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03-01-2015, 10:38 AM
I've mentioned here that my bestest buddy in the whole wide world (since we were 6-7 years old) just retired last year. Shortly after retiring, he asked if he could tag along with me on an estate sale and was immediately hooked. Then came eBay and it's really supplemented his income (Social Security). I walked him through the process and taught him the ropes. We've hit the sales together every weekend since and we just started some friendly competition. This month we decided to have a little sales contest to see who could out-sell the other. Wouldn't you know it? After a few VERY active months, February fell flat on it's face and it's been a struggle with slow sales all month. PLUS, it's a short month to begin with. Well, first thing this morning the texts and trash talk started flying back and forth ... then we took a break to figure the final count.

Thump - 41
Jaybird - 40

Ha! Can't get much closer than that! I guess I'm a good teacher and he's a fast learner. I think we're gonna have to bet lunch on this months total to sweeten the pot a little. All I have is bragging rights this time. :D

03-01-2015, 11:04 AM
What is the unit of merasure there Thump???
Dollars, Total Sales, Number of eBay auctions listed??????

03-01-2015, 11:12 AM
It's just a fun way of egging each other on Niner. Nothing serious. Figuring net profits is too dang complicated ... we KNOW we're way into the black since everything we buy is just pennies and our sales usually average $25-$50/sale. We simply go for "number of sales". It doesn't mean squat really ... net profit would be the serious factor.

In fact, I got a text from him about two minutes ago that he just had his first sale of the month and the smack-talk has already started. ;)

03-01-2015, 11:42 AM
And to counter his trash-talk ... I just registered my first sale of the month. Tie game! ;)

03-01-2015, 11:46 AM
That really does sound like fun.. I'll bet you shortened his learning curve immensely..

03-01-2015, 11:51 AM
And Cha-Ching! Sale number two just came through ... I'm winning! ;)

(that's how our days go ... I'm givin' him some trash-talk already)

03-01-2015, 11:54 AM
Ebay fees and shipping are eating at my profits! 20% overhead. Dang. I could run a brick and mortar store!!! :) :)

Now Paypal has a fee! And my payment is 'pending' for gosh knows how long.

I made one sale, though! I lose, 10000000000000000000000 to 1.

03-01-2015, 12:55 PM
No wonder ... you prolly used USPS! ;)

No clue where you're getting those figures.

A "newbie" starts out at 10% of gross for eBay fees (I pay 8%).

PayPal is 2.9% + $0.30

Are you figuring shipping into your price dufus? ... it's all a cost of doing business. If you print the shipping label on-line through eBay ... you get a nice discount (much better deal than going to the Post Office) PLUS you don't have to pay for gas to go to the PO and back ... just have your mail carrier pick up the package.

And how can you complain anyway? You wanted $80 for your depth finder ... threw it up on eBay, drew 29 bids and ended up with a final bid of $202.50!

Lemme see ... $20.25 to eBay, $6.17 to PayPal and $9.00 shipping .... the way I figure it, you netted better than double your asking price.

You're a dang curmudgeon ... with a capital "C" !! ;)

03-01-2015, 01:02 PM
When my buddy (above) retired, all he owned was his old work van with elebenty-bazillion miles on it. Plus it was a gas hog (a 1-ton van). Right after retirement, both the engine (dropped a cylinder) AND his transmission started giving him trouble. It was on it's last legs. He started this eBay thing with me and bought a little Chevy S-10 with his first 3-month's earnings. He was happy as a pig in slop. It's fun to watch him progress and he's having a blast with it. So far, he's never missed a day of going to the sales with me and if I'm out of town for the weekend, he goes by himself so he can tell me what I missed and rub it in when HE sell it! ;)

03-01-2015, 03:29 PM
No wonder ... you prolly used USPS! ;)

No clue where you're getting those figures.

A "newbie" starts out at 10% of gross for eBay fees (I pay 8%).

PayPal is 2.9% + $0.30

Are you figuring shipping into your price dufus? ... it's all a cost of doing business. If you print the shipping label on-line through eBay ... you get a nice discount (much better deal than going to the Post Office) PLUS you don't have to pay for gas to go to the PO and back ... just have your mail carrier pick up the package.

And how can you complain anyway? You wanted $80 for your depth finder ... threw it up on eBay, drew 29 bids and ended up with a final bid of $202.50!

