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View Full Version : No, it didn't used to matter

02-15-2014, 01:53 PM


It wasn't such a big deal once. And it's no one administration or one president's fault. It's our fault for demanding that our government give us so many things, programs, ideas, gifts, stuff.

My overweight didn't used to matter when I was 10 pounds overweight either.

I'm not blaming anyone. I'm saying Today is Today and something has to be done. Raising the Debt Ceiling because some idiot says it's the right thing to do, does NOT make it the right thing to do. I read an editorialist today say "It is right to raise it, because it allows us to pay bills we've already contracted for". Wrongamundo. It allows us to borrow MORE money to dream up NEW bills.

It's sad, and like Global Warming.........it doesn't matter who is right or wrong, or anything. Because not one single American will ever make one single minor change in anything that they do, in order to fix it. So, it will blow us all up.

And that's my comment of the day. Now for a late breakfast of 12,000 calories.

02-15-2014, 01:59 PM

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