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01-14-2015, 05:41 PM
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[PDF]Pickle v. State - Arkansas Supreme Court and Arkansas ...

cut and paste this in browser for PDF file on Appeals Court finding:


BaseballCoach (Rev A)
01-14-2015, 07:19 PM
Interesting read. Sounds like the GWs did exactly what every GW in the country would do. If the rules are changed and they need a 'reason' just to check your license, GWs are going to have a tougher time harassing innocent sportsmen.

quercus alba
01-14-2015, 07:38 PM
waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too long to read. What was the verdict?

01-14-2015, 08:48 PM
They let the meth head go is what I read.


01-14-2015, 10:08 PM
In this case it wasn't an "innocent sportsman". It was a felon meth head in possession of a firearm.

I guess I've not had the bad experience with duck dicks that a lot of you have. I can't remember the last time I've been checked on the lake or afield.

In my opinion it will really make things difficult for LE if they can't run a warrants check on people they encounter. In 24 years, I've never seen anyone that had a warrant holding a sign saying so, and with my small county having several hundred active warrants at any time, I sure can't remember the names of everyone that has one.

The case got sent back to the trial court to reconsider the motion to suppress the meth found.

How did a felon with meth and a gun only get 60 months of PROBATION anyhow?

01-14-2015, 10:13 PM
Apparently the judge in that county has a history of not convicting GW's arrests. I don't know why, or the story.

Also, there are a ton of guys in this state that are coming forth on hunting sites with a lot of stories about harassment by GW's. Some of them, if true, are bizarre. Regardless, the general perception about GW's in this state is that they assume guilt, and make you prove innocence. The rules are oftentimes poorly written, and GW's have been known to argue with each other about what the right way to do things (tag a deer, etc) is.

The prevailing notion now is that it's going to be hard for GW's to do their job. And I personally am not going to like that. I've had 3 run-ins with the fish cops in my life........one bad (stupid, nothing came of it), and two great. That's it. But the 4th Amendment is the 4th Amendment.

SO...........stay tuned for further developments.

That being said, I don't think 'we' are going to like.