Lemme see ... $20.25 to eBay, $6.17 to PayPal and $9.00 shipping .... the way I figure it, you netted better than double your asking price.

You're a dang curmudgeon ... with a capital "C" !! ;)

I forgot again. Dang me!! I can't seem to remember.......you guys do NOT do hyperbole!


I do know I pay a "final value fee" of 10% to Ebay, that's clearly listed.
The Paypal "fee" was ...........heck, I can't figure it, calculator is broke! Item sold for $202.50 at auction. Ebay listed shipping at $5.95 but they were wrong. It only fit in a Flat Rate Large box, and my discounted postage was $15.80. The guy paid $212.25 (how he got that amount I don't know) into my Paypal, and Paypal promptly deducted $6.46. They got theirs but the remaining $205.79 is "Pending" and Paypal says it might be for 21 days!

SO YOU figure the overhead............. if I figure it, I get the following:
Selling price $202.50
Ebay fee (to be billed) $20.25
Paypal fee $6.46
Actual postage $15.80
Total Overhead costs $42.51
Net Percentage overhead ($42.51 divided by $202.50) is 21%.

And yes, I'm tickled. I didn't complain about the price. Show me where I said that!!! I'm glad. I made a comment, which some folks on here consistently and always turn around and define as "bitching". (Yet, when they/you do it, it's 'commenting'). Y'all are hypocritical and quite ugly to boot. My comment was extreme sarcasm that my overhead was 20%, and I might as well run a brick and mortar store.........when the truth is that a brick and mortar store has about 90% overhead!! I was making a point!!

I give up. Y'all are all incorrigible.

03-01-2015, 05:18 PM
I thought I'd taught you better. It sounds to me like you're complaining about issues that are your own doing. ;)

YOU set the postage numbnutz. You can put free shipping, actual shipping, $500 shipping ... whatever you want. You can charge shipping up front, or wait and figure your exact shipping once you find out who's buying and where they live. There are a bazillion options ... YOU control all of them. But ... a depth finder is pretty light relatively speaking. You prolly just took the lazy way out and used a Flat Rate box from the post office because it was easy. You talk like it's the only box on earth your unit would fit into. Pick a box up at the grocery store, Wally World, out'ta the trash ... wherever. Your unit would'a still shipped Priority Mail, prolly for half of what you paid. I can't tell you for sure because I don't know where you shipped it or how much the package weighed (Flat Rate covers up to 70 lbs). If you were shipping a deep cycle trolling battery, flat rate would'a definitely been the way to go. You paid for convenience. A $0.75 can of soup at the grocery store will cost you $1.50 at a "convenience" store. I have no clue where you're getting the "Ebay listed shipping at $5.95". I assume you're talking about eBay's "suggested" shipping??? Where they get that is they take an average of what people have shipped depth finders for that they've sold previously ... just to give you a clue as to what it could be. YOU listed $9.00 in your ad. Where did that figure come from? Before you list your shipping expenses, it would be a good idea to know what they are. If you were planning on using a flat rate box, why didn't you list the postage for a flat rate box? It's FLAT RATE ... there is no variance or guess work. You say your actual shipping was $15.80 ... a large flat rate box ships for $14.80. So why did you list a shipping charge of $9.00? (I have no idea where that extra $1.00 came from ... $15.80 vs. $14.80).

Now, you also say you have no idea why the buyer paid $212.25 since he only bid $202.50. The $202.50 is his bid, but you say in your ad there's a $9.00 shipping charge ... that's $211.50. Priority mail is insured for $50 ... but if you print the label through eBay, they bump the insurance to $100 (costs you nothing). Possibly, the buyer added $0.75 for extra insurance to cover the difference? I have no clue. Ask him. (All I have to go on is the figures you posted here) If you'd sold the unit to some guy on the street through a free service like Craig's List, you'd have taken the $80 you were asking ... yet you're still complaining on what it "cost you" to sell.

As for PayPal .. once you get a track record with them, the money is available immediately. If you have your account backed up by a credit card, they'll deposit it immediately .. then if there's a problem, they have recourse. It's no different than the bank putting a hold on a 3rd party check until it clears. I sincerely doubt they'll be holding it for 21 days ... that's worse case scenario. Look at it this way ... your option would have been to have the guy send you a check in the mail. Once you received it days later, when would you ship the package? Would you deposit the check into your account and ship before the check clears? I can tell you what you SHOULD do ... but that would be up to you. If the guy has his account tied into his bank, PayPal does not get paid until the buyer's bank pays them. What's the diff?

