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View Full Version : Man, youse dufes are gonna rake me over the coals for this ...

07-06-2014, 10:44 AM
... but, as they say, it is what it is.

You may remember a couple weeks ago, we went to a friend's house for dinner and while we were there, the gardener found a kitten trapped in a storm drain. After the rescue, we took him in and for some silly reason he immediately bonded with ME! Why? Lynn is the cat person. Needless to say, we ended up "adopting" the little guy (temporarily). He and I formed an instant bond for some silly reason and that little kitten never left my side. We took him home, took him in for a medical check-up, had him neutered and he got all his shots ... then we started looking for a new home for him. During the search, he stayed home with me and the bond deepened. He practically LIVED on my shoulders. He'd lay across my shoulders as I worked on my computer and stayed there as I walked around the house. Of course there was always "play time" ... but my shoulders seemed to be his favorite hang-out. Man-o-man was he a lovable little guy. We found a home immediately and he was adopted out within a few days. I have to admit I kinda miss his company and his antics. Here he is in his usual resting spot and again "helping" me with my game of solitaire.

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Fast forward to this weekend. Here we are at the beach for a "romantic" get-away ... but all our plans kinda flew out the window and we've hardly left the room all weekend. Why you ask? Because we've been "baby sitting". We had reservations at the Hyatt Regency in Bonita Springs for the weekend (a 2 1/2 - 3 hr. drive) and on the way here Friday, we stopped at a roadside BBQ place that looked interesting. As SOON as we stepped out of the car, we heard a faint "meow". We looked around, a little kitten ran out from the woodpile and came straight to us. We ask around and found somebody had dumped him off in the parking lot about an hour before we got there. Ok, we sit out front at a picnic table and the bonding began ... with ME again! That little kitten would not get more than a foot away from me. Do I have "SUCKER" written on my forehead or sumpin'?

Ok, Lynn goes inside to get a bowl and we gave him some water. You'd think he'd had nothing to drink in days! Of course we notice he's nothing but skin and bones, so I leave him there with Lynn, head down the highway to the next little town and pick up some Kitten Chow, then head back to the BBQ joint. So, we feed him and the whole time there, Lynn is trying to find someone who will take him in. No luck. You guessed it ... we have lunch and the THREE of us hit the road. He curls up in my lap and goes to sleep. We stop at the first Wally World we see and Lynn goes in to get some cat litter and a plastic tray, then we get back on the road.

Now we arrive at the hotel ... how are we going to handle this? I drop Lynn off at the front door and haul ass to hide in the parking lot. She checks in, scopes the place out and gives me a call to pick her up. Each time, we have to dodge the porters at the front door who insist on "helping" us by opening car doors, asking to help with our luggage, etc. ... all the while I'm trying to hide this cat! Then Lynn gives me the bad news ... there's no way to get to our room without going right through the lobby. To make matters worse, the porters are like vultures waiting to grab all our belongings to take us to our room. Ok, it's time for a bit of stealth. I go to the parking garage and Lynn walks through the hotel to open the door to the pool from the inside. I grab the kitten, wrap him up in a towel and smuggle him to the room. We lock the kitten in the bathroom and go back to get our luggage.

We get settled in and have to watch the little guy like a hawk. He eats like a horse and drinks a gallon of water ... we figure what goes in, must come out ... eventually. Damn! After just a few minutes he heads straight for the litter box and does his thing! That was easy! By now it's dinner time and we decide it's a bit early to leave him in the room by himself (we didn't want to get busted and thrown out on our first night!). Lynn goes down to one of the restaurants (there are 3-4 in the hotel) , grabs me a nice porter house steak with all the trimmings ... and we eat in the room!

That night, the "baby" sleeps on my chest or my pillow next to my face ... never more than 2" away from me. (Lynn says he has "abandonment issues") ;)

Saturday comes and he's been a pleasure and a ton of entertainment. We get more comfortable with leaving him in the room for short amounts of time, so we hop on the internet and find a Vietnamese restaurant in the neighborhood. We lock the "baby" in the bathroom and head out for a couple large bowls of Pho, then back to the room for the rest of the day. We settle in, the "baby" and I watch the Nationwide race on the tv and we basically spend the whole day in the room .. cancelling all our tentative plans ... but it was relaxing as well as entertaining.

The big question ... "WTF is the big attraction to my shoulders? This little guy (like the one above) practically LIVES on my shoulders! Anytime I get up, he climbs aboard for the ride. Here we are looking out of the sliding glass door in the room ... 'til he fell asleep. ;)

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Ok, by last night, we felt comfortable with leaving him in the room for a while, so we went downstairs for a nice dinner. We started with ceviche (raw scallops and snapper macerated in citrus juice for youse rednecks).


Then dinner. Lynn had a whole red snapper and I went for the swordfish.

