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View Full Version : Good Folks! Good Deal!

08-05-2014, 02:52 PM
I know I've bragged on and on about Falcon fishing rods and how good a quality they are for the money. They're made right here close, in Broken Arrow, Ok and have been since they opened 25 years ago. This morning, Trav was telling me he and a buddy had gone down to their factory and swapped a broken rod for a brand new one for $50. Falcon used to have a lifetime, no questions asked full warranty but they just couldn't keep it up so now its like a five year warranty and it doesn't cover if you step on it, for example. The two Lowrider spinning rods I took in there today were both stepped on and had the tips broke off. I fess up and said I just want to see if they'd let me buy two ones at a discount. He told me he appreciated my honesty and gave me two brand new replacements for $60 total. That's $300 worth of fishing rods for $60 bucks. Now that's not service you will find just anywhere. And its kept me a Falcon Rod fan for a long long time to come.

And they are DAMN good rods too.


08-05-2014, 04:42 PM
I do the same thing with my pecker all the time. I wonder if I can get a new one? ;)

08-05-2014, 04:46 PM
Lynn already called and tried to get an upgrade, they kicked her out of the store.

BBP, did you ever get that loomis bronzeback rod? I wonder how they compare to the falcon? I'd give one a spin.

08-05-2014, 05:01 PM
Yeah, she's been wanting me to downsize for years ... but I just can't bring myself to change. I suppose I just gotta learn to quit stepping on it before I break the tip off. :(

08-05-2014, 06:00 PM
Len, I haven't popped for a GLoomis in a while. I have some baitcaster rods that are GLoomis. When I finally get that Ci4 Shimano I may get the Gloomis Bronzeback. That'll be quite a while though. This new AC unit set me back a bit on the discretionary spending!


08-05-2014, 07:28 PM
No low/no % interest monies from the power company?

08-05-2014, 07:51 PM
Got a $500 rebate right off the invoice. I'll bite and trust they didn't pad that inthe selling price. I've done business with these guys for 16 years and They've always given me good advice and showed up when I needed them. It's just a big bite. And the older I get the more like Jack Benny I get.