And your net percentage is off in your scenario above. Didn't you say the buyer paid $212.25? Plus the postage is YOUR blunder ... you had a choice to increase your profit margin there.

03-01-2015, 06:56 PM
Ah. I didn't know I could set it. But..........I'd have had to box it first, and of course I SHOULD have done that! I get that. IT had/has a MILE of cable, big thick cables.........and an external GPS antenna, and a transducer, and a speed wheel.......all with their own wires. No way I could make a 10 year old unit fit in a small box.

And I have my money backed up at Paypal with a credit card, and it is NOT available immediately! It says March 13th availability. So yes, I see the scenario. That's still a minor complaint, as they take out their $6.46 fee instantly!

I do this once every 6 months. You do it 6 times a day. Gimme a break. And to be honest, it ain't that easy to pick up on for an infrequent seller. But yes, you're a help. And you're correct on the figuring. Good catch. Now, it's only 19.4% overhead!!! Which makes my original comment sort of a good lucky guess!

But I DO have to remember to be literal with SOME folks around here! :)

03-01-2015, 07:06 PM
I sold my first item (an arrowhead) on eBay in 1998.... Boy have times changed.

With that being said...

I'm trying to figure out why PayPal has a hold on your money?
I sell on eBay about 3-4 times a year (so nowhere near what thump does). But I've never had money held by PayPal.

Maybe cause you haven't "verified" your account with them?

Or - maybe you accepted some type of e-check that *could* be returned?

I sold an old iPhone just 2 weeks ago. Sold at 5:01 on a Wednesday, the guy paid me through PayPal at 5:03, I requested PayPal to transfer to my checking account at 5:15, and it was in my account on Friday morning.

03-01-2015, 07:28 PM
Yeppers ... I think ol' Bucky's got a snag somewhere ... but it is what it is. I'd guess also he's not verified ... but who knows?

Ok Buckster ... listen and learn for "next time". You're missing something I'm trying to explain on the shipping.

No way I could make a 10 year old unit fit in a small box.

Now in THIS particular instance, SIZE does not matter. I never said anything about the SIZE of your box ... I'm talking WEIGHT. (and I have no clue whatsoever what the AGE has to do with anything. Would a 5 year old unit have fit in a box half the size?) ;)

(these numbers mean nothing ... just grabbing them out of the air for instructional purposes)

A Large Flat Rate Priority Mail box ships anywhere in the country for $14.80 (I have no clue why you paid $15.80 unless that was a typo). Now, lets say you throw that stuff into a regular ol' cardboard box you had sitting around the house and the package weighs 3 lbs. Priority Mail might run you $9.00. Throw that same crap into a Large Priority Mail Flat Rate box and it will run you $14.80 (or for YOU ... $15.80 for some unknown reason ;) ) I'd pick the plain ol' cardboard box over a Flat Rate box. Now you've made yourself just under an extra $6-$7. (NOW figure your overhead)

Now, if that unit is made out of lead, that thing in a plain ol' cardboard box may cost you $23.00 to ship Priority Mail .... THEN you'd be better off shipping in a Priority Mail Flat Rate box for $14.80. Either way, you're shipping via Priority Mail ... you are NOT required to use a flat rate box for Priority Mail.

Is that clear as mud now? I'm just trying to help. It bugs me when you bitch about something "someone else" did to you .... when it's more likely you only did it to yourself.

The bottom line is, if you knew you were going to use a large Priority Mail Flat Rate box which costs "$15.80" to ship ... why did you list $9.00 as your shipping fee?

03-01-2015, 07:32 PM
It's the little bets that are the most fun, Jimmy. I have a single beer bet with a friend on who comes out with the highest bowling average this season. This Wednesday is the last week and I'm up by 5 pins. I have been doing some MAJOR shit talking as a result. I know, kinda out of my box but I thought I'd see what running my mouth incessantly was like.

