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10-22-2014, 09:51 PM

10-22-2014, 11:57 PM
You're real lucky actually. I saw the same persact thing happen years back when I was doing a job at a customer's house. In fact, it was a Ford Exploder. The guy had gone to Home Depot and bought a bunch of fertilizer. He backed into the driveway and opened the back glass to unload the big sacks into the garage. After a sack or two, it started to rain, so he jumped in the truck to back it under the door so he could finish unloading. CRASH! The open back glass hit the garage door and exploded like it had been hit with a hand grenade! I turned just in time to see it hit, but didn't have time to shout. Man-o-man, he was SUPER pissed at himself for doing something so stupid. In the rush, he simply didn't think about it. One'a those "out'ta sight, out'ta mind" sorta things.

So ... count your blessings ... it could have been a LOT worse!

10-23-2014, 09:29 AM

Careful. Squirrels are gonna get in there!

10-23-2014, 09:36 AM
Its that kind of stuff that makes you want to pull out your hair sometimes.