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11-06-2014, 01:11 PM
I got notified this morning that I am 'being impacted by a Reduction in Force', which is a fancy way of saying I am getting my pink slip. We've been preparing against this day for many years so no worries about me please. I just got off the phone with Birddog to let him know about it and he said 'Sorry, and congratulations!' which I think is about the closest I can say is the way I feel about it too. I had a glimmer of hope that I'd be able to call my own shot whenever I finally decided it was time but that's really the only thing to be sorry about. My honest to God biggest feeling right now is one of relief. Kinda feels like there was an invisible weight there that ain't any more. that's why I said, 'This is weird'.

I worked on my first telecom circuit in 1975, damn near 40 years ago. I was lucky enough to see technology change and keep up with (prolly proud of that most of all) and a few times even make impacts that were felt across my part of the industry. Its been a great career. I'd be lying if I said I have had much fun at it the last ten years or so. It kind of feels like I spent 30 years helping build a business and then spent the last 10 years tearing it apart. We got a letter the other day from our Chairman describing our third quarter results. In the letter he lists three things that he said were our most important assets for success: Our network, our systems, and our technology. Flash back to 1979 when I attend a training class for a startup company I'd went to work for called MCI. The President and the Chairman of the company came to the class and talked to us new hires for about an hour. Just sat down at a table with us and looked us in the eye and told us "The number one resource in this company is our people". When those values changed is the point in my career when I stopped having fun working hard.
So I guess that's the part that's the weight off my shoulders.

Now its time to come up with a new plan. We're pretty well prepared financially I think and at the risk of being overconfident I do know there'll have to be some changes made in how we live our life. I still hope to get to dive every year but prolly no more two weekers in the Caribbean. But who knows? Sure was fun though while it lasted! I don't know if I'll work at something else or not. Prolly will. Maybe not though.

Now maybe I can grow my hair long and .......wait, what?


Chicken Dinner
11-06-2014, 01:23 PM
Congratulations in deed! I hope you'll still have gas money to come east for a little fishing or hunting.

11-06-2014, 01:24 PM
BBP - You have a career to be proud of for sure. Not only for the changes you've made in the industry but, I think, more importantly the people you've impacted. You were a great mentor and boss of mine, and I know many others. In my opinion that is the legacy you leave the young people that are now active contributors to this industry.

And in my opinion you're already saving money, not wasting any cash on haircuts these days!

Chicken Dinner
11-06-2014, 01:25 PM
And, any company that doesn't think its people are one of its three biggest assets and is short sighted enough to put it in writing doesn't have much of a future. Wowzers...

11-06-2014, 01:27 PM
Hahaha thanks Boh! Gotta cut corners anywhere I can ya know!


11-06-2014, 01:31 PM
And, any company that doesn't think its people are one of its three biggest assets and is short sighted enough to put it in writing doesn't have much of a future. Wowzers...

I think that is a direct result of the core of the company coming from a unionized environment. I don't think any company with an antagonistic relationship with its worker base would list their people as their biggest asset. Despite what unions may have done that was ever good, and that's very debatable, I think that those values are a product of that environment. Its not just Verizon, its a lot of places. My offshoring experiences in Buenos Aires and Manila changed me forever as far as how I look at corporate values.



quercus alba
11-06-2014, 01:44 PM
I understand Walmart is hiring

11-06-2014, 01:48 PM
I can completely and totally relate, my friend. When I got laid off two years ago, the very first feeling/emotion I felt was "Oh thanks sweet Jesus lord in heaven for releasing me from this!" THen I got a little worried and got my plan together but that relief was real and it was a beautiful thing. May you continue to feel that for a long ass time!

And now, if you feel like it, you can get a job doing anything you please, or fish, or anydamnthingelse you feel like doing.

Congratulations on your next chapter!

Maybe Julie could hire you as a stock boy or something?

11-06-2014, 01:54 PM
She said she only hires young swarthy and svelte stock boys.

I am going to have to produce some income I believe but I am going to keep an open mind about how I'm gonna produce it. The picking thing that Thumper does for example is from I can see something that'd be a fun thing to do. And its not like I need to produce a lot of income either. I really don't wanna work for 'the man'. Been there done that, got the cast iron underwear. I need a job as a full time curmudgeon. Maybe I'll become a barber and open a barber shop. Owasso needs a barber with a pony tail.


