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View Full Version : Went to a super-cool estate sale today ....

11-20-2014, 04:37 PM
... talk about a giant "man-cave"! This guy built his own private hunting lodge. I spent all day there and prolly didn't see half of it. The main house is super cool, FULL of antiques and rustic "stuff" .. but there was a HUGE barn and a couple out-buildings as big as a normal house. That's where I spent most of my time digging ... there was TONNAGE ... old stuff, tools, hunting stuff everywhere. Game feeders, game cams, a bazillion fishing poles/reels, etc. Too much to name. I (and my buddy) had a blast and it was really hard not to go crazy buying stuff ... but I had the discipline/patience to wait. There's so much stuff, the sale is for 4-days. Tomorrow everything is 10% off ... Saturday it's 20% off, Sunday is 30% off and anything left-over at noon Sunday is 50% off. Even then, they were VERY negotiable on prices, even today. I picked up a whole shopping bag of goodies for $5.00 TOTAL. I should be able to turn it for $100-$150 without too much effort.

Here's the place ... it's on 30 acres, has a neat pond and game feeders EVERYWHERE! I could see a couple of deer stands off in the woods ... no clue how many are out there. It's about 15-20 mins. north of my house. If anybody has any expendable income, come on down and buy this place for me. I'll gladly repay you on Tuesday. ;)

If you have time, look through the pics on this site (at bottom of page, click on pics to enlarge). It shows about 10% of the stuff there. I'll be going back ... probably Sunday when they'll be GIVING stuff away! ;)


11-20-2014, 04:46 PM
So, did you find Cappy any Buddy Heaters?

11-20-2014, 04:48 PM
I want the light headed walking stick in #109, please.

11-20-2014, 04:57 PM
I just went though all 341 pictures, and I am THANKFUL I am not anywhere near that place.
I would wake up broke.
Damn nice digs

11-20-2014, 05:01 PM
The pics only show half of it. Cappy, I found a pile of game cams ... but I have no clue what works and what doesn't ... and neither did anyone there. They were just all thrown into a big cardboard box. I passed. Never saw a heater ... 'course I never will now that I know you want one/some.

11-20-2014, 05:05 PM
They had a ton of fishing stuff ... including some old fishing poles ... with eyelets like a rod/reel set-up ... but they were cane rods. Are those worth anything? I haven't had time to research them.

Chicken Dinner
11-20-2014, 05:16 PM
Anybody besides me wondering why anybody in Florida would need a propane heater?

11-20-2014, 05:16 PM
Cappy, here are the sawmill blades I told you about. The small one on the ground was about 24" (maybe 27"?) ... something like that. The one hanging on the post was 36" (there were actually two of them, you can barely see the edge of it to the left of the awning)). They were marked $100 but the guy told me to make him an offer if I wanted them (I think the smaller one was marked $65). I'll see if they're still there Sunday.

http://pictures.estatesales.net/756159/17072365/1.jpg http://pictures.estatesales.net/756159/16785893/1.jpg

11-20-2014, 05:20 PM
Anybody besides me wondering why anybody in Florida would need a propane heater?

No clue CD ... but the Yankees who come down here dress up like the Michelin Man if the temp drops below 65 degrees. Coats, gloves, ski masks ... I don't get it. I never owned a coat (had a light jacket though) until we moved to Memphis when I was 15.

11-20-2014, 05:20 PM
I want that sign.

11-20-2014, 05:24 PM
Ha ha! Fitting huh Buckster? They had a ton of signs, including some Railroad stuff (X-crossing signs, etc). I may take a real close look if they're still there Sunday.

11-20-2014, 05:30 PM
Smart move on the game cameras. Those Saw blades are really, really popular especially in the NC mountains....



11-20-2014, 05:32 PM
I wish they weren't so danged big and heavy. I'd LOVE to send 'em to Big Sky and let him perform his magic on 'em.

