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View Full Version : Deer hunt 2014

11-06-2014, 04:58 PM
I just got a text from Troy saying that he posted his deer story so I had to stop in and check it out. I thought I would share my story as well. This years hunt starts two years ago when my brother and I decided to take a high school on his first bear hunt. After sitting for 2 evenings he was able to take a nice bear with us. Fast forward to this spring, my brother and I take his sister on her first bear hunt. After sitting for 30 minutes and seeing 3 bear she takes a really nice bear. Their dad is a very good mule deer hunter, I have always wanted to hunt with him. About mid-summer I get a call from their dad asking if I would like to go hunting with him. After a few months of planning I am heading out hunting with him for the first 5 days of season. I have never hunted this area or even been there. I am having feelings of excitement, scared, and nervous all rolled into one. First day we see over 60 bucks but nothing in size range that I am looking for lot of deer with missing forks and small 4 points. On the second morning we catch a glimpse of a really nice deer right has he is laying down. We put the perfect stalk on him, with 2 other bucks, just as I get to the little ridge I look over and see a cactus buck, first one I have seen, just to his right is a really nice deer, so I decide that I am going to take him. He is at 350 yards with his head behind a bush I shoot and he starts running right at us and goes into a small draw. Yepper I missed looking back right after I shot I put my 200 dot on him not my 300 I shot under him. I am not saying I am the best shot in the world but it has been 10 yrs since I have missed a game animal. The guy knows right where he went so we give him the rest of the day to settle down and hunt somewhere else. That afternoon and evening we don't see anything of any size. The next morning we head back to the draw he thinks the deer is in just as we are getting to the edge of the draw once again I see the cactus buck on the skyline. He takes a few steps over the edge so we can't see him. I grab my gun and run to the edge and look over there is the deer I missed yesterday morning looking right at me. He takes off running at about 250 yards lets just say I didn't miss twice. He is my biggest buck to date and will join 2 other deer on my wall soon.

Big Muddy
11-06-2014, 05:03 PM

11-06-2014, 05:05 PM
Wowser, now that's a biggun! Congrats and thanks for posting it Treyball!


11-06-2014, 05:35 PM
Nice buck there, Treyball. Very nice indeed.
Hey, don't be such a stranger. Pop in and argue, er, talk with us a bit from time to time.

Big Skyz
11-06-2014, 05:40 PM
...and that is the kind of buck I would really like to see in my crosshairs someday!

11-06-2014, 06:15 PM
Nice buck! Like was already said, don't be such a stranger.

11-06-2014, 06:28 PM
Wow Treyball ... that's no buck, that's a horse! Great pic! Hey ... don't be such a stranger around this joint.

11-06-2014, 06:41 PM
Very nice buck sir and as others have said, stick your nose in here a bit more often.

11-06-2014, 06:56 PM
Treyball... The prodigal son just comes back to show off a DANDY! :)
Nice one dude!

11-06-2014, 07:15 PM

I wanna be you.

Real, real bad, son.

11-07-2014, 06:25 AM
That is a great buck and a really cool account of the hunt.
There is a lot of bone there to look at!
Good job!

11-07-2014, 10:32 AM
Thank you guys. I will stop in more often and chat. After my hunt I shot my rifle a few times and couldn't get it to group very well so it is getting a new barrel put on it. I love the rifle and have been shooting it since I was 16, so i couldn't trade it off. I hope to have it back in a few weeks and start dialing it back in for next season.