11-06-2014, 01:57 PM
Three of my favorite Barry Learning Moments were:

1) The MCI / WorldCom Merger - We were growing like crazy literally hiring in 15 new people a week to try and build a provisioning organization. I can't remember exactly but Barry must of had 200 or more people at the time. We were talking at the time and he said "I'm ashamed that when I walk on the floor I don't know everyone by name" I was shocked. Why would you know everyone we were a huge organization and new people were being added daily. It took time but it finally sank in. The job we did was always second, connect with the people was first. Its not something I've always been good at but have tried more because of that day.

2) Focus on your strengths - I've always been notoriously poorly organized. Not good with meeting notes, and those are the ones that I remember to get to. One day I was talking to Barry about how I really needed to fix a lot of my own short comings. I can't remember the verbatim words but he basically said " you should focus on the things you're really good at, leveraging those will help you more. It wasn't really a don't try and improve, but make sure you are using the skills that got you here. I've used this the rest of my career. I always try and remember some things are ingrained, and hard to change but there are things I do really well and those can have immediate impact.

3) Insight - The last one is just funny and gave me insight into Barry's management style. He had 3 senior managers, me and two ladies. The ladies use to love to argue about things. I would always just sit back, never, speak up, and let them go at it. It was the perfect situation for me they're creating the drama and I'm not pulled in. Great! After a while Barry pulls me aside and says "I see what you're doing". That was all I really needed to hear to know he was watching. Barry had a great management style, he let his group work through problems making them better employees, without a lot of micromanagement; but, he was always observing and directing.

Next time I'm in town Barry we'll have to put down some whiskey to some great years!

11-06-2014, 01:57 PM
Hey! There's always eBay and estate sales! ;)

Seriously, I can totally relate to everything you've said above ... been there, done that ... more than once! I know you'll be fine ... you're at the point it's not devastating news, but you're a survivor who can accomplish whatever you want.

11-06-2014, 01:58 PM
Sorry and Congratulations. ;) Bet you're like me and will wonder how you ever had time to work.. and not like my buddy who sits on the couch and talks about how much he liked hunting and fishing..

11-06-2014, 01:58 PM
Well dang! You posted about "picking" while I was typing! ;)

11-06-2014, 02:04 PM
Dang, thank you Boh for those words. Its that part of my career that I'm most proud of. I always thought that if a person managed that way it would work. I was gratified with how it worked out then and it's cool to hear that feedback from you now.


11-06-2014, 02:12 PM
If I had your number I'd call you.........like I did in 1997 when I got riff'ed. You wuz first one. I have NO idea why! :)

You do seem to be taking it well. I cried like a little girl.

But............you should have enough to get by. How old are ya? You might sue 'em for age discrimination. I wished I'd have pitched a bigger fit when I walked out.....I regret that. I shoulda made 'em nervous and told 'em what my boss called me, and all that. But I took the high road. Like a little devil, I've regretted that. ha.

Now you and Keith can fish every day. And maybe you MIGHT find time next year to come fish with me. Or you can come by here on the way to Cappy's and we'll go visit.

Those are the upsides. You're a PP........Positive Person.......so there's the positives.

If you need a loan..........just ask................cappy.

Call if you need me.

11-06-2014, 02:14 PM
And you DO know that it was High Karma that Bernie and Bill didn't make the merger happen, or you might have been working for me, dontcha?


11-06-2014, 02:26 PM
I don't know if I ever told you but I actually worked on that deal several months ahead of it ever being talked about publically. Went up to 'the campus' in Kansas City several times. I think we did talk about it because you knew the director I was working with up there. It actually got down to the systems and processes and everything before it died.

and thanks for those kind words too. I do remember those calls very well too!


11-06-2014, 02:31 PM
Dang Barry I'm just now reading this and getting caught up. Congratulations and I mean that seriously. You will hate you did not get out sooner. I know this might not be exactly when and how but trust me you will find out you actually worked too long!
You will fill your time and like me you will begin to wonder how you ever had time to work.
I still think me and you should take a month and drive up to Alaska. I bet all kinds of lies could be told between here and there.

11-06-2014, 02:33 PM
And what is Shawnna gonna do with out you there to not pass on phone messages too?

11-06-2014, 02:34 PM

I'd love to hunt out there one day. For the scenery if nothing else.