Chicken Dinner
11-20-2014, 05:34 PM
The coolest use I ever saw for one of those saw blades was on a white water rafting trip. It was even bigger than those, but turned it over a fire around a rock ring and fried us up some burgers. Good stuff.

11-20-2014, 05:36 PM
So it was used as a grill? Now that is a cool idea.


Chicken Dinner
11-20-2014, 05:39 PM
Yup. Some of the best shore lunch I ever had.

Big Skyz
11-20-2014, 05:52 PM
If there are any spinning rods that say St. Croix or GLoomis seriously send me a text! If in the fishing gear there are Rapala minnow lures. In other words the skinny lures not the Fatrap stuff...text me please!

11-20-2014, 06:23 PM
Will do B/S. The place is PACKED with stuff and it'd take all four days to dig through all of it. I LOVE the house and property. Wish I could win the lottery.

11-20-2014, 06:27 PM
Cappy ... did you catch the old jail house (?) door on the little storage area under the stairway? I thought that was cool. There are neat little details like that all through this house. It looks like he collected all sorts of odd stuff for a bazillion years, then used it to build the house.


11-20-2014, 06:40 PM
Yea I saw that. It was cool. Thought that would be a good door to my safe room downstairs.
Looked really neat through the whole house.

11-20-2014, 07:14 PM
LOL 'cane rods'. You mean maybe like BAMBOO? A bamboo flyrod in just about any weight in the original canvas bag might be worth some bucks. Even if its not in its original container, it still might be. You might want to spend five minutes reading up on them if that's what you think it might be.


11-20-2014, 07:46 PM
They weren't fly rods ... just regular rods like you'd mount a spinning reel or small bait caster on. They didn't really float my boat because I was anxious to continue digging ... figured I'd come back to them. From what I've seen so far, they're not the hottest item on the block on eBay. Some names bring pretty good money .. but I can't remember what name was on these things. There were a bazillion old fishing rods ... nothing that looked really exciting, but then again, I'm far from an expert on them. I simply didn't take the time to take a close look. There's so much stuff there I was a bit "junk drunk".

11-20-2014, 09:12 PM
No camera on your phone?

You should probably get an iPhone.

11-20-2014, 09:58 PM
Who you talkin' to Willis?

11-20-2014, 10:50 PM

You come back from a lot of these mega sales and say stuff like "I didn't know if X would be worth anything or not, I didn't get the brand name, I didn't look closely at it, I might look at it later".

Take a flipping PICTURE, dingo!

11-21-2014, 01:14 AM
Ha! You dufebutt, I picked up elebenty-bazillion items that piqued my interest today ... the fishing stuff was low on my list of importance. I did take some pics of a pile of game feeders and texted them to Cappy to see if he was interested. I just looked at my phone and I have pics of 11 items I took today for further research. If I took a pic of EVERYTHING I know little or nothing about ... I'd still be there. I know I saw some bamboo rods ... I've looked on the net ... some ain't worth squat, some bring good money. When I go back, I'll see if there's anything there that's worth a flip ... IF it's still there. I also research a lot of items while I'm looking at them ... it's time consuming (like today, it was out in the sticks and I had one bar on my phone coverage ... which slowed down the process) ... sometimes I fly by the seat of my pants and simply buy something because I "think" it's cool. I've been burned that way and I've scored that way ... it's all a learning process. Frankly, fishing stuff really doesn't float my boat, but if I see a G. Loomis or a St. Croix ... I'm likely to slow down and take a closer look. If it's a Shakespeare ... prolly not ... (but I may come back to it later). I see tackle all the time ... I ignore most of it unless it's VERY nice in it's orig. box ... if I see an old WOODEN Heddon or Pflueger (anything wood actually) with double spinners or unique in some way, I'll take a closer look.

