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View Full Version : Hey Johnboy ....

02-11-2015, 10:00 AM
Your comment about Ronald Reagan got me to a thinkin'. I know through the years, you've commented on Obama, the Bush's and even Clinton whenever a political discussion would come up. Although I've been to Canada a bazillion times, I've never gotten into any sort of political discussion while there. I generally don't talk politics even here, so it's no surprise. I'd have to guess VERY few Americans follow or even know squat about Canadian politics and my guess is that (the Royal family aside) VERY few could even name your Prime Minister, let alone any Parliament or Commons members. Sure, a few (Canadian) political items hit the National news from time to time, but to actually follow the political goings-on, I can't think of anyone I've ever known personally who have a clue what goes on up there or even how the government works in the first place.

I guess my question is, do most Canadians follow American politics?

02-11-2015, 10:26 AM
I've spent a ton of time up there and always try to catch a Canadian radio station. . (they have some great "programs". ) One of the things I've always noticed is the wide-spread coverage of U.S. news stories. I've heard a number of broadcasts where nearly all the major news stories were U.S. related. guess nothing happens in Canada. ;)

02-11-2015, 10:58 AM
The only time politics was an issue for me in Canada was in 1971 (or early '72?). I was attending military training (AIT - Advanced Individual Training) just outside of Boston and a group of us decided to make a run up to Canada one weekend. Since Quebec was the closest, we headed up there for a fun weekend. WRONG! We stopped into a small coffee shop and all of a sudden those Frenchies spoke NO English and were obviously NOT happy we were there. Next thing we knew, we were basically surrounded by an angry mob (who suddenly learned the English language) and were getting our asses handed to us as they blamed us for everything wrong on planet earth and went on and on about Vietnam and the fact we were nothing more than low-life baby killers! I'm telling you, we had to high-tail it out of town and were literally afraid we were about to be facing a frigging lynch mob. I'd never experienced anything like that then or since, although I've been back to Quebec quite a few times (in the past 10 years). Most of my hunting was done in Ontario, although I've been to ALL the southern provinces but spent the most time in Ontario, Alberta and B.C.

I have NEVER in my life experienced the animosity we ran into that day in Quebec. I suppose that's the only real "political discussion" I've ever witnessed in Canada! ;)

02-11-2015, 01:06 PM
Hey Thump, I'm pretty sure that the average Canadian knows more about American politics than the average American knows about Canada. After all, we watch your tv programs and news reports whilst I'm sure not too many Americans tune into CBC and you do outnumber us by 10 to 1.

I may be a little more involved that most of my compatriots simply because I watch ALL the news and try to keep up with who is doing what to who in the world. A lot of my friends don't really care and I kinda wish I could get that way.

I try not to comment too much on what's happening in your country as it isn't polite and most of us up here are polite unless you happen to be an ignorant Quebecer but that's another story and our cross to bear.

Ronnie Raygun was the most likable pres you have ever had and I think one of the best. I miss him and his sense of humour. One of the most important things about a persons character is a sense of humour. I've known people with none and they are a serious bore.

02-11-2015, 03:40 PM
I for one welcome and enjoy your comments Johnboy. You're fair-minded and much nicer with your opinions than most of us brash american fucks who can't hold our tongue long enough prevent displaying ourselves as the ignorant fuckknuckles we truly are. 'Cept for Posthole, of course.

02-11-2015, 04:19 PM
Rob Ford he's the only one I've heard about.

02-11-2015, 04:57 PM
All I know is you don't want to get on the wrong side of Sgt Preston.

02-11-2015, 05:40 PM
Nor Dudley Do-Right neither! :D