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05-27-2014, 11:34 PM
I've been glued to the History Channel all night watching "The World Wars". I've probably learned more tonight than I did all through school. To be honest (and I hate to admit this), I always hated history (as well as Social Studies) in school. I was a whiz at math and the sciences ... but history bored me to tears. I held good grades, but it was through memorization and cramming for tests. It meant nothing to me and I didn't retain much of anything. I think teacher's obsessions with specific dates is what I hated most, but I generally disliked most anything to do with history. Sure, I learned the basics and have always had general knowledge of history, but until tonight, I never had the desire to "fill in all the blanks". If they'd had the History Channel when I was in school ... showed this special ... then discussed each segment ... I may have become a true history buff. Congrats History Channel ... you've converted (and educated) me! I actually can't wait until tomorrow's program.


05-28-2014, 07:36 AM
Just started tooo watch it last nite. Sure does have some surprise's.So hard to believe that that there was so much atrocities committed against humanity.

05-28-2014, 08:08 AM
And victories and defeats on just one good, bad or lucky decision.

Chicken Dinner
05-28-2014, 08:25 AM
I've got it DVR'd, but haven't watched it yet.