View Full Version : Hey Bwana

Big Skyz
08-06-2014, 11:36 PM
I just saw on my FB account that my friend Al Morris is going to be at the Scheels store in Bismarck on Friday and Saturday. He will be there representing Foxpro. Anyway if you have time, pop in and tell him hello from Troy Adams. That should surprise him a little. Plus, you might get to pick his brain a little about coyote hunting. There is a reason he is a 3 time world champion coyote caller. Da'Boy knows his stuff! That and he is a kick to talk to. I think you and your boys would enjoy meeting him.

08-07-2014, 09:00 AM
Thanks for the heads-up, I will have to make a point of getting down there to meet him.

Pretty impressive how you went from finally listening to a scrub-hunter like me about how fun coyote hunting is to actually hunting with a gent of his caliber. You move up the ranks quickly young Grasshopper. ;)