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Chicken Dinner
01-04-2014, 10:15 PM
Al Qaeda backed insurgents have retaken Fallijah. So freakin' predictable and so unnecessary.

01-04-2014, 10:35 PM
AlQaeda wasn't even in Iraq until we went in there.

And from what I read, this isn't Al Qaeda per se, but somegeoup with some fairly weak connections to them. This really boils down to the Sunni - Shiite conflict. Still. It rankles.


01-05-2014, 08:19 AM
AlQaeda wasn't even in Iraq until we went in there. BKB

It all Bush's fault...

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01-05-2014, 08:31 AM
Dang.......beat me to it.

01-05-2014, 08:36 AM
You slippin' Niner... ;)

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01-05-2014, 08:56 AM
Sounds like Vietnam ... we pull out ... "they" pull in. What a surprise ... NOT!

Chicken Dinner
01-05-2014, 08:57 AM
All kidding aside, W and the neocons have a lot to answer for on Iraq. A lot of good men died (and billions were wasted) for an outcome that anyone with a pulse could have predicted.

01-05-2014, 10:42 AM
Wow. My view on all this is different than anyone else's. Imagine that.

01-05-2014, 11:41 AM
It all Bush's fault...

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It kinda is. I know a lot of people supported this, including me, but how the hell does the dountry get led into declaring war on the wrong frigging country? I'm willing to admit I was wrong about it.

01-05-2014, 11:51 AM
That makes me laugh out loud..... Guess it's better for a president to declare war on his own people like the one we got now....
The total money spent on the Iraq war, OBummer spends in 1/2 a day on vacations and crap, fixing problems that are not problems.

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01-05-2014, 12:34 PM

Guess I'm not alone after all!!

100% of Congress, including Hill-billary, supported going into this war, and supported EVERY increase in spending for continuing it. Bush didn't invade Iraq, the U.S. did, and Congress approved it. Yet they get to skate. Gag me with a fork.

Oh, and I'm willing to bet that no bigger percentage of the US Military died in each year of the Iraq 'war' than in most peacetime years. Maybe slightly more, but I bet not much. And I haven't even looked it up.

Update: Now I have:

Obummer campaigns on getting out of the Middle East 100%, immediately, and all he does is escalate it every chance he gets, and then wants to add Syria, to boot. He skates too.

Y'all just want to find an excuse to hate Bush. Fine, go for it. But be honest and consistent.

01-05-2014, 01:14 PM
Y'all are the biggest deflectors I've ever seen. Same bullshit as Nixon 'they all do it, he just got caught', same bullshit as Reagan and Iran Contra 'we don't need to know how he's keeping us safe', and same bullshit as Bush 1 when he pardoned all of the people about to be sent to prison for it. Typical Republican accountability.

You should change your mantra. 'its the Easter Bunny's fault'. That probably more realistic than this crap. And Bucky, maybe you ought to save your scorekeeping on American deaths and casualties for when you talk to a veteran who has MS or is a PTSD sufferer. I'm sure they’d be interested. That attitude is sickening.


Chicken Dinner
01-05-2014, 01:15 PM
I don't hate Bush. I wasn't even against (and still am not) kicking Saddam's ass our of Iraq. But, his administration did mislead the American people and this idea that we could go in there and create a Western style democracy was pure hubris. Hubris of the worst sort and what it costs us in terms of lives and treasure is shameful. Y'all need to quit trying to excuse it by saying Obama's are worse. Mr. Obama will have to answer for his own mistakes.

01-05-2014, 02:12 PM
Whatant' trying to say OBummer is worse. I was trying to say quit sniveling about the past! OBummer is the present and WE has some chance of making a difference in the present and future.
I get sick to death earring about what Bush, Reagan, Nixon, Carter and Ford done. It's history quit your sniveling about it.
The worse things "we" as a country have EVER done was killing off the American Indians, Slavery, and rounding up everyone that did not have a round eye in WWII and putting them in camps. Republicans fought to free the slaves, not just the South but the Democrats in congress too. The democrats were hell bent on not freeing the slaves.
So how far back we want to go and snivel about what has been done? Sitting here today and judging some decisions that were made 15, 20,50, or a 150 years ago is pointless. Things can be seen more clearly now that at the times the decisions were made.
No way NOW would it be acceptable to try to wipe a group of people off the face of the earth (American Indian) or try to start slavery, or drop a A-Bomb on a country, But during THOSES times they were done... And with approval of some if not most of the country.

