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View Full Version : Beef Prices

07-30-2014, 10:21 AM
Hooray to you cattlemen that held on to your stock when shit got really tough a few years back. Had to run to the store to get something for supper last night and looked at ribeye steaks. I mean plain old ribeyes, not cowboy cuts or prime ones. $14.99 a pound. Those were going for $5.99-$6.99 a pound just a coupe years ago. Hell, I can't hardly afford to eat beef very much any more. Still, I hope some of that is making it to the guy with the cows.


07-30-2014, 10:39 AM
I know it's crazy, I am sure glad I get my beef from Chris for way below market. I will say though last time I bought a whole ribeye from him for the 4th of July I had to pay $9.50 p/lb granted it was USDA choice. I used to pay about $7.80 for that.

07-30-2014, 11:32 AM
We are selling at insane prices right now.
6 weight yearlings are bringing better that 2 dollars a pound.
Old cows 10, and 11 years old not giving calves anymore are going for unheard of prices.
Never seen anything like this. Wish I had a zillion more right now.

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07-30-2014, 12:23 PM
Funny you mentioned that cause we have the same prices up here. I was talking to the Boss this morning and said that I don't care what it costs but I NEED a steak tonight. Sick to death of fish, chicken and pork, I want BEEF! Might have to take out a small loan but come hell or high water I'm eating a decent steak tonight.

07-30-2014, 01:22 PM
We have not been eating much beef for the past 4 or 5 years, if we do eat beef it's ground chuck.
Wife can't eat it, so neither do I. Chicken, pork and fish is our meat.
The few times I've ordered a nice steak at a restaurant I pay dearly for it at night, feels as if I have two pounds of lead in my system, can't sleep,very uncomfortable feeling.
I'll let you eat mine share.

07-30-2014, 01:45 PM
We don't eat near as much of it as we used to. Up until a few years ago, we had steak EVERY Friday night. Now its about once a month. We'll have a beef roast and much on the leftovers for a few days but thats about once a month too. any more, when I grill burgers I grill myself a braut burger and make beef patties for everyone else. So I hear ya. But I do get a hankerin' for a ribeye and a few cold beers once in a while and all the damned chickens in Arkansas won't make that hunger go away.

07-30-2014, 02:30 PM