View Full Version : Sorta hardcore

09-20-2014, 07:51 AM
Makes you think when A good friend a couple of years younger goes through something like this. I guess he's ready to start making things public a little now.

09-20-2014, 11:55 AM
My Dad had a major stroke and very crude brain surgery in 1955. He told me that when he woke up after two months in a coma he was like an infant and had to relearn literally everything that makes us an adult human from the ground up: speaking, walking, thinking, talking, and yes potty training. It was his bad luck that his stroke happened when we didn't really have much belief in medical circles that stroke victims can recover to the extent that they do today. So they got him to a marginal state of existence and then he was on his own. But the saddest of all is that most people don't realize that the same person is still inside that head, and at times the frustration is as devastating as the stroke itself.

It takes a tremendous amount of character to come all the way back from something like that. I wish Randy Travis all the success and best good vibes I can. Good job!