03-01-2015, 07:56 PM
So true Ticboy. I've been rubbing it in today while I can still talk shit. It's been VERY slow today and I've only had 3 sales. (He's had zero so far today) You can bet I've let him know about EVERY sale immediately after it came in. The cool thing is, on the eBay phone app, you hear a cash register sound when an item is sold and paid for. All I do is text him a big ol' "Cha-Ching"! He knows what that means. :D

03-01-2015, 07:59 PM
I used USPS Flat Rate Large Box, 12X12X6. It was MORE than $15.80, that's with the ebay discount. I dunno what I did wrong. I just followed ebay directions. I didn't use a regular old cardboard box. I have a million large, medium, and small flat rate boxes. They are........'flat' rate. But the rate ain't $9.00 and I don't know why. IF I go to MyEbay, the unit says "Sold" and even lists the $202.50 selling price and $9.75 shipping!!! I don't know where they get that!?!?!?!

As to Paypal, I have no clue. I have a GUESS!!! I had the Paypal strictly for Goodhunting, many years ago. When I sold all that crap, I discovered it. So, I downgraded my Paypal to Personal Account. Maybe that's it. Who knows? But the 'hold a check till it clears' does make sense, I admit.

The newer units do not have an External GPS antenna, so no cable for that and no antenna. They also don't have a speed wheel, they use GPS, so no extra cable for that. THus, the newer units ship in smaller boxes.

03-01-2015, 08:20 PM


03-01-2015, 08:43 PM
Well, that explains it Cappy. Those prices are the prices charged online at the USPS website I think. Also, I assume that's been updated (?)... there was a recent price increase for USPS. The eBay shipping prices are generally a buck or so lower than that. Bucky ... you are STILL missing the fact SIZE DOES NOT MATTER! It's WEIGHT. I don't know how to make it any plainer.

Here's the cut & paste breakdown from eBay shipping for a large flat rate box (postage cost is price charged at the Post Office):

Note: You get free tracking plus double the insurance for ANY Priority Mail ($100 vs. $50) when shipped through eBay shipping.

Postage cost: $17.90
USPS Tracking™: Free
Your eBay Discount (17%): -$3.10

You paid $15.80

03-01-2015, 09:00 PM
Now here's what I was TRYING to explain about using a plain ol' cardboard box instead of a Flat Rate box.

Ship 3 lbs. of shit for the above price of $14.80 if in a Large Priority Mail Flat Rate box. (this is through eBay shipping)

Ship 3 lbs. of shit in a regular old Pampers box (Priority Mail):

(assume ALL these items are the same size and will fit perfectly into a Large PM Box)

Postage cost: $12.20
USPS Tracking™: Free
Your eBay Discount (17%): -$2.02

Ship 2 lbs. in that same Pampers box (Priority Mail):

Postage cost: $9.75
USPS Tracking™: Free
Your eBay Discount (21%): -$2.07

Note: Regular Priority Mail will vary a bit due to destination. Flat Rate will not. I just picked the above price examples from a recent sale I made ... the buyer lives in Minneapolis.

Now, let's assume your crap was heavy and weighed ... say, 5 lbs. A Flat Rate Priority Mail box would be the way to go.

03-01-2015, 09:03 PM
Ha! I just received a text from my buddy ... short and sweet .... "Cha-Ching!"

I guess the score is 3/1 so far today. :D

Well crap .. he had two sales within a couple minutes of each other! Make that 3/2 ... the competition (and trash-talk) has started!

03-01-2015, 09:10 PM
Damn the sales at this point. I just want to see if you and Bucky can get on the same shipping page...... 😈

03-01-2015, 09:37 PM
It couldn't be any simpler. He sold the item on eBay. On his "sold" page, a big ol' button pops up once the buyer pays for the item. The button says, "Print Shipping Label". You click on it, it'll bring up the shipping options, click on (in Bucky's case) Large Flat Rate Priority Mail Box, hit "print Label" and it'll print the label at the price I showed above ... $14.80

Easy-peasy. Course Buckster somehow has a way of changing easy-peasy into a nightmare. :D

03-01-2015, 09:42 PM
no, actually weight is immaterial. Flat Rate means flat rate, no matter if you're shipping feathers or an anvil.

See Cappy's post.........where it says 'Large Flat Rate Boxes......12X12X5 1/2"???? See the $15.80? THAT is what I paid! It was $17.45 retail, and $15.80 with ebay discount. Bingo!

