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View Full Version : Not a Monster....but not bad for a Wednesday Bass.....

07-31-2014, 10:05 AM
My buddy from across the street called me up out of the blue yesterday and asked if I'd like to try a little fishing in the neighborhood lake. I said "heck yeah, I'll be right over". Got a few things together and jumped in my buggy and headed down to his dock....where he was just finishing getting the trolling motor hooked up in his Pond Prowler.

We fished around all of the neighborhood docks, and caught a few bass....mostly dinkers...and "yearlings". We also caught several nice bream on our UL rigs.

On what was gonna literally be the last cast of the day, I hooked into this guy.
Certainly not a "wall hanger" in these parts, but not a bad fish either. When I hooked him (her?) I thought I was hung on a log for a couple of seconds. Then the fight was on! Again.....not the biggest bass to come out of this lake...there are several 10#ers that have been caught and released here.....but this one did "put a stretch on my string" and was a nice fish to end the day on.


07-31-2014, 12:00 PM
That is a nice one... way to go!!

08-01-2014, 06:02 PM
That there's a dandy Niner! Bet that put a bend in your pole!

(I see you've taken to wearing a fishing vest. That Troy character must be rubbing off on ya)

08-02-2014, 08:29 AM
Funny you should mention the vest. I had been using one of those "tackle bags" about the size of a large lunch box that holds four of those clear/white plastic boxes. After I got back from Montana, I was unloading the vest (which I hadn't used in YEARS), when I thought that it just might be the ticket for the neighborhood lake.

The way our "subdivision" (for lack of a better word) is laid out, only the folks on the "lake side" of the road have access to the lake. Those of us on the "road side" have much larger lots (I'm on just over 5 acres), but we do not have "lake access". Well, in the past couple of months I have gotten permission from a couple of the neighbors to fish off of their docks. SO, I thought a grand idea would be to put a bag or two of Zoom worms in the vest, and a small box with a couple of Rapalas and some hooks & weights. Kindof a "bug out bag" for fishing. This way I can grab my pole, vest, walking sticks (and dove stool) and jump in the buggy and make my way from the neighbor's driveway down to their dock without carrying more weight than I should be given the condition of my spine. This way I won't be carrying a lot of stuff that I'm not going to be using and will save a lot on the weight that I am carrying.

This lake is a pretty sweet deal. It is right at 25 acres, and has VERY limited access....so very little pressure. And I'd say prolly 2/3 (maybe more) of the lakeside homeowners do not fish at all. Also, electric motors ONLY. Man, if a house on the lake came up for sale I'd have to seriously consider trying to make a move. And that's saying a LOT because I LOVE the place we are in now.

08-02-2014, 08:51 AM
A country boy can survive, eh Niner? I'm always on the lookout for a new tackle bag that I can grab and go like you're talking about. Right now I'm using a two sided bag that has a wallet on one side for plastics and the other side holds two of those 370 Plano boxes. When Keith and I fish in my jon or his plastic boat I can grab that and two spinning rods and my thermos and I'm all set. We call it going 'minimalist'. Keith, on the other hand brings forty elebbin rods and reels and an assortment of boxes and bags and coolers. Hell, he looks like a traveling medicine show. Of course I try to stay quiet about it so I don't hurt his feelings. He gets hurt bad enough when I out fish him.

I'm not sure if considering how much I sweat on hot days if I could wear a vest or not.


08-13-2014, 12:35 PM
On behalf of those who have fished with you being shirtless. We've all decided to chip in and get you a big ole vest. It'll be cool, we promise!

08-13-2014, 04:24 PM
Missed this post while away in Colorado, NICE bass there Niner!