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View Full Version : Anyone got hearing aids thru the VA???.....

Big Muddy
02-04-2015, 01:55 PM
After 60 plus years of shooting guns, driving tractors and farm machinery, chain saws, etc., my hearing is zilch....main loss is in my right ear, but left side is weak, also....so, I gotta do something about it, or my family is gonna exile me. ;)

Anyone used the VA for acquiring hearing aids???

02-04-2015, 05:12 PM
Friend of mine just got his through the VA, I just got mine through my insurance. Both were the same, from the same place, his was free, my insurance covered $2000 of the $3700 cost.
Hearing Aids Dealers are a big racket, lot of them are more interested in selling you some than fixing your hearing.
I go through my local hospital audio clinic.
I got my first one 10 years ago, small device that fit way down in the ear. Didn't like the feel or the sound, very seldom used it.
Turned 70 and thought I'd try again. This time they gave the the kind that fit behind the ear with a small wire and speaker that fits in the ear opening.
1000 times better in sound, fit and feel. Mine came with Bluetooth so with a little receiver in my pocket and a gizmo plugged in the TV the sound goes right to the hearing aids and it sound like you have a head set on, clear crisp sound and you can have the TV mute.
These fit and feel so good I"ve gone to bed wearing them.
My tone loss was in the range of women and children voices, not a bad thing to have at times.
I now hear things I never heard in 20 years, do you know that your turn singles on your car make a clicking sound, or you can hear the turning of pages on a newspaper.
I did find out that my SBD weren't that silent. :thumbsup

02-04-2015, 05:17 PM
Everyone I know that has them (including my wife, don't say I mentioned her!!) spends more time with these things in the shop than they would with a Chinese Semi Truck. Nonstop complaining about how they can't fix 'em, etc. Four Freaking Large for these things, and here in this house, they're never worn. With my friends, they wear them.........and are as deaf (IMHO) as they ever were. Constantly saying "I can't hear you".........and they can't, even with 'em. If I take my two buddies fishing, I have to sit in middle of boat, or neither of them can hear me, or the other one. I have to translate and 'repeat' what was said from 1 to 2, and vice versa. WITH hearing aids for bofum!! In the last month, they've had horror story after horror story about taking them back in for 'repair' and no one can get them right. I don't mean tweaking, or adjusting........that's normal. I'm talking about broken ones, needing fixed

All that said, if I needed some, I'd get 'em.

Ed, how'd you get in the VA program? You a consultant to the Bulgarian Allied Army? usa2 Just kidding..........if you're a vet, I'm proud, but I never remember you mentioning it.

If you can get them free, why the heck wouldn't you??????????? What diff does it make if they work or not? IF not, then just fall back on your insurance, or fat wallet! :laughing But it's worth a shot, ain't it?

Big Muddy
02-04-2015, 07:32 PM
JB, it sounds like you had the same problem, as I am having, now....what is the name brand of the ones that you like???

02-04-2015, 08:00 PM
Phonak Audeo V70-312T BTE, they were the mid price model, fancier one had stuff I didn't need and were a grand more.
Very happy so far. They came with a three year warranty along with a one time loss or damage replacement with a $200 deductible.
Good luck.

02-04-2015, 09:17 PM
Lynn has to repeat half of what she says to me. SHE's the one who called the VA and set up an appointment for me. I lost some of my hearing when I was in the military from listening to Morse code in both ears (headquarters in one ear, out-station in the other). They compared my hearing from when I entered the military to my exit physical and told me then about my hearing loss. But I was 23 years old and it really didn't affect me. It's worse now. Anyway, they offered to set me up with hearing aids, but I really don't think I want to fool with them yet. The ONLY time it's a problem really is if Lynn's trying to go to sleep and I have the volume up too high on the tv. They told me the range my hearing is affected, but I don't remember what they said.

Bucky, I have a few friends like you describe and I know for a fact ... it's only because they don't understand how they work and don't know how to set them properly. One friend is just as deaf WITH his hearing aids as he is without them. Problem is, when he has 'em in, either the batteries are dead or he has the volume turned down. If they'd learn how to adjust the things, my bet is they'd be able to hear just fine.

02-04-2015, 11:26 PM
Lynn has to repeat half of what she says to me. SHE's the one who called the VA and set up an appointment for me. I lost some of my hearing when I was in the military from listening to Morse code in both ears (headquarters in one ear, out-station in the other). They compared my hearing from when I entered the military to my exit physical and told me then about my hearing loss. But I was 23 years old and it really didn't affect me. It's worse now. Anyway, they offered to set me up with hearing aids, but I really don't think I want to fool with them yet. The ONLY time it's a problem really is if Lynn's trying to go to sleep and I have the volume up too high on the tv. They told me the range my hearing is affected, but I don't remember what they said.

Bucky, I have a few friends like you describe and I know for a fact ... it's only because they don't understand how they work and don't know how to set them properly. One friend is just as deaf WITH his hearing aids as he is without them. Problem is, when he has 'em in, either the batteries are dead or he has the volume turned down. If they'd learn how to adjust the things, my bet is they'd be able to hear just fine.

I don't have 'em, so I can't argue totally..........out of some ignorance. But I'm talking about actual physical damage.......and taking them back and it isn't fixed.......and back again.......out for weeks and weeks.........still not fixed.......and finally they get 'fixed', and a month later we're sitting around at lunch, or in a boat, and they have the SAME problem occur. Been going on for months, years. And yeah, they know how to adjust them........and even take 'em back to ensure the doc is adjusting them right.

My wife won't even wear hers. She tried it for weeks and weeks.......months.......and gave up because all she heard was loud tinny sounds. They adjusted them over 10 times in that period. She has the opposite hearing loss issue.........she can't hear men's voices, the deeper range.........which normally doesn't go out first.

Maybe they're all quacks, and y'all got good ones. I do NOT know.

I hope I don't find out. But I bet I will. I'm just observing what guys I know go through, and I see these guys several times a week. I'm not exaggerating the issues.

02-04-2015, 11:38 PM
I don't know squat about them personally as I've never worn one ... but it sounds like Bubba has a handle on his. I'm sure there are good ones and bad ones ... different designs, different ways of operating. Some may work well ... others may not be worth a damn. This does bring up a good question though. I may have to look into the resale market. Heck, the things cost an arm and a leg as verified by some of the above posts. There are VERY few estate sales I've been to that didn't have little cases with hearing aids in them (plus usually a bucket load of new batteries). I never paid much attention to them as used hearing aids just seem kinda nasty to me ... but then, many people think the same about old, used razors and I've made a butt-load of $$$ selling those. I need to buckle down and do a bit of research. Who knows? I may discover a new niche! ;)