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View Full Version : Reel Resurection

01-08-2014, 08:41 PM
I got this old Abu Garcia Cardinal 752 at a yard sale a loooooong time ago.
Was going through a box of "stuff" the other day and found it, and thought I'd put it up on eBay.
Well, it was encrusted with gunk and squalled when it was cranked, so I figured I'd clean it up a little.

After I cleaned it up, I got my pen oiler out, and in just a little while the old reel was working almost like new.

So now, I'm thinking I'll string it up and hang it on a rod and give it a workout this Spring.


01-08-2014, 10:54 PM
Well I'll be a monkey's uncle. I'm looking for some reels a little older than that one, but I'm certain that is a great reel. It too has the rear drag that was developed on the original Cardinal 4 reel.
Let me know of you find any of those. :-).
Is that reel smooth? I know the cardinal 4's had a steel gear and worm indies that make them VERY smooth.

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01-08-2014, 11:49 PM
After I cleaned and oiled it, it is very smooth. Which is why I decided to give it a run. The spool is labeled for 2, 4, and 6 # test. I have a brand new UL rod that needs a reel, so rather than buy a Shimano Spyrex 1000RD for that rod, I'm gonna string this reel up and see how it does.

Oh, when I opened it up I found that not only are the gears metal, but there are brass bushings as well.

01-09-2014, 02:27 AM
Should be a great little reel. You gonna put some braided line on it?

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01-09-2014, 07:59 AM
Yessir. Planning to put some of that Power Pro line on it. Also prolly gonna tie on some Silver Thread AN40 4# or 6# leader. In fact, while I'm at it, thinking seriously about using the same AN40 for leaders on my Shimano Spyrex 2500 reels too.

If this reel works out as well as I am hoping it will, I'll have to bring it along next time I come up to visit.

I need to do some research to see if I can find out how old this reel is. We've been out here in The Boondocks since 2000, and I KNOW I picked it up several years before that and never got around to messing with it.