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View Full Version : Dang....ebola might be close to home

Big Muddy
10-18-2014, 08:21 AM
Late last night, a man from Lake Village, Ark. went to the emergency room, complaining of flu-like symptoms....he had just returned from West Africa....he was air-lifted to Little Rock for further treatment and testing....this sheeit is getting scary.
We are at the lakehouse this weekend, which is right across the lake from the hospital....needless to say, we will NOT be eating Sunday lunch in Lake Village.

10-18-2014, 10:24 AM
Good thing Bucky has gone to camp or he would be running circles worrying. :D

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Big Skyz
10-18-2014, 12:27 PM
A little perspective here folks. The total population of the two countries in western Africa that are the center of this whole ebola disease is 10,000,000 people. Of that, less than ten thousand have been diagnosed with the disease. So even where it is at its worst, less than 1% have ebola. In the USA we have a population of 318,929,000 people, of which, a grand total of 1 person has died of ebola and two possibly three people have been diagnosed with it. So the odds of getting ebola here are literally so miniscule as to nearly be unmeasurable. You run a higher risk of being killed by an automobile accident on the way to KFC than you do getting ebola in the US. The flu kills 36,000 people a year in the U.S. each year. That is nearly four times more people dying of the flu right here in the good old USA, than all of the folks in western Africa that have ebola. Of the people that frequent this site I think it's safe to say that none of us will ever get ebola. However, a very high percentage of us will die from heart disease, cancer, or some type of accident. Of all the things I'm going to worry about today, for me and my children, ebola isn't going to be one of them.

10-18-2014, 06:58 PM
More yellow journalism. Note the original headline says 'Hospital locked down'. that had no basis in fact. The guy had no symptoms. He simply had traveled from Africa and wanted to be test to make sure.

Channel 7 News has learned the patient in question is a male patient who had traveled from West Africa. He wanted to make sure he did not have Ebola, so the hospital tested him for symptoms because of his recent travel.

The hospital said they were never on lockdown, but said they had instead "isolated the patient" as a precaution.

The hospital is operating as normal and is not releasing any more details because of HIPAA privacy rules.

UPDATE (2:10 p.m.):

A spokeswoman for the Arkansas Department of Health has released the following statement:

"The patient of concern at the Clinton hospital has been cleared as a possible Ebola patient. There are no suspect or confirmed Ebola cases in Arkansas. The hospital has consulted with ADH and the CDC, as a precaution, and the patient is at no risk for Ebola."

Big Muddy
10-18-2014, 08:07 PM
Our local news is reporting that his tests were negative for Ebola, and that he did have flu-like symptoms, and that he was being treated for avian flu....but, they could be wrong.