11-06-2014, 02:35 PM
Thanks Larke. And that trip has never been taken off my bucket list that's for sure. I think we oughta do our homework and find out what kind of motor home, boat, and trucks would sell for the most up in alaska and then buy them here, get a group of four or five guys together and pull them sumbitches up the Al-Can highway and fish all the way up, and then when we get ready to come home, sell all that shit and fly home. I'll bet you could do it for real cheap and would come damn close from breaking even.


11-06-2014, 02:36 PM
And what is Shawana gonna do with out you there to not pass on phone messages too?

Ha. Posty's gonna have to go out and buy his own phone.

I betcha he calls you before he calls me. But I don't betcha much.

11-06-2014, 02:38 PM
Now that I'm unemployed I'm getting me an Obamaphone.


11-06-2014, 02:42 PM
Haste is recommended.

11-06-2014, 02:43 PM
Thanks Larke. And that trip has never been taken off my bucket list that's for sure. I think we oughta do our homework and find out what kind of motor home, boat, and trucks would sell for the most up in alaska and then buy them here, get a group of four or five guys together and pull them sumbitches up the Al-Can highway and fish all the way up, and then when we get ready to come home, sell all that shit and fly home. I'll bet you could do it for real cheap and would come damn close from breaking even. BKB

I'd be on that like white on rice. Never been in a airplane but there's s first time for everything. Fishing all the way up would be heaven.

11-06-2014, 02:43 PM
Being nosy............did you get a semi-decent package?

11-06-2014, 02:50 PM
Oh yeah. Real good. One of my fears was that when it finally happened it'd be after they changed the severance policy. Its still one of the best. Changes to severance have been rumored for the last few years but nothing has been done yet. We have some debt, hell I just bought a new truck and for the first time in about five vehicles I didn't pay cash for it, so I have a truck payment. There's some other stuff too, but I think we can get real liquid real fast and then see what we need to do from an income standpoint. I have a while to sort through that plan. Probably will take off in a week or so from actual working and spend until after the first of the year looking at stuff. This might or might not be a huge tax hit if it all has to be taken at the end of this year. I'm hoping I can defer some of it until 2015. Might sell the house, might not. I have a shitpot of equity but don't know if I need it or not yet. We'll see. In meantime I might actually go down to the ancestral stomping grounds and put the hurt on a deer or so.

11-06-2014, 02:51 PM
You're welcome to come over and hunt with me.........I'm around for 5 weeks hunting...

Course, you'd have to call me, so..........I guess that's out. :smash

11-06-2014, 02:54 PM
Hahaha, Bucky don't feel picked on. I don't talk to ANYONE on the phone. Maybe that'll change now. But after spending damn near 7 or 8 hours a day talking on the phone or listening on the phone, there ain't nobody gonna get me on the Gentner these days.

That's what Shonna is for anyway.


11-06-2014, 02:55 PM
One of the things my dad did after retirement was crop adjusting...seems like you might like that BBP. Out in the country talking with the farmers...I know he enjoyed doing it.

11-06-2014, 02:58 PM
That's interesting. We'll have to talk about that. As old Pat McManus used to say, I know the difference between a Hunker and a Squat so I might be good at that.


11-06-2014, 02:59 PM
I'll throw my hat in the ring for that Alaska trip. Give me a bit of lead time so I can buckle down on my eBay biz to prepare! I've sold all my guns ... but I still have my Wally World specials to do some fishing with! ;)

11-06-2014, 02:59 PM
Shoot, I typed a whole buncha stuff and lost it. Anyway, the gist was "congratulations!" and you will love being retired or even semi-retired if you want to work a bit. I made the decision to get out of the corporate bullshit many years ago and have not ever regretted it one bit.

11-06-2014, 03:01 PM
I have always given you grief about the phone..........but little do you know.........

I have a total phone phobia. My kids hate me, my wife hates me..........I will not call anyone. I HATE talking on the phone usually. If it's a friend, and we're talking fishing, or hunting, that's ok. But the phone gives me nightmares. I scream when the phone rings in the house. My wife literally wants to strangle me over it. She says "Chill!! People call us, deal with it". I cannot. I don't want my phone to ring, ever. I don't mind calling you!!! But if you want to talk to me, text me. If you must call, at least text me first and tell me you're calling! :)

I spent so many years with that phone meaning one thing.............that somebody somewhere was gonna demand that I perform miracles and get them the impossible, really fast. Truth is, I did. And so did you. Not many nowadays do.