The box I used came from the Post Office........a Flat Rate Box! From USPS website:
Flat Rate Pricing

No weighing or calculating needed up to 70 lbs. Flat Rate offers one rate to any state.

03-01-2015, 09:48 PM
I give up! I honestly don't know if it's me or you. It's like oil and water sometimes. DO YOU EVER READ WHAT I WRITE??

Or are my English writing skills just in the toilet? I don't know any other way to explain it. I give up! I'd do better talking to a block wall.

You're right Bucky ... my bad.

Btw ... I just texted my buddy another "Cha-Ching" ... score's 4/2 for the day so far. ;)

03-01-2015, 09:53 PM
It couldn't be any simpler. He sold the item on eBay. On his "sold" page, a big ol' button pops up once the buyer pays for the item. The button says, "Print Shipping Label". You click on it, it'll bring up the shipping options, click on (in Bucky's case) Large Flat Rate Priority Mail Box, hit "print Label" and it'll print the label at the price I showed above ... $14.80

Easy-peasy. Course Buckster somehow has a way of changing easy-peasy into a nightmare. :D


Stop yelling at me. OK?

A) You know 10,000 X more about this than I do. If I screwed this up, I guarantee it's MY IDIOCY! I'm admitting that. Nowhere am I arguing with that. If that's what you want me to say, I'm saying it. I mean it. I don't KNOW.

B) That said, I did exactly what you said about the shipping page on Ebay. That page popped up. It said to list the type of box, and I picked Flat Rate. It then said to put the size. I put 12 x 12 x 5 1/2, because that's the size box that this thing fit in. I had a bunch of Flat Rate Boxes, and that was the only one I could fit this in. It came up with the discounted rate of $15.80. FOR A FLAT RATE BOX. Even Cappy listed that exact price in his listing above.


03-01-2015, 09:54 PM


SEE THE $15.80 ABOVE????????????

03-01-2015, 10:11 PM
Oh..........and I"m not at YOUR house.......so I didn't have access to a lot of Pampers boxes.


03-01-2015, 10:23 PM
Cappy's example is from the USPS website ... NOT the eBay site.

That's all I can say. The cut & paste things I did above are from eBay's shipping site. Maybe they charge Arkansans extra, I don't know. Or possibly I get a bigger discount due to the volume I do, but I've never seen anything from eBay or on their site that states that. Like I said, I'm out. If I keep this up people will think I'm picking on you. And you've totally missed the main point of the discussion ... WHY DID YOU SHIP FLAT RATE in the first place? Did the weight justify it? If so, why did you state the shipping fees at $9.00? I've simply been trying to help ... that's all. And I only shout when you act like you can't hear me. ;)

Tell me this ONE thing. Where did you ship that package? (city/state) Maybe I can figure this thing out where it'll make sense.

03-01-2015, 10:31 PM
Cappy's example is from the USPS website ... NOT the eBay site.

That's all I can say. The cut & paste things I did above are from eBay's shipping site. Maybe they charge Arkansans extra, I don't know. Or possibly I get a bigger discount due to the volume I do, but I've never seen anything from eBay or on their site that states that. Like I said, I'm out. If I keep this up people will think I'm picking on you. And you've totally missed the main point of the discussion ... WHY DID YOU SHIP FLAT RATE in the first place? Did the weight justify it? If so, why did you state the shipping fees at $9.00? I've simply been trying to help ... that's all. And I only shout when you act like you can't hear me. ;)

You do help. But you MUST start believing that there MIGHT be a reason for stuff outside what you currently understand. OK?

I did 100% what you said. I went to the sold location and clicked on "Ship this dang box to the winner". It led me to print a label, and that was the amount. It said $17.45 regular price, and with ebay discount, you pay $15.80. It asked if I wanted to print that amount on the label and I did.

I used that box because I have 10 million of 'em. I tried to order a FEW of the sizes that the Post Office does not have on hand, and the danged USPS sent me about 10 Million! I did not weigh it, but the box weighed about 7 lbs, I'd guess. I guess I assumed that Flat Rate was cheaper. I bought on the word "Flat" I guess. Jim, I don't know. I don't ship boxes enough to know I should have done something differently. I had those boxes, I figured they were cheapest, I used them.

