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10-04-2014, 02:14 PM
I talk to a couple Mississippi squirrel hunters online and they've mentioned they have more feral hogs than ever before. You bothered there? I liked hunting them but damn glad we wiped our 'invasion" out. We don't need them.

10-04-2014, 03:00 PM
Eddie? Heck, they are all over the South. Tearing up the world. Trouble is, they are not "game animals" here, so AGFC doesn't regulate them. Hunt them year round if you want. Night or day. Helicopters, whatever. BUT.....it's spawned a whole breed of "Hog Hunters" who dislike deer and deer hunters and who will stop at nothing to proliferate their sport.

Sad stuff.

https://www.google.com/search?q=where+are+feral+hogs?&client=firefox-a&hs=z1q&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=sb&tbm=isch&imgil=L3wF9tbMukFHBM%253A%253B9ZAeI57hRkUyFM%253Bh ttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.extension.iastate.edu% 25252Fforestry%25252Fresearch%25252Fferal_hogs%252 52Fferalhogs.html&source=iu&pf=m&fir=L3wF9tbMukFHBM%253A%252C9ZAeI57hRkUyFM%252C_&usg=__jkxKU1nv930WqY7iMxdwv3U5O9c%3D&biw=1280&bih=565&ved=0CFAQyjc&ei=TkMwVK_SGI-yyATB4YHoDg#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=L3wF9tbMukFHBM%253A%3B9ZAeI57hRkUyFM%3Bhttp% 253A%252F%252Fwww.extension.iastate.edu%252Fforest ry%252Fresearch%252Fferal_hogs%252Fimages%252Ffh.m ap04us.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.extension.iast ate.edu%252Fforestry%252Fresearch%252Fferal_hogs%2 52Fferalhogs.html%3B410%3B276

This is a cool map. It shows that they are in California but stop right on the eastern border!!! Amazingly smart animals! ha.

10-04-2014, 03:03 PM





People that buy them, guess where they sell them? Recent legislation here prohibits transporting live hogs. It's ignored about like the speeding laws. Hog Hunters invest thousands in their dogs and will shoot anyone trying to stop them.

10-04-2014, 03:20 PM
yeah - I'm familiar with the whole hog problem. I hunted doves in eddie's area a few years ago and just wondered if they were a problem there (in that particular area). We had an idiot release two batches (50 each of small pigs) here from out Posthole's way. Part of the first batch got litters pulled off before anyone really caught on. Local guys went to work on them and we managed to get every last one. Took about two years to the day. First two I killed were sows with 5 pigs each. Two years later (as it was winding down) I killed two young boars. That winter, some buddies of mine got into them deer hunting and killed 11. Near as we can tell, another friend hunted down the last 8 in the snow over a 10 day period. Asshole was supposed to call me when he started. ;) We danged near had a mess on our hands.

Big Muddy
10-04-2014, 04:34 PM
So far, they have not migrated onto my farm, but they have gotten so bad on many of the river bottoms and other areas of the state that the extension service at MS State Univ. has hired two hog specialists to educate farmers, landowners, and the general public on eradication procedures.

A few years ago, an old neighbor of mine had eleven of his hogs escape to the woods....they started tearing up my rice field levees, wasting my irrigation water....I warned him that if he didn't round them up, I was gonna kill them, so they couldn't multiply and go wild....to which, he said that was fine, but only if I skinned them, and brought him the meat....to which, I said, gladly, if he would pay me for my damaged rice levees....that quieted him down.

A buddy and I set out some corn feeders, and in three days, we managed to kill all of them....I did take my neighbor some of the meat....but, not all of it....I made some fantastic sausage that year. ;)