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View Full Version : Speaking of Roto Tillers....

10-11-2014, 07:41 AM
As usual, I'm late again this year getting my food plots in down at The Farm.
Last weekend the stars aligned (and my pain level was down to about a 1), and we went down for the first time in a while.

It is amazing how high weeds and grasses will get when left uncut for most of a wet summer!!!

Di's tractor had the finish mower connected....as it ALWAYS does. Mine had the 5ft roto-tiller attached. It took a while to get mine cranked (needs a new battery I think), so I didn't really want to take a lot of time taking it off and connecting the bush hog.

SO, we decided that Di would mow the driveway and around the gate and I would see how the tiller would do against five foot high weeds.

I drove down to the first plot engaged the PTO. Lowered the tiller. And proceeded in first gear/low range. To my amazement, the tiller chopped up the stuff and left a nice, fine powdery dirt trail behind.

I'm "only" going to do three plots this year. Prolly about 2.5 to 3 acres I'd guess. I got most of it done last Sunday. I've got one more to do ( the largest). Weather permitting, the plan is to go down and till the last one, and get everything planted tomorrow. Got a teenie chance of rain next week.

Planting oats, plus I got several bags of "plot seeds" on clearance at the Walmart last year. I've had them in the fridge in the basement ever since. I hope they are still viable. Lots of wheat, peas, rape, and chickory. We'll see how it does.

10-11-2014, 08:44 AM
Got mine in the week of Labor Day. I plant a mixture of brassica's, the deer really love it especially after the first frost when the sugar does up into the leaves. I've got pictures on my game cam of deer chompin down on it while a pile of shelled corn and apples sits idle. I had a soil test done when I bought the place and had tooo pit on 5 tons of lime tooo bring the PH in line. Have you done a soil test on yours???

Big Muddy
10-11-2014, 08:46 AM
None of my bidness, Niner, but I'd do a germination test on that plot seed from the freezer, just in case....some of these, supposedly, super genetic plot seeds aren't real hardly, after being stored....really simple to do.

Onto a dinner plate, just fold a paper towel in half, and wet it down....sprinkle a few of your plot seeds onto it, then place another folded wet paper towel on top.

Place plate near a sunny inside window, and keep the towels moist....if the seeds are viable, they'll germinate in just a few days.

10-11-2014, 09:32 AM
Darned good idea Eddie. Wish I'd have thought about that earlier this week when I was taking inventory.