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07-28-2014, 09:51 AM
When I was stationed in Thailand, I spent most of my time at the 7th RRFS (7th Radio Research Field Station). The name of the unit was a cover for what we were doing ... but I guess it was some sort of feeble explanation for the humongous antenna we had there. Anyway, our shoulder patch (Ramasun Station) was a big #7 with a cobra and a lightning bolt. I chunked all of mine in the trash years ago. Dangit! This one (in pretty sad condition actually) just sold last month on The Bay for $100. Crap! I'm a frigging bozo! :(

Original Vietnam War 7th Radio Research Field Station Ramasun Thailand Patch



07-28-2014, 10:13 AM
I know what you mean. I've been looking for an old 'Waterwalker' Air Force tech control patch for a long time and haven't been able to locate one.



07-28-2014, 11:22 AM
I don't see a patch listed right now ... but they have a few of the pins listed.


07-28-2014, 10:04 PM
I traded one of my sub hats with my crypto insignia away at a bar once (for 5 random hats off the heads of random geezers). Still bitter about that-- that sub is now decommissioned and there won't be any more hats like that.

07-29-2014, 07:41 AM
I still have my ball cap from the carrier I was stationed on. It's in pretty sad shape these days. My 2nd class "crow" still has his wings bent....just the way I wore it back-in-the-day.

A little funny story. The carrier I was stationed on was nuclear powered. When I got to be a Short-Timer, I went down to the base exchange and found a glow-in-the-dark Duncan Yo-Yo. I took a label maker and printed out a label that read "Nuclear Short-Timer Yo-Yo". I carried that thing EVERYWHERE on the boat. To work, to chow, even to musters. I heard "Co-9 put that damned Yo-Yo away!!!!" more than once, that's for sure. But, as an E-5 with over 5 years of service.....they cut me a bit of slack.

When I was within about 6 months or so of the expiration of my enlistment, I took the E6 test(s). I passed, but they only advanced about a dozen or so Sailors in the entire NAVY for that cycle, and the next (which was just before I got out). The C.O. COULD have given me a "meritorious advancement" (that was not all that uncommon), but they didn't. Also....oddly enough....every month before I got out they were cutting down the SRB (Selective Re-enlistment Bonus) from $20K down to $0 just before I got out. It was like all of the forces of nature were yelling at me not to stay in.....and I would have re-enlisted had they advanced me to E-6 (1st Class Petty Officer). The reallllly weird part is that about 6 or 8 months after I'd gotten out, I got a letter from them saying that IF I'd come back in they'd give me E-6 and my choice of duty stations. BUT I had a life by that time, and was not about to go back.

I often wonder how different my life would have been if I'd gone ahead and stayed in the Service. Clearly though, that was not the path The Lord intended for me to follow.....I just didn't KNOW that at the time.

07-29-2014, 08:10 AM
Man, Niner, our stories are somewhat similar I guess. I had tested for E-5 right before I got out and had gotten promoted to e-4 'below the zone', so I had a shot at making staff sgt in a little over four years which would have been pretty good for that time. The VRB (variable re-enlistment bonus) was $10K the year before I got out and was down to zero by the time I got short. I took two months terminal leave and had found a job with MCI that was going to pay me a whopping $14,500 so I was thinking I was RICH RICH RICH. When I out processed they offered me BOP (base of preference) for an extended tour and I said no thanks. The $10K might have done it and I'd have ended up a lifer I think if I had done that. Man, am I glad I didn't take THAT deal.

I still have my 729th TCS hat and a TAC patch and a squadron patch around here somewhere but I'd sure like to have a tech control patch if I cold get my hands on one. They've folded my old AFSC (specialty code) into another career field so there ain't no more of us in active duty any more.


07-29-2014, 08:47 AM
Dang Postie ... talk about parallels! I was already an E-5 and we also had a $10,000 VRB (which was the max btw). I'd been offered an upgrade (E-5 to E-6 ... which amounted to a pay raise) as well as the $10,000 cash VRB (PLUS, I was getting separate rations and off-post housing allowances ... I lived in the local villages and only paid $25/month rent)!. After a bit of thought, I went in to see the re-enlistment NCO to talk about re-upping. The clerk informed me the NCO was on leave and wouldn't be back for a few more days, but he (the clerk) could go ahead and handle the necessary paperwork for me to sign. I told him there was no real rush, as I had about 6 months or so to go, so I'd just drop in at another time.

Just a day or two later, there was a notice posted on the bulletin board that the military had done away with the VRB (effective immediately) since we were pulling out of 'Nam and the military was down-sizing. DAMN! That made my decision for me ... if I'd signed "yesterday", I'd have been handed $10,000 cash PLUS a promotion ... if I sign today ... I simply get a promotion. I started planning my exit from the military from that point forward.

To be honest ... I have mixed emotions. I'd have made E-6 in under 4 years so I had a pretty good career going. I'd have been retired with full benefits and pay at 39 years old and the fact I was in the intelligence field, I pretty much had it made (it was more like I was "attached" to the Army instead of being "in" the Army). The only unknown was the fact that our unit was "absorbed" by the CIA a year after I got out ... so I'm not really sure what that would have meant for me. I assume that's why the patch above is so valuable ... the unit no longer exists.

I've often wondered what may have been ....