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View Full Version : Downer of a Day

10-31-2014, 06:01 PM
This is one of the most depressing days of the year for me. It's hard to keep it together, truth be told.

Wife is gone to Colorado, I'm here alone till Monday. It's Halloween. We have NO kiddo's in this remote neighborhood. No one has rung our doorbell in about 8 years. Even then it was rare.

My grandkids are far flung and I don't get to see them. Friend of mine just called, he was headed to honor his granddaughter's request that "Poppy come take me trick or treating". I'm very happy for him, it's his only grandchild.

Had a 'run in' with my drunk brother first thing this morning......he'd been out for 3 days on a binge. That situation is not going to end well.

So, I'll sit and flip through TV channels till 8:30 or so, and shuffle off to bed.

Not looking for sympathy......life is great in many ways. Tomorrow will be lots better.

But today is one major downer for me.

10-31-2014, 06:10 PM
I loved Halloween as a kid, but absolutely despise it these days ... have for 30+ years actually. I guess I'm a total curmudgeon when it comes to Halloween. I leave all my outside lights off on Halloween night, but the little rugrats start ringing the bell and hollering "trick or treat" before dark these days. Leave me the "F" alone ... I'm busy eating supper, working on the computer or watching TV ... I don't want to have to jump up and run to the door every 5 minutes to see a bunch'o little gremlins standing on my porch. Lynn's the same ... we usually leave town on Halloween and were supposed to leave for the beach today, but her work piled up so much, she went in today and we're leaving in the morning instead. Bah Humbug! No wait ... that's the next holiday I hate! ;)

quercus alba
10-31-2014, 06:23 PM
you're only three hours from me Bucky, and my wife is leaving in the morning. If you leave now you can be here by nine. You can help me put up a stand in the morning and three feeders then watch the Hogs play while a big pot of soup simmers. Church Sunday and then a nice lunch. I promise you'll be rejuvenated

10-31-2014, 06:26 PM
Drag Bucky into a church on Sunday and it's libel to be struck by lightning. Once the collection plate starts making the rounds, he'll be out'ta there in a flash! ;)

10-31-2014, 07:16 PM
I'm there every Sunday, Thump.

Texted my ex daughter in law to see if she'd send a pic of the youngest grandson's halloween costume, but no reply.

Vince, that's very tempting. But with the wife out of town, I need to stay close to home to make sure Mother is ok around here. I do appreciate it.

10-31-2014, 07:17 PM
Well, I've seen TWO kids from the neighborhood so far ... the other 20 or so have been from other neighborhoods. There has been a train of cars coming into the neighborhood (one way in & out) ... they park, unload the kids, the kids run from door to door getting their treats, then jump back in the car and they move on the the next neighborhood. It's REAL close to dark now ... my o/s lights are off and Lynn almost has supper ready. I'm shuttin' 'er down for the night.

10-31-2014, 07:24 PM
Totally different, #2 son lives in town, about 8 square blocks surrounded on two sides by busy streets, and two other sides by larger lots in a wooded section.
His neighborhood has sidewalks, lighted corners and sort of upper middle class folks with lots of kids. Neighborhood elementary school is a block away.
Every years he invites a lot of his friends over that live out more in the country, puts on the chili, hotdogs and lots of other snacks. We go over and handle the trick or treaters that come to the door while his friends and their families make the rounds.
T&T runs from 4-7PM, we had over 250 kids stop by, all with their parents out on the side walk, most parents were dressed in costumes also, very social, just #2 friends made up 18 kids, fun night even if it was spitting snow and strong winds.

10-31-2014, 07:29 PM
We just had our first trick or treater of the evening and in another hour the minivans will be pulling up and emptying out like clown cars in front of the house. I still enjoy the younguns and look forward to talking to all the little ones especially. We get a lot of kids from all over town and since there's a lot of country kids close by they bring theirs to my neighborhood too.

Kribbs when did you turn into such an old bastard? you remind me of the old fuckers that we used to play pranks on. There was a guy we called Luke the Spook that was an old curmudgeon like you and we used to throw gravels on his tin roof just to make him holler.


