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Big Muddy
01-06-2014, 11:18 AM
How deep you have to cut those fishing holes in the ice, this morning??? ;)

How much "soft water" did ya find, today??? ;)

None down here, either....14 degrees here....my pond by the house is frozen solid....wonder if our Walmart sells ice skates. ;)

01-06-2014, 11:39 AM
I was out dby and there was only about 6".. probably making about an inch a day, right now, even with the snow cover. Only got to 15 below last night and its clear up to -9 now. There's one strip of "soft water" running right down the middle of the river behind my house..... Wind's blowing about 20-25; I may not fish in it today. :D

01-06-2014, 11:44 AM
14 and 30 mph winds here. I was going to go fishing but forgot I have a doctor's appointment. Oh well. Always tomorrow.

01-06-2014, 12:24 PM
It was sunny and in the 80's here yesterday. The weather dufes told us it wouldn't get out of the 60's today, but right now it's a beautiful sunny day and 76 degrees! I wish I could work a job where you can be wrong half the time and not get fired!

01-06-2014, 12:27 PM
Was -1 here this morning. We're all the way up to 7 now. Woo hoo!

First thing my young springer did this morning when I went out back was to jump in the pool. And then of course, want right back in the house.


01-06-2014, 12:47 PM
Man-o-man!!! I think that front just hit here like a freight train! I was sitting here on the ol' 'puter and heard a WHOOOSH! Sounded like a frigging tornado hit the house. I just glanced out the window and it's totally overcast and looks like a hurricane is blowing through! Trees bent over ... leaves blowing around. WOW! Talk about an immediate change in weather! Unbelievable how it can change that much in 20 frigging minutes!

I think I should prolly go pull the umbrella off the table on the pool deck and store it in the garage .... unless it's in the neighbor's yard by now!

Big Skyz
01-06-2014, 01:09 PM
Sorry boys but Bwana and I find it a little amuzing that you guys measure ice thickness in inches. Pretty standard to measure ice thickness in "feet" in Montana and North Dakota.

01-06-2014, 01:16 PM
I just had to check the box beneath the ice-maker in our freezer. Looks like the only ice we ever have is consistently 3/4" thick. :biggrin

01-06-2014, 01:27 PM
Sorry boys but Bwana and I find it a little amuzing that you guys measure ice thickness in inches. Pretty standard to measure ice thickness in "feet" in Montana and North Dakota.

Yep.. buddy in MN has a 4 foot shaft on his auger.. and sometimes he has to use an extension. :D

Big Muddy
01-06-2014, 01:41 PM
......sometimes he has to use an extension. :D

Day'um, glad I ain't got that problem....usually, I just tie it in a knot. !!!!! ;)

01-06-2014, 04:52 PM
Come on, Big Sky. I had your Montana winter. Unimpressive.

Try heating your house with a heat pump. They ain't made for 5 degrees!!! And no fireplace........... and a 5 y/o in the house, so can't make heat via friction.

01-06-2014, 05:02 PM
Ha! Same here Bucky. Luckily it's VERY rare ... but when it gets cold down here, that heat pump ain't worth beans. Problem is, I had a new one installed a while back and it was 3-4 years before the temp was ever low enough to need the "emergency heat strip" ... but it didn't do squat ... zilch, nada, nuttin'! "Course by that time, the warranty had run out on the "new" pump. I think I've "needed" the heat strip maybe twice since then but we just grab a blanket to throw on the bed instead. :(

01-06-2014, 05:17 PM
I have a brand new one, last one manufactured in USA, with a SEER rating of about a million.......paid $6K for whole system last year. It's as quiet and as efficient as any of 'em made.

BUT, heat pump technology breaks down around 20 degrees or so.........and then it relies on 'heat strip' backups. COSTLY! Mine calls it "Auxiliary Heat" on the thermostat readout, but hey, I know what that means! It means "Save Up And Send In", otherwise known as "SUASI".