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01-05-2014, 02:51 PM
I just deeply resent anyone tryingto say that this war was a bargain in monetary or human terms. We've spent about four trillion dollars in just over 10 years, which is four times the cost of Obamacare over a ten year period. Yet we rail on about deficit spending. According to studies by MIT and Johns Hopkins, 650,000 people died as a result of the Iraq war alone. 650,000. So how's that a bargain? How's that make you feel when those people died in the name of searching for nonexistent WMDs and a nonexistent Al Qaeda in Iraq? Yet, some areon a witch hunt for deaths in Bengazi, a witch hunt that has proven nothing other than whats been said already. Yet those same people leverage those deaths purely for political purposes. We need to not forget about Iraq, I'm sorry Larke. We need to promise ourselves never to dothat shit again.

01-05-2014, 03:01 PM
Obviously you are not including the cost of OBummer Care website.
And you ain't got one CLUE what OBummer care is gonna cost this country over a ten year period. The numbers are not even close to sign up that needs to be. There WILL be an insurance bale out that will make that 4 trillion seem like pocket change before this is over.

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01-05-2014, 03:09 PM
Yes, that is what the Affordable Care Act is all about, that web site.

Thanks for reminding me, I had totally forgot.


01-05-2014, 03:11 PM
The website is just symbolic of the whole deal... A fu!€#*'g

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01-05-2014, 03:16 PM
whatever is broken with Obamacare, we need to fix. I'm not sure anybody knows what is broken with it or even if it is at this point. Given that the structure of Obamacare was originally a Republican proposal (yes, it was their response to Hillary and Bill's nationalized health care) specifically designed to promote and maintain a free market health insurance, tht side of the aisle ought to be pretty familiar with how its all supposed to work. These dolts we have in congress right now couldn't hit the ground with their hat much less agree on whatever reforms are needed to the current plan. all they can say is 'repeal' right now given its an election year.


01-05-2014, 03:17 PM
Repeal is the only answer at this point

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01-05-2014, 03:41 PM
If that is the republican plaform for the midterms, then I hope they lose. And I think they will. They've ignored one big message from the votersalready on this issue, as well as from the Supreme Court. There's a lot of denial going on somewhere within the RNC. That fact is, people are signing up. By November it will be in full swing. Predictions of economic and jobs disasters aren't coming true except for small anecdotal cases. As a conservative myself, I'm getting tired of the illogical approach. Its why I'm a Democrat.


01-05-2014, 03:44 PM
So you would have fought the Republicans in the 1800's to keep slavery. I understand your line of thinking now.... Democrats have come full circle. Now it is to enslave the people to the government. They didn't want to get rid of Slavery in the 1800's so they have found a way to make people slaves of the government.
That's right, government can do all things better

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01-05-2014, 03:56 PM
That's absurd, Larke and you know it.


01-05-2014, 04:14 PM
That's absurd, Larke and you know it. BKB
What part?
The part about the democrats fighting against Lincoln and the republicans is as true as the Bible.... They did not want to end slavery. That part?

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01-05-2014, 05:01 PM
I give up.

Pearls before swine.

However, I did not condone 'that war' or mention monetary terms. I am against war, especially anywhere near the Middle East.

Second, I did not condone the war by quoting actual statistics of military deaths. That is not a sickening attitude, so bite me. It's a valid and objective answer to posts and thoughts like Hanks that said that implies that the war is the cause of more military deaths than any other year. It simply wasn't. Any death is too many, and war sucks, but we didn't lose more men there than we would have any other year, probably less. I just showed that to be true with those statistics. You can argue them any way you want, but they are true.

As to the rest of it, it's an ideological discussion that sickens me anymore. Y'all go at it. I don't get the Liberal Leaning, never have, never will, just simply don't get it. It's probably my shortcoming. It's probably that I'm an idiot and can't see what's valid and worthwhile. It probably is just me. But I can't help it, I just can't abide it and worse, I tire of arguing with folks who have open agendas and closed minds. I hate what Government does to every program and thought and idea that I ever heard, and I hate Elitists and Arrogance. I hate it. I won't change that, ever.

Y'all go at it.