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View Full Version : Lady luck still likes me.

02-08-2015, 12:03 PM
Been a few years since I've attended a sportsman dinner. Last night a local church sponsors a big fellowship sportsman dinner. Between 600 and 700 attend, big prime rib dinner, entertainment (sporting dogs show and guest speaker) and prizes.
I like the way they do too, your dinner ticket goes into a big drum and all prizes are drawn from it.
So everyone has the same chance of winning.
I bought all the boys tickets for a mens night out. They gave away about 30 different guns, bows, and package deals for ice fishing and bow hunting.
#3 got lucky with his ticket and went home with this little Savage 42, I always thought a little 22/410 combo was the perfect squirrel gun,

02-08-2015, 12:22 PM
Out of your 650+ guns, are there ANY you didn't win in a raffle or door prize? If I had your luck I'd move to Vegas in a heartbeat!

02-08-2015, 03:50 PM
Second that.

I'll buy your Mega Millions tickets if you promise to split it with me.