So I don't really feel picked on.

BUT, I would like to have your private, secret cell number sometime.......just in case I want to send you a picture of something neat, or need info on where to camp in Oklahoma, or how to find Trav to get some elk meat. Something important.

11-06-2014, 03:02 PM
I'll throw my hat in the ring for that Alaska trip. Give me a bit of lead time so I can buckle down on my eBay biz to prepare! I've sold all my guns ... but I still have my Wally World specials to do some fishing with! ;)


I was wanting to go, but...........now, well.............:)

11-06-2014, 03:05 PM
Consider this just another chapter in your life, may it be 4 or 44.
With your background it seems natural to become a Consultant, you must have a thousand people in your network over the years.
Take on the jobs you want, pass on those you don't, work just enough months to meet your needs, enjoy the time off between gigs.
Start a part time band, enter fishing contests, shoot the balls of more game.
You're in the stage of your life where you can still do this, no kids to support, somewhat financially stable and still healthy.
Take this opportunity to review your life and decide the new direction it should take.
Good luck.

11-06-2014, 03:08 PM
Bucky, my wife and I have the opposite phone phobias. I won't answer one. She can't stand to let a phone ring and answers every call. The Association for Collecting Money For Little Kids Who Were Whipped With Switches and all the others love her. I've made some sort of list in a big database somewhere so that telemarketers know to ask for Julie is I answer the phone. They won't even talk to me a lot of the time now because I'm apt to say the Eff Word to them. Especially the ones with deceptive caller ids. I start with 'You mother.....' and it goes downhill from there.

Good news seldom reaches me by phone. Today was a good example. I'm a victim of my conditioning I assume.

11-06-2014, 03:09 PM
Been to Alaska twice, but it's been a while, so I'm due for a repeat. ;)

Actually, my sister and BIL have family up there with a really neat place ... but the only way in is by float plane. I think that would be out ... it would be like pulling teeth to get Larke on a jumbo jet ... he'd prolly piss his pants bouncing around in those mountain updrafts in a little float plane. :)

11-06-2014, 03:11 PM
Thanks Jerry! Appreciate it. A lot of opportunities, you're right! You're a Positive Thinker too!

I wonder if there's any money to be made in the lobbying business?



11-06-2014, 03:15 PM
You know, I've never been to Alaska. How's about we meet at the Hooters in West Edmonton Mall and have a few beers and a pound or twelve of wings? You gotta go right bye there anyway.

11-06-2014, 03:16 PM
Bucky, my wife and I have the opposite phone phobias. I won't answer one. She can't stand to let a phone ring and answers every call. BKB

Ha ha ha! Just the opposite in this house. Lynn absolutely refuses to answer the phone ... but worse yet, she won't answer the door either. I have to admit, NEITHER of us will answer the home phone ... ANYBODY who knows us, knows our cell number. The home phone is for my DSL hook-up and sales calls ... I don't answer sales calls. But the doorbell? Come on ... that one pisses me off. I'll say, "Didn't you hear the f'ing doorbell?" and she'll simply say, "Yeah ... so?" ARRRGGGHHH! We have a big sign at the entrance to our little neighborhood that reads, "No Solicitors" ... but evidently not one soul on earth knows what it means. Still, it's many times a neighbor at the door instead of a Jehovah's Witness.

11-06-2014, 03:18 PM
You know, I've never been to Alaska. How's about we meet at the Hooters in West Edmonton Mall and have a few beers and a pound or twelve of wings? You gotta go right bye there anyway.

Ha ha ha! Boy, THAT brings back memories. I think I've done that a FEW times. I sure miss the ol' Dubber when I think of those days. :(

11-06-2014, 03:20 PM
Oh my. Dubber...........



What I (we) would give............ for one more trip.

11-06-2014, 03:20 PM
Bubba, I've worked with a ton of frigging consultants in my day and I've come to the conclusion, the definition of a consultant is just another word for "unemployed manager". Oh wait! Duh! You may have a point there! :D

11-06-2014, 03:23 PM
A Consultant is an Expert from out of town.

An Expert is..........well, an Ex is a has been, and a Spert is a drip under pressure.

11-06-2014, 03:25 PM
I may look into that but to be honest, I really don't know any consultants in my industry that I have any respect for. I'm kind of like Bucky and managers. so I don't know about that gig. I think I'd dig ditches first.

