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View Full Version : Blood oranges

02-20-2015, 08:38 PM
I first got a taste of them in Italy and really liked them. The local store had some for the first time a couple weeks ago and I've been going through them like they were going out of style. Guess what, they don't have them now. Hopefully they get them back soon. This little tease wasn't enough especially since I've been trying to drop some weight especially before the knee surgery and they have been my go to snack.

Big Muddy
02-20-2015, 08:46 PM
A buddy of mine from south Louisiana dropped off a box of Satsumas under my carport, a while back....now, THOSE things are addictive, too !!!....too bad they can't be commercially grown, everywhere else, to the extent that oranges and tangerines are.

02-21-2015, 12:56 AM
Yep, I love 'em too. It's the main go-to orange in Italy (where you first saw them). I first had them in Asia (I think they originated in China a bazillion years ago).

There are a bunch of different varieties ... some sweeter than others ... but I think there are three main varieties. I believe they are also the healthiest citrus there is as far as vitamins, etc. goes. I think a few growers have them down here, but the U.S. market comes mainly from Texas and California. They come in season at the end of the year (Nov-Dec) and are at peak around now, then dwindle out around April I think. You might be seeing them locally at peak market when the prices are the most reasonable, but they should still be around for another 2-3 months (at most). You'll just have to search for them.