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View Full Version : Dang, that boy really likes him so crab legs!!!......

Big Muddy
04-30-2014, 01:01 PM
"""Florida State quarterback Jameis Winston, the reigning Heisman Trophy winner, was allegedly cited Tuesday for shoplifting crab legs at Publix, sources told Bud Elliott of TomahawkNation.com.

One source told Elliott that Winston received “an adult civil citation. If he completes the sanctions, it will never show up on his record.” Elliott reported that Winston’s punishment from Florida State will include a $30 fine, community service and a suspension from the baseball team.

There were reports earlier Wednesday that Winston had been arrested, but the Tallahassee Police Department told Chris Littmann of The Sporting News that it was unaware of an arrest involving Winston as of Wednesday morning.

Winston, who led the Seminoles to the 2013 BCS title, was previously investigated in connection with an alleged rape of a Florida State student. But Florida’s State Attorneys office declined to bring charges against Winston due to a lack of evidence."""

04-30-2014, 01:30 PM
What's wrong with that kid?

04-30-2014, 01:31 PM
You seriously don't know?

Big Muddy
04-30-2014, 04:01 PM
Well, it didn't take long for the spoof pics to show up. ;)


05-01-2014, 10:10 AM
First let me say if you haven't read the NY Times article on the rape investigation you ought to. It will make what I am going to post below make sense. I have about zero doubt he raped that girl and is a POS entitled little shit. But I found this on another website and it's funny as hell.

tallahassee police clear jameis winston crab refuses press charges

Florida State quarterback Jameis Winston was issued a citation by Tallahassee Police on Tuesday for stealing crab legs from a Publix supermarket. But today the TPD have cleared Winston after the stolen crab refused to cooperate with the investigation. “It’s obviously not something we can make stick if the crab won’t go on the record and press charges,” said Chief of Police Michael DeLeo. “As far as we our concerned, Mr. Winston is cleared of all wrongdoing and the case is finished.”
DeLeo also said he put his best detective on the case in hopes of getting the crab to speak, but had no luck.
“We did the whole good cop, bad cop routine and not a word from the crab,” he said. “So I don’t want to hear anyone say we’re letting Mr. Winston off because he’s a football star. If the crab had said a single allegation against him, he’d be in handcuffs right now. But the crab just laid there on the floor in the interrogation room, not even moving. We simply can’t charge Mr. Winston without an accuser.”
The Tallahassee Police also brought Winston in for questioning.
“It was nice,” said the quarterback. “They asked me some questions over a big crab dinner. Questions about the BCS title game and what it’s like to be awesome. Then they had me sign stuff. Not an admission of wrongdoing or anything. Just photos, magazines, footballs. Stuff like that.”
Winston was then sent home with the crab in question.
“It was clear Jameis cared a lot for the crab, so we let him take it home,” said Chief DeLeo. “You’d think the crab would be more grateful to be desired by a football star.”

05-01-2014, 11:51 AM
I'm with you Trav. The kid is guilty as hell and the only reason he isn't in prison now is he's a football player at FSU.


05-01-2014, 12:14 PM
Our best friends here in town are FSU grads. They even built a new house in Tallahassee just so they'd have a place to stay on football weekends. (yes, they have tons of money) They go to ALL the home games and the major out of state games. HUGE fans and donate a ton to the alumni association. In fact, their two sons (only kids) both graduated there. One with a law degree and is an attorney in Tampa. The other with a business degree and also working in the Tampa area. Oh, did I say they're huge FSU fans?

Anyway, when that story broke, I emailed the link to my buddy. I immediately got this response:

He is an idiot. They should throw his ass in jail and take away his scholarship.

Big Muddy
05-01-2014, 04:20 PM
"""Sheeeit, dat boy needs him some skrimps !!!"""


05-01-2014, 05:05 PM
Now that is Funny!
Ain'ts nobody gots time fo dat....

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