11-06-2014, 03:30 PM
I really don't know any consultants in my industry that I have any respect for

Trust me, it was no different in the auto industry. I never knew ONE that I wouldn't enjoy pissing on their grave if they croaked.

11-06-2014, 03:37 PM
Congrats on entering retirement. May not be the time or way that you had planned, but it will work out for you.

My experience with consultants is they are overpaid and don't really solve any of the issues they were brought in to address.

11-06-2014, 03:43 PM
Never met a single consultant that knew his ass from a hole in the ground and believe me I met a bunch. Nine times out of ten, they would cherry pick ideas from the in-house staff and present them to management as their most brilliant ideas on how to solve whatever problem they were hired to solve. Huge waste of money and time for the most part.

Big Muddy
11-06-2014, 03:58 PM
Phole, I, too, say congrats to you....you've earned it, I'm sure of that....I hope you find something to keep your mind and body occupied....I'm not retired, and never plan to, unless I'm forced to, by unforeseen circumstances....I still love the outdoors and farm life.

Can you drive a John Deere combine or backhoe????? ;););)

11-06-2014, 03:59 PM
You got a backhoe????


Chicken Dinner
11-06-2014, 04:40 PM
The problem with consultants is that they're never going to come in and look over your stuff and be honest enough to say this is the best run operation I've ever seen. I'd just keep doing what you're doing. They have to come up with something just to come up with it.

11-06-2014, 04:49 PM
I've always said that a consultant's number priority is to get you pregnant. and you know what it takes to get that job done.


11-06-2014, 04:54 PM
A consultant is a person you loan your watch to and then pay them to tell you what time it is....
I've heard my dad say this my whole life.....

11-06-2014, 05:06 PM
BBP would break the consultant mold. He has decades of relevant industry experience. Most consultants try to compensate for lack of experience with bullshit. He wouldn't need to. Different animal. And he could get north of $200.00 an hour for doing it.

I'll be your pimp if you want. Where mah money at, bitch?!?!?!

11-06-2014, 05:09 PM
Okay Mr Agent, first off, you gotta work the word 'plethora' in that description.


11-06-2014, 05:28 PM
Sounds like you were kindof sortof expecting something like this might be coming down the Pike. Seems like you were talking a little while back about how you were ready to bail out of there, and now ya done got yer wish. Kindof like winning "The Layoff Lottery". At least you are in a good place financially and can afford to leave the rat-race.

I'm sure y'all will do fine. Like you said, maybe no more 2-weekers in the Caribbean.....or maybe it'll be a month-long dive adventure now that ya don't have to be anywhere at a set time!!??!! Maybe you'll open up your own Dive Shop, or become one of those fisherdudes we see on the TV.

Best of luck with your retirement.

11-06-2014, 05:49 PM
Thanks, Niner!

Thanks for the positive waves, Moriarity!

11-06-2014, 06:46 PM
Don't have time to ready what everyone else said but wanted to say that I'm sorry you didn't get to pull the plug when you wanted to but it has to help that you had a clue that this was coming at some point so you could prepare as best you could.

Guess when all is said and done, congrats to you sir...now you get to go fishing when you want to.

Take care.

11-06-2014, 06:54 PM
I'm gonna go with "birddog" and say, I'm sorry, and congrats.

Hey! I've got a very well priced retirement home near the lake down in ole virginny you can buy!!...

11-06-2014, 07:12 PM
I still think you ought to cold cock somebody on the way out. Not Trav. Someone higher'n you.

Wait......WAS there anyone higher'n you? :)

And, are you, like, home now? Key and badge taken away and all that? Personna non grata??? HR speaks in low tones to ya??

11-06-2014, 07:22 PM
P-hole, in all seriousness ... you're in good shape. Just a few years ago, I honestly thought I was headed for homelessness and had absolutely no clue what I was going to do. This health problem happened overnight and in a flash my income went from "comfortable" to ZERO and a house in this area could not be GIVEN away, much less sold! I finally got my feet back on the ground and started my "unintended retirement". Once I pulled myself out of panic mode, I buckled down and started looking at all the places I could cut back on "bleeding money". I had no clue there were so many areas that could use work as I thought we were already fairly frugal. In a very short time, we were living pretty close to the same lifestyle as before, just MUCH more efficiently. Sure, I don't take my around-the-world trips every six months as before ... but to be honest, that's more due to my health (worried about infection in the open wound) than finances.