And I do figure that Ebay gives you a discount. I don't know. I know it's a difficult site to truly traverse. It has a lot of GUI and pretty colors, but it does NOT flow like a true well-designed User Friendly site should flow. That's an opinion. I do realize that if you use it 1,000 times a month for years, that it would become 2nd nature. I get that. That's why I ask you stuff.

But when stuff I do doesn't coincide with how you think it should have, I don't have a good answer. I have tried to replay WHAT I did......and if I should have done it differently, then that wouldn't surprise me in the least. I'm a novice. But I'm not lying to you or making up what I did, and I do not buy that it treated me differently cause I'm from Arkansas. I think it just doesn't work for me like it does you. As to why, I couldn't venture a guess. But the fact that it does, is a fact, nonetheless.

03-01-2015, 10:38 PM
Maybe I figured it out.

Here's from Ebay's own website, on calculating shipping. When I go to their Calculate Shipping page:

and enter Large Package
and dimensions of 12 X 12 X 6
and my zip code, it comes back with this:

For a USPS Priority Mail Large Flat Rate Box, the option I chose
1-4 business days

$15.80 (-11%) (Ebay price)
$17.90 (USPS price)

And that's what I paid. That's staight cut/paste from Ebay's shipping page.

03-01-2015, 10:46 PM
I have done that. I am looking at that page now.

The choices for box type are:
Priority Mail® (1-3 days) - Package/Thick Envelope
Priority Mail® (1-3 days) - Large Package
Priority Mail® (1-3 days) - Flat Rate Envelope
Priority Mail® (1-3 days) - Small Flat Rate Box
Priority Mail® (1-3 days) - Medium Flat Rate Box
Priority Mail® (1-3 days) - Large Flat Rate Box
Priority Mail® (1-3 days) - Padded Flat Rate Envelope
Priority Mail® (1-3 days) - Legal Flat Rate Envelope
Priority Mail® (1-3 days) - Regional Box A
Priority Mail® (1-3 days) - Regional Box B
First Class Package® (2-5 days) - Package/Thick Envelope
Parcel Select® (2-9 days) - Package/Thick Envelope
Media Mail™ (2-9 days) - Package/Thick Envelope
Priority Mail Express® (1-2 days) - Package/Thick Envelope
Priority Mail Express® (1-2 days) - Flat Rate Envelope
Priority Mail Express® (1-2 days) - Legal Flat Rate Envelope

There are no other choices.

It appears I did what you said. I clicked on "Priority Mail Large Flat Rate Box" and it comes up for a 12 x 12 X 6 as Postage Cost $17.90, but with Ebay discoun $15.80.

I don't see any other option to ship a box that size. I'm missing something, obviously.

03-01-2015, 10:48 PM
There is ONE "Large Flat Rate Box" listed, and it's $15.80.

Your postage cost
Postage cost: $17.90
USPS Tracking™: Free
Your eBay Discount (12%): -$2.10
Total: $15.80
Display postage value on label

03-01-2015, 10:52 PM
Well dang, you're always a step ahead of me. By time I post the next step, you've added info and I delete what I just wrote. I delete it because it's now irrelevant. I just did that again on this post.

Maybe I get a bigger shipping discount because I'm a "Top Rated Seller" ... I don't know. BUT ... the price difference wasn't the main question. The question was, "Why did you ship Flat Rate Priority Mail" and why did you quote $9 for the shipping cost if your shipping was $15.80? The only way to answer that would be to know the weight of your package, but I doubt you know that. It's spilled milk now I suppose.

03-01-2015, 10:55 PM
I'm clueless. The link you posted doesn't even offer a Flat Rate option.

Do me a favor and maybe we'll both learn something. Go to your sold items page. On the right hand side of you item you'll see "leave feedback" or possibly "sell similar" if you've already left feedback. There's a pull-down menu right under that (more actions). Hit the menu, click on "Print another label". Click on "Priority Mail Large Flat Rate Box" NOT "Priority Mail Large Package". You say you entered the measurements ... you do not have to do that for Flat Rate ... they already know how big the box is.

What figure does it give you? I may get a larger shipping discount because I'm a "Top Rated Seller" .. I don't know. The main question was how much your package weighed?

I answered all that above. My post #32 reproduces (cut/paste) all the box options I was given. The box weighed maybe 7 lbs with all the cabling.

And the link I posted does list Flat Rate box IF you put in the info and hit 'calculate'.

03-01-2015, 11:04 PM
Well dang! It