earth, died a horrible death for me, and was resurrected in three days....and, WILL return, again....soon, very soon.

That's my family's reason for celebrating Christmas.

Merry Christmas to ALL !!!!!

That is all....carry on.

12-07-2013, 01:19 PM
I'm glad my whole family still knows "the reason for the season"

12-07-2013, 02:42 PM
Here's what Christmas is all about Charlie Brown.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/DKk9rv2hUfA?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

12-07-2013, 04:15 PM
Bubba, that's my point. I think "most" families have forgotten the "reason for the season".

And Muddy, what do frigging idiots stabbing each other fighting over the last X-box on the shelf and sales at the mall have to do with Christ's birth? I think that's my point.

Sky ... as long as I don't start LOOKING like Bucky ... I'm fine with it. :biggrin

12-07-2013, 04:41 PM
Thumper, in an ugly contest, I'd have to say Bucky is uglier sheerly by quality vs quantity.


12-07-2013, 05:52 PM
Evil meanies.

Coal for bofya.

Big Muddy
12-07-2013, 06:16 PM
Totally agree with your point, Thump...I think the wild shopping sheeit is absurd, too....I wouldn't stand in line at Walmart, even if all the cashier gals were butt-naked, and giving free bj's. ;)

quercus alba
12-07-2013, 06:34 PM
You're a bad parent if you don't spend at least a thousand bucks per kid on the latest electronic/cell/video system

12-07-2013, 07:26 PM
I'm gonna be "devil's advocate" here, but I love Christmas, and my family exchanges gifts, but in a small way. Not because of all the aforementioned earthly reasons, but because the Guy that laid it ALL on the line for us was born on this day. Not only was HE born, but he lived a sinless life here on earth, died a horrible death for me, and was resurrected in three days....and, WILL return, again....soon, very soon. That's my family's reason for celebrating Christmas. Merry Christmas to ALL !!!!! That is all....carry on.

Amen amen and amen!!!

12-07-2013, 07:54 PM
Amen amen and amen!!!

And seconded! Well said!