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View Full Version : 24 Hour Campfire??????

01-27-2015, 01:36 PM
I know some of y'all frequent the 24Hr Campfire forums.....got a question for ya.

They have a pretty nice Free Classified section on there.
What method of payment do the folks over there usually take, if they do not accet PayPal????

01-27-2015, 03:53 PM
I've purchased a number of items from that site.
Small stuff under a $100 I've just sent cash after I called and talked to the seller.
Bigger stuff I'll usually send a Money Order from my CU, or a few of the sellers will take my personal check but wait till it clears their bank before they send me the item.
So far I've been 100% happy, but I take the time to contact and talk to the seller, can learn a lot by doing that.
Never used paypal on that site, but have used it when dealing with stores.