There's more out there than fishing and hunting stuff ... I'm looking at EVERYTHING and trying to cover as much ground as possible, as quickly as possible. I'll grab what I KNOW about ... and make a mental note of what I may want to take a closer look at later. It's an art ... I'm still learning and developing that art. I watch people walk right by a grungy old Gillette razor and never give it a second look. I can tell from a mile away what model it is and what year(s) it was made ... AND know it's value. Some can bring a couple grand ... many will bring $50-$100 with no problem at all.

Some of youse are fishing experts. Like hunting ... I don't go for high bucks equipment .. to me it's just not that important. I buy a fishing combo at Wally World and go fishing. TO ME ... knowing HOW to fish is many times more important that the equipment I use. If I go fishing with someone and they show me WHERE to fish, HOW to fish the area and what BAIT to use ... I many times catch as many or MORE fish than they do using my K-mart Blue Light Special Zebco fishing combo. The SCIENCE of fishing is where my weakness lies, because I simply don't do it that much. It's like our debates here on guns and ammo ... I could give a squat what I shoot as long as I can hit a pie plate at a reasonable distance. I don't care about my ammo as long as it makes a nice hole in the critter I shoot. The art of hunting (like fishing) is knowing WHERE to hunt and HOW to hunt and I've been very successful with my hunting. I'm just not an equipment whore. Prolly why I drive a little pud-truck ... it gets me the same places yours takes you ... and it doesn't break down ... that's more important to me than bells & whistles. Four-wheelers ... I was happy as a pig in slop with my "little" Honda 300 4-Trax ... I never once needed 1200 cc's to get me into the woods and back even in the back bush of Canada with a 350 lb. black bear strapped on the back.

I guess it boils down to different strokes for different folks. I buy stuff to re-sell. The first thing I look at is stuff I know about ... I follow that with stuff I know a little bit about ... then I look at stuff that looks cool but I know NOTHING about. Once I look at that stuff, I learn a bit more and know next time what I'm looking at. I've mastered a few things, I'm working on cast iron now ... once I master that, I'll move on to something else. Pics of EVERYTHING? Ain't got the time.

11-21-2014, 07:50 AM
Long Jimmy post. Bunch of silly b/s. You don't know squat about this stuff, dufewad. Even an idiot could see that. What have you learned in all this time? Why are you not rich yet? You need a Manager, son. Someone to follow you around and make sure you do things right. Get someone deaf so he won't have to listen to you trying to justify your wrong actions as right. Man.

and who cares if your four wheeler was a plain old Honda that wouldn't keep up with the others? You ain't trying to flip a honda atv, dufewad. (However, we've had three atv breakdowns in the last 2 years, two were Hondas).

You brought up the fishing rods. Nothing else. So take a PICTURE OF THE FISHING RODS! Not hard. You said Lynn went with you. Doesn't she have a phone? She's probably bored out of her gourd following your ugly butt around anyway. Have her be your Picture Manager. Learn how to do this. Clearly, you don't have it down yet and you need major help.

Now.....you got that? Fine. Now go out and try and find some GOOD stuff, stuff you obviously don't know diddley P. squat about, so you can get rich and have us all down for a beachcombing party.

It's just getting to where I have to tell you how to do everything. Man! :slap

11-21-2014, 09:30 AM
OK, either Thump took that seriously, or he ain't up yet................

11-21-2014, 05:04 PM
Well, I've been at the sales all day and just got home.

You brought up the fishing rods. Nothing else.

Ummm, no, I also mentioned antiques, tools, Railroad stuff, sawmill blades and game cams, to name a few.

You said Lynn went with you. Doesn't she have a phone?

Ummm, nope, Lynn was at work ... she DOES have a phone though. Not sure where I said she was with me, but if she were, she'd be in the kitchen looking for girl stuff.

But come on down for the beach party anyway ... it'll be in the 80's this weekend. ;)

11-21-2014, 07:06 PM
Great Ceasar's Ghost!!! I don't think I could look at all of that stuff in 14 days, much less 4.
AND THIS is the stuff that's left after the fambly hauled off whatever THEY wanted from the place.