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08-21-2014, 07:08 PM
Another web site had a "show my your hat" thread..............and of course, I showed 'em my Edmonton, Canada hat that I got when we went to see Terry in 2010 and 2011. Seems so long ago........and only last week in other ways.

It was August, like it is now, and 111F here, when we were booking these trips. Sitting on that deck in Stony Plains, AB, it was 78 and windy and that big old cedar made the most wonderful wind noises. What an awesome guy to let me (and us) into his home and take us fishing. Johnboy too.

I know it's probably not going to be understood......but those were very literally the best two trips of my life.

Raising one to ya, TeeDub.
http://i279.photobucket.com/albums/kk131/Buck7088/Fishing%20Pics/hat_zpsbacda6f1.jpg (http://s279.photobucket.com/user/Buck7088/media/Fishing%20Pics/hat_zpsbacda6f1.jpg.html)

08-21-2014, 07:09 PM
The other hat.........Posthole bought me............and it says "Bite Me". He bought it at the place we got our license (I still have mine). I can't bear to wear it either.

Chicken Dinner
08-21-2014, 07:31 PM

08-21-2014, 07:43 PM
Very cool.
Wasn't it 2000 and 2001 though? If it was 2010 and 2011 od have weaseled my way in on that trip!

08-21-2014, 07:47 PM
Yep, ol' Bucky's off by a decade. I flew back on 9/10 - 9/11 ... got home in time to see the towers get hit and the borders close. Ol' Dubber missed having a long-term house guest by a matter of hours. I think I made three trips up there. The first one, I stayed a few days after everyone else left. I went up with The Supreme Dufus (Dave Estensen). He dropped off the planet after that .. don't know what ever happened to him.

08-21-2014, 07:56 PM
What was his handle on here?

08-21-2014, 07:56 PM
Speaking of hats .. I left mine in the side storage area of his boat on the "9/11" trip. We always went back and forth with that thing ... I'd accuse him of stealing it and he'd always say he was "saving" it for me and I was free to "come and get it" any time I wanted to. That went on for years. When I was in the hospital and awoke from a coma, I awoke to that hat on the bedside table in my hospital room. He'd mailed it back to me when I was sick.

Dang, I'm gettin' kinda choked up right now. Sure do miss ya' Dubber. :(

08-21-2014, 08:05 PM
I never met him face on but I talked to him many times over the phone. I was at the office and called him to give him a Thumper update and he told me the story if the Cap. So I gave him your address so he could mail it back to you.
I'm surprised the Post Office didn't loose it. :)

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08-21-2014, 08:09 PM
I will never forget the first time I met him. It was in the Sioux City, Iowa airport where we were meeting to go ice fishing, and here was this dufe sitting in the terminal with a big giant hockey bag. The first place we stopped was to buy a case of beer and it took us five hours to drive the 60 miles to get to the VFW in Lakefield, Mn where we were meeting our friends. (We managed to get very lost) Several hours later and many many drinks of brown liquor and we came into my buddy's house and Terry tripped over that hockey bag and did a full gainer into the coffee table. Carried a shiner all weekend.
what a good time that weekend was! Miss ya Terry!


08-21-2014, 08:09 PM
What was his handle on here?

Arty, I think way back in the day, he just went by Dave Estensen. (very few of us used monikers in the early days) I can't even remember the story now (Posthole probably will), but we started calling him the Supreme Dufus and I "think" he finally adopted that as his moniker here. He was from Minnesota.

08-21-2014, 08:13 PM
On that trip with Dave, I was whoopin' both their asses in the biggest Walleye competition. About 5 mins. before we were gonna head in and call it a weekend, ol' Dufus Dave caught a monster and edged me out. That fish was tagged too. He mailed the tag in and the fish cops sent him the history on that fish. I have pics around here someplace, but don't have 'em scanned.

08-21-2014, 08:14 PM
Yeah, I'm off. As always. Never ask an old person "when did that happen"?

He still had my needle nose pliers...........no way for me to get 'em back.

08-21-2014, 08:18 PM
Odd this thread got started. I was gonna start a similar thread in about 3 more weeks ... the "anniversary" of when the Dubber went to that big Walleye lake in the sky. Exactly 12 years to the day from the last time I saw him. :(

08-21-2014, 08:23 PM
Gene mentioned something to me about Tee Dub before I left for Canada and he was on my mind the whole time I was up there. It gave me many smiles to think of Terry and the stories he told me about moose hunting with his Dad and living in Sioux Narrows. We drive right through Sioux Narrows on the way to Dogtooth. there used to be a column at the end of every InFisherman magazine called 'North With doc' about a outfitter/pilot in Sioux Narrows and a bunch of guys who went up there every year on an annual fishing trip. Come to find out, Terry knew him!


08-21-2014, 08:31 PM
The first year I went up to visit with him, I stayed behind for a few days after everyone else went home. That's when I REALLY got to know ol' Terry. He was solid gold. His company was sponsoring a golf tournament while I was there and they put us in charge of the beer carts. We both had a golf cart loaded down with about 600 gallons of canned beer on ice. BIG MISTAKE!! Can you say "bumper cars" boys and girls? :D

08-21-2014, 08:36 PM
I'd love to go back up to the old house and take ONE step inside the back door with my shoes on ... just so I could say I walked on the new linoleum! I'll bet the old geezer would crack a smile. ;)

08-21-2014, 08:47 PM
He had a neat garage! There were some things on the wall I couldn't identify. One was a collapsible ice fishing house.

The other? I said What's that?

Terry said "Well, that's my retirement indicator".

I said "say WHAT?"

He said "those are the items I'm going to strap onto the top my Jeep when I retire. I'm going to then drive South. The FIRST place I stop and they say 'What the heck are those things?', that's where I'm gonna retire.

They were snowshoes. Onliest pair I ever saw.