10-31-2014, 09:43 PM
Sorry Bucky. I try to do something just for myfineself on those kinda days. Even if it's just a little thing. Being nice to yourself is a good thing.

10-31-2014, 09:43 PM
I can't believe I just lofted that softball right down the middle. It wasn't intentional.

10-31-2014, 10:44 PM
Curmudgeon, all of ya. We probably had 300 kids by here tonight and we handed out a hundred bucks worth of candy. Every one of them were smiling and every one of them said thank you and I hope we made a boat payment for our local dentist. Not a bit of property damage and I was impressed with how polite the parents were.

I think the outcome of something like this is what you make it. Being around that many little kids having a good time always leaves me feeling better about the world.


10-31-2014, 11:03 PM

10-31-2014, 11:51 PM
Wait till some teen or middle schooler does something to your property, when you've done nothing to them.
Then we shall see if you sing a different tune.

10-31-2014, 11:54 PM
Never had any problems with damage, etc. I just don't like rugrats! ;)

I will say I got a bit tickled at one little girl. She was dressed as an angel. Her parents were waiting in the mini-van (like Posty's neighborhood I guess) and I asked her if she was an angel all year long, or just on Halloween. She thought about it a second or two, then said, "I think just on Halloween". I have to admit I got a kick out of that ... not sure she totally understood what I was fishing for, but I liked her answer. I have no problem with the kids themselves ... I simply don't want to waste my night running back and forth to the door. I'm not really a kid person ... a big reason why I had a vasectomy way back in the 80's ... just in case. ;)

I will admit ... on Halloween, I'm a curmudgeon ... it's just not my thing.

11-01-2014, 10:10 AM
Curmudgeon, all of ya. We probably had 300 kids by here tonight and we handed out a hundred bucks worth of candy. Every one of them were smiling and every one of them said thank you and I hope we made a boat payment for our local dentist. Not a bit of property damage and I was impressed with how polite the parents were.

I think the outcome of something like this is what you make it. Being around that many little kids having a good time always leaves me feeling better about the world.


100% agree with Posthole. I missed it terribly. Last night was a tough, tough night.

And I also am danged sick of being called a Curmudgeon by chartered members of the National Curmudgeon and Hypocrite Society.

Big Muddy
11-01-2014, 10:27 AM
Awww, come on, Bucky, pick your lip up off the floor....count your blessings, and get busy living....I read an article, just yesterday, that even mild depression is directly linked to the onset of Alzheimer's, and I'm sure you don't wanna catch that sheeit, do ya??? ;)

And, we live so far out in the boonies, we NEVER have trick or treaters....the grandkids have to go to town to trick or treat with their friends. ;)

11-01-2014, 10:30 AM
Um....Thump's being a curmudgeonly old gripe, and I'm wishing for little kids, and it's ME that you get on?? Come on, man........hit on Thump some! He needs it more'n I do! :smileinbox

And I live in the city limits in a subdivision!

Besides, I'm sure I've already got it. I can't remember nuthin'........even in mid sentence.

Oh, and I am living. I spent 10 days at deer camp, I went fishing two days out of the last three (caught 3!!!) and am headed back to camp next week after Mama comes home. What more do you want me to do???

Big Muddy
11-01-2014, 10:56 AM
Well, you DID make this initial post, titled "Downer of A Day"....just trying to give you a little boost, and jump-start yo big azz. ;)

11-01-2014, 11:01 AM
Two parts of me are NOT big.

My "azz" is one of the two.

11-01-2014, 11:46 AM
Curmudgeon, all of ya. We probably had 300 kids by here tonight and we handed out a hundred bucks worth of candy. Every one of them were smiling and every one of them said thank you and I hope we made a boat payment for our local dentist. Not a bit of property damage and I was impressed with how polite the parents were. I think the outcome of something like this is what you make it. Being around that many little kids having a good time always leaves me feeling better about the world. BKB
I wouldn't doubt that one bit. I mean your state is almost solid republicans so it only make sense the kids are nice and thankful... :D

11-01-2014, 02:29 PM

11-01-2014, 02:35 PM
Don't encourage him Bucky.


11-01-2014, 02:46 PM
Geez. He's my onliest ally that 'talks'!!!