Once I cut all the corners I could find to cut, I decided to find something I could do to bring in a few extra bucks ... that's when I got into this "picking" thing and it's been a blast so far ... in fact, I have my old childhood friend hooked now. He just retired 3-4 months ago and has been self-employed most of his life, but made the mistake of doing a LOT of "under the table work". (He was a carpenter) He has no pension and only draws $700-$800/mo. in Social Security (his only income). That frigging SOB has NETTED over $3000 in his first (almost) two months doing the estate sale/eBay thing. (he must have an EXCELLENT instructor!) I shot myself in the foot because we go to the sales together and now I have competition getting to the goods before he finds them! Actually, we both love it and really enjoy the time spent together as we were extremely close as kids, but lost contact for 40+ years. Now it seems we'd never skipped those years. In fact, he's texting me as I type this asking what time he should be here in the morning.

What I'm trying to say is my priorities and interests have changed a bit knowing I don't have to get up every day to go out and earn a living, so I can concentrate on what I'd "like" to do, instead of being buried with something I "have" to do. It's working so far and I'm enjoying the heck out of my forced and unexpected "retirement". If I could ever get this back problem straightened out, I could enjoy it even more. The major negative I have is, I tore my house apart preparing to do a total remodel just before all hell broke loose. I donated most of the furniture because we were going to replace everything. Then my life got turned upside down and the house is still a shambles. You know what? I don't even care. The market tanked and the place is not worth much more than I paid for it 25 years ago! If I complete the remodel, I'll be upside down anyway. We have a kitchen, den, bedroom and my office ... that's all we really need and the rest can wait. I can't have company over, but that works fine for me. We decided that enjoying life was more important than being buried into this house. It can wait. If it comes down to spending the weekend on the beach or buying wallpaper ... we head to the beach. I found out a few years back that tomorrow may never come, so take advantage of today. I look back at who we've lost here at Good Hunting (one VERY close to you, some VERY close to me ... and all were generally close to everyone here) and I've learned to live for today with the thought tomorrow may never come. You don't know how good it makes me feel to see Mr. Co9 getting out and doing all he can do. What I'm saying is, no matter how much of a negative this thing turns out to be, with a little work, you can make it a positive and it'll be easier than you think, especially since you still have your health.

Whatever you decide, I have no doubt whatsoever that you'll come out of this in fine shape.

11-06-2014, 07:37 PM
Thanks man. The picking thang really intrigues me.


11-06-2014, 08:01 PM
There's a gal I run into at some of the sales. She's out of Orlando, so she doesn't come this way often. She's a professional picker. She has a long list of clients ... private collectors, antique stores, etc. She even picks for some restaurant chains ... you know, like when you walk into a Cracker Barrel and the walls are covered with old signs and antique gizmos. Somebody has to go out and find that stuff. She amazes me and it baffles me how fast she can go through a place. She's ALWAYS the first in line and goes through like a tornado! She'll have a pile built up in no time flat ... loads it all into an old Chevy van she drives and she's off! Interesting gal and she knows her stuff. I always try to keep an eye on the stuff she picks up for some pointers, but I see no rhyme or reason to her picking ... it covers a wide range of EVERYTHING. I'd kind of enjoy hanging out with her, but she seems to march to her own tune. I've never seen anyone with her.

Peruse these sites: (you can narrow them down to whatever radius you want)




You can sign up and get on their mailing lists. There are more sources, but that should give you a good start to at least see some of what's out there.

11-06-2014, 08:11 PM
Oh, and it takes time to get to know the companies running these things. Some are ridiculously high and their prices are what I call "retail". Others are great prices, but they're only great if you're buying for yourself ... there may not be enough room to make resale worthwhile. Others will work with you once you become a regular and they get to know you. Many will run the sale the first day (or two) at their marked price ... then the next day everything will be half off the marked price (if you're a gambler, waiting can REALLY pay off). Others may run full price the last day, but take half price after noon. They all vary but with experience, you'll learn who is who and how they operate. Then you can weed out the sellers you don't particularly care for and work with the sellers you like. Some are in it strictly for the money, some just want to do whatever possible to EMPTY the place out so the family can put it on the market. Like anything ... it takes a bit of time to learn the ropes. GET THERE EARLY! Some will have long lines and they may limit access to 20-25 people inside at any one time.

Rule number 1: HAVE FUN! ;)