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Then back to our room to find the kitten curled up sleeping, awaiting our return. I settled in to watch the race ... which was rained out, so I watched LAST year's race instead. The little guy curled up with me for the night and today we're making our plans on how to smuggle him back out of the hotel. We had plans for a nice lunch today, but we can't leave the little guy in the car, so it looks like it'll be "drive-thru" for lunch. :(

It appears I'll be shuttling another one in for a check-up, shots and neutering while Lynn burns up the phone trying to find some adoptive parents. As I've typed all this, guess who's purring away as he sleeps on my shoulder? ;)

Oh, and I may as well go ahead and get this out of the way now .... BITE ME!

07-06-2014, 11:06 AM
There are just NO words.... So I won't even start.
Trust me a bite me is in order for the comments floating around in my head!
You will NEVER have another man card.

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07-06-2014, 01:18 PM
As the Late, Great Louis Grizzard used to say..."I don't believe I'd have told that".

07-06-2014, 01:20 PM
God keeps giving you a gift and you keep finding another home for it.
That is was we call a "shoulder cat!"
You gave the first one away!
Hope you plan on keeping this one, but my guess is you will find it another home. :(

07-06-2014, 01:30 PM
Maybe he needs a parrot and an eye patch!

07-06-2014, 01:43 PM
Maybe he needs a parrot and an eye patch!

I personally think he needs a .22 pistol.

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quercus alba
07-06-2014, 02:04 PM
thump needs his mancard pulled. eating a fish with the head still attached

07-06-2014, 02:09 PM
OMG. He's starting to EAT like a cat too!

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07-06-2014, 02:27 PM
I got no words.. Even with the ammo shortage my method is cheaper..

Big Muddy
07-06-2014, 03:48 PM
SUCKER !!!!!!!!! :biggrin


07-06-2014, 04:14 PM
Gotta be low-T.


07-06-2014, 04:15 PM
Or more likely NO-T.


07-06-2014, 04:23 PM
Maybe he's really eating the damn things... we can hope.

07-06-2014, 05:30 PM
Or more likely NO-T. BKB

HAHAHAHAhahaha that's it Posty!

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07-06-2014, 05:47 PM
That is a seriously cute kitten, Jimbo. Not sure i could have said no. We should create a kitty talk forum. It'd get more traffic than the mystical fishing forum I've heard so much about.

07-06-2014, 07:43 PM
Heck Lenster, from what I can see here, this one thread has surpassed the month's input at the Fishing Forum! ;)

He's a lovable little guy. He just curled up in my lap for the whole drive home. We brought him in the house, he ate, drank, took a leak and curled up on the bed next to me for a nap while I searched for the Daytona race. He's the most mild-mannered cat I've ever seen. Didn't even get a bit nervous during the 3-hour car trip. (we didn't have a carrier with us)

Can't keep him ... we have 6 already and I've drawn the line (not that I wouldn't mind trading him for one we already have here ... but Lynn wouldn't have any part of that)! If it were up to her, we'd keep every one that came along, but it's a constant battle finding homes because people keep dumping cats at her hotel and as soon as an employee spots one, guess who they call? We have two portable traps here at the house and she keeps one of them in her trunk at all times (along with cat food and a bottle of water). Sometimes I feel like we have our own personal ASPCA here.

07-06-2014, 08:22 PM
Maybe he should have taken it to that Vietnamese restaurant. I'm sure they could have found some use for it.

07-06-2014, 08:29 PM
So Thumper I guess you FINALLY have made it to the pussy magnet you always wanted to be.... :D

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quercus alba
07-06-2014, 09:49 PM
I've always resisted the notion that Jim was gay, bi-curious maybe, but the evidence is starting to pile up in the favor of the prosecution. Thump you'd better post something masculine pretty quick.

07-06-2014, 10:17 PM
Pink pants Jimmy! Reach for the pink pants!

Uhhhh, wait a minute

Damn dude.. at least if you blow guys at the bus station you can make a few extra bucks.

Big Muddy
07-06-2014, 11:34 PM
Maybe he should have taken it to that Vietnamese restaurant. I'm sure they could have found some use for it.

Hahaha....reminds me of our old hot tamale man from my hometown childhood, Zollie Strickland....he was an old white guy, but lived across the tracks, in the colored section of town.

Every Saturday, he'd push his Yazoo big-wheel lawn mower all over town, with the motor removed, and replaced with a huge pressure cooker pot, full of his homemade hot tamales....5 cents each, and the best I ever ate !!!

The colored folks got to complaining to the town marshall that their cats were disappearing, and accused Mr. Zollie of using cat meat in his hot tamales....it never was proven, however, and Mr. Zollie died shortly, thereafter.

He lived with his sister, in an old dilapidated shack, which had an abandoned cistern in the back yard....shortly, after Mr. Zollie's death, she hired a handy man to start filling up the cistern with old broken bricks.

The story got out that the colored folks said, at night, they could hear the spirits of their pet cats, squalling from that old cistern.

07-07-2014, 09:06 AM
Well, I'll admit, I have eaten dog meat and it was pretty decent (didn't know what it was until afterwards), but I've never had cat meat (that I know of).

Heck, I wasn't even gonna mention this one, but I may as well add fuel to the fire. There have actually been THREE kittens we've placed in the last couple of months ... and the weird thing is, they ALL immediately bonded with ME for some silly reason. I mean, Lynn is probably one of the biggest cat lovers on earth and you wouldn't believe the lengths she goes to to rescue and place strays. I'll admit, "most" of the adult cats bond with her right from the get-go, but the kittens always end up never letting me out of their sight. Here's another from two months ago. We placed her with a couple we know and within a couple of weeks after adopting, they found out the husband's company was transferring him to Miami. We asked if they wanted us to take the kitten back and they said they wouldn't take a million dollars for her. Again, she was a total sweetheart and never left my side while we had her. This is where she slept every night. (So I'm a wuss ... BITE ME!!) ;)

Note: She looks very similar to the one we picked up this weekend.

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07-07-2014, 09:32 AM
Boy, something happened to you while you were "out of it"

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07-07-2014, 09:54 AM
I think it's called "30 years with Lynn". I gave up fighting it and found it's much easier to just "go with the flow". As long as she never makes me go into the kitchen for anything other than eating, I'll roll with it. Talk about a few around this joint who need to turn in their man card! :D

07-07-2014, 10:06 AM
eddie - the tamale thing reminds me of a little joint that was staple for us kids. Jerry's Hamburgers. He was ahead of his time - could have started Micky D's. Sold hamburgers for like - 5 for a dollar. Catch was, Jerry was a large scale trapper. He lived about a mile from the shop and if you checked behind his house in the wintertime it wasn't unusual to see a couple hundred mushrats (sic) , several dozen beaver and 25 coon skinned gutted and hanging from various lines. Ask Jerry if those went in the burger all he would ever answer was, "Did you ever have a bad hamburger at my place?" Still don't know to this day. Jerry's dead and his one living son ain't talking. ;)

07-07-2014, 10:21 AM
I see now that after all these years I've misunderstood Jim when he talked about being a magnet for young ...

07-07-2014, 10:23 AM
I think it's called "30 years with Lynn". I gave up fighting it and found it's much easier to just "go with the flow".

Dude... I worry about your intellectual capacity sometimes. The rest of us figured that out in 30 MINUTES.

07-07-2014, 10:32 AM
A thousand "Bite Me's" to youse dufes. We just decided to name him "Smokey". We rescued him at a BBQ joint we stopped at along the road. He crawled out of the wood pile by the smoker and he smelled STRONGLY of smoke. In fact, as soon as we checked into the Hyatt, we gave him a bath ... but he STILL smelled like smoke for a while. Plus, he's kind of a "smokey" color.

Here's where we found him ... a little hole in the wall on the way to the beach, Joe's BBQ. (I think he likes it here better ... he's laying on my desk napping). ;)


07-07-2014, 10:33 AM
Wow, there must've been one of those guys in every town. In my hometown, there was a small grocery store ran by a guy name Arlie. When he cut meat, most of his trimmings went into a pot that ended up being ground up and made into what we all called 'Arlie burgers'. It was actually a barbecue sandwich kind of like a sloppy joe but it had pork and chicken and beef parts in it that I doubt many of us would really want to know were in there. They were 20 cents apiece and the place was about five blocks from the junior high. We used to could walk over there, grab a couple of Arlie burgers and a coke and still get back to school for a few minutes of hanging out. Of course that's when junior high kids were seen all over town at school lunch hours and we didn't have closed campuses and all of that stuff.


07-07-2014, 10:56 AM
Yep, we had a place like that in h/s also. The name of the place was pretty simple, just "Herb's". If you were there at night for "curb service", you could buy beer and have it hand delivered to your car in a brown paper bag ... no ID required! ;)

But, during school lunch break, as soon as I'd walk in the place, I'd hit D-3 on the juke box and play my favorite new song at the time, Mony Mony by Tommy James and the Shondells.

<iframe width="854" height="510" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/pkMgs3lFwkQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

07-07-2014, 08:52 PM
For some odd reason I suddenly have an urge to go an look at a Nissan.

07-08-2014, 12:13 AM
Ha ha! Bite me Co9! (I have to admit, it took me a while to figure out WTF you were talking about) :D

BUT ... remember ... Len drives a Nissan and don't forget what he posted before he jumped ship and got all cocky like. ;)

That is a seriously cute kitten, Jimbo. Not sure I could have said no. We should create a kitty talk forum. It'd get more traffic than the mystical fishing forum I've heard so much about.