View Full Version : what you guys think on this one

03-08-2014, 07:34 PM
Had a chat with a Nat guard officer. He has been on multiple tours all over the mid east, africa, and other sandy places that he can't officially acknowledge.
we got to chatting about how heroin. has made a comeback, and apparently there is a really bad version that is killing people.
Rumor has it that it was big during Vietnam, and that people in the military were somehow involved with getting it into the country.
Now that we have been in Afghanistan for 13 years or so and the center of the Poppy cultivation is Afghanistan, and there are more and more heroin deaths again..... is there a connection again,
Sad if there is, makes me sick.
side note. A former student spent 2 years training at Purdue and IU, to teach Afghans how to farm something besides pot, Poppy, and Cocca leaves. They took over corn, beans, wheat, etc.... The farmers put a little effort into it, but the Taliban would come in and burn the area, and force them to replant with their cash crops.
We've have spent billions on a country that could care less if we are in it, lost thousands of lives, and killed even more, and when we leave, guess who will be taking right back over?