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View Full Version : And going round snd round again in Florida

02-21-2015, 04:34 PM
Fixin to drop the flag again at Daytona!
And NASCAR just announced Kurt Busch lost his appeal to race tomorrow.
I'm so happy I could dance a Jig! 😊

02-21-2015, 08:43 PM
They don't need his influence around the track. He's had enough chances to straighten out his act and blew it every time. Good riddance.

02-21-2015, 09:20 PM
I think he mighta got the business from his old lady but it sounds like they're both white trash to me.

I ain't gonna miss him. Howthe hell did he win the championship is what I want to know? I figured you'd haveto have your act together pretty good to win it all. Guess I was wrong about that TOOOoO, Fido would say.


02-21-2015, 10:07 PM
What it boils down to is he's a pretty decent driver ... but that's not enough these days. You have to have the whole package. When sponsors are dumping millions of $$$ into a car/driver package, they're hiring a representative of their company. He's doesn't come close to portraying the image a sponsor wants their name tied to. He just doesn't get it. Kinda like Charley Sheen ... on top of the world one day and into the gutter the next. Of course Hollywood a-holes always spring back ... NASCAR will ban for life.