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11-20-2014, 10:13 AM
OK, shop says Mother's car is close to being ready. Probably late morning. Brake cylinder locked up.......radiator hose leaking........pvc valve bad....and they're TRYING to figure out why all the stupid sensors lie (low tire, check engine, etc...).....this is a 2000, when they sorta first started the sensor/info thing, and they're all goofy and lie. But it's a pain to read 'em.

So....more money than I have, but better than a new radiator woulda been.

Headed back to camp either today or tomorrow early. Two does killed yesterday, so deer are sorta still moving. One 'drama' going on, but not too bad.....doesn't involve me.

I do check there on my phone. But I ain't as proficient as Cappy with typing with one finger on a small device, while sitting in a stand....(or anything else, now that I think about it), but I'll check in.

Someone go find Ed. I wonder if he slipped off with some of his high falutin' buddies on a high falutin' hunting trip or sumpin'??? Or if he's still in mourning after MSU lost????

Oh, if you have ATT.......I just checked my usage online.........and bingo bango.......they had a new plan with a little less data usage (I never approach the limit), same for everything else (unlimited talk/text), and $60 less per month. Woo Hoo.

That's all for now. Try to be nice to each other and talk about something interesting so I don't fall asleep on the stand. Some of them are comfortable, and some of the ladder stands, that's not advised!!

11-20-2014, 12:21 PM
Best of luck on the hunt Bucky, kill a big one!

11-20-2014, 05:23 PM
Brake cylinder.
PVC valve.
Radiator hose (that goes to the heater, I think)
Oil sending unit.

Four days.

Headed to camp tomorrow. Guys there can belittle me to my face.

Good luck to all.

Chicken Dinner
11-20-2014, 05:32 PM
Git 'r done, Bucky.

11-20-2014, 05:47 PM
Headed to camp tomorrow. Guys there can belittle me to my face.

Good luck to all.

I have "face time" on my phone. Want me to call you? :D

11-20-2014, 05:49 PM
Good luck you über conservative nutbag.... ;)

11-20-2014, 05:59 PM

11-20-2014, 06:14 PM
I have "face time" on my phone. Want me to call you? :D


11-21-2014, 08:45 AM
Tick tock.

Waiting on the garbage man to show up (poor people's garbage is collected on Friday. Rich people get Monday) so I can bring the can back up to the house, and then I'm headed to get fuel, a few groceries, and head to camp. The minor drama there is increasing to a drum roll........but I'm staying out of it. I have my buck, I ain't shooting does (I don't think), so I'm gonna enjoy life. Wife is on road towards some remote Eastern land, and will be gone about 9 days. I may come home for Thanksgiving for a few hours. Got stands to work on some, got a 12 point buck to shoot, and lots of sleep to.......um.......sleep.

Tick tock.

11-21-2014, 05:20 PM
I'm poor ... our garbage is picked up on Monday. ;)