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View Full Version : Rainbarrel Project

06-05-2014, 08:26 AM
I don't have a huge garden, just some tomatoes and peppers and cukes and such and a great little lettuce section, but it sure does make some nice eating! Every year when we go on vacation, I can never seem to get it through to whatever kid of mine that's watching our place for us to consistently water the dang thing. and June can be a tough month for us some years. So this year I decided to hook up an old 55 gallon plastic barrel I have that I used for a while to make RO/DI water for my aquariums to a rain gutter and build myself a slow soaker rain barrel. Its a pretty cool little operation and I think a full barrel will last the whole two weeks I'm gone. Especially if we get just one rain shower.

From the looks of things it's gonna get filled up here today! Pretty decent sized storms brewing off the NW headed our way. Maybe it'll blow some of this humidity outta here. Its been a sultry motor scooter here the last few days.

Chicken Dinner
06-05-2014, 08:32 AM
Pretty cool. A similar project has been on my "list" for a while.

06-05-2014, 09:19 AM
That sounds pretty cool. It will be on my to do list for the new place. I'd show it to you when I'm done but you'll be in jail by then you godless rain stealer!


06-05-2014, 10:26 AM
Y'all might want to consider an automatic waterer for your garden. We got one of these Mister Landscaper kits from Lowes and hooked it up to all of our flowers...in the ground and in pots on the deck. Makes a big difference in not having to remember to get after them with the water wand and hose sprayer.

After the season and before winter comes around it is easy to take the timer off of the hose bib, and take up the "hoses" and put them away in the garage or basement for the winter.


Just thought I'd throw that suggestion out there. This thing works pretty good for us.

06-05-2014, 11:35 AM
Ya' ever consider saving the hassle and visiting a grocery store? ;)

06-05-2014, 11:39 AM
That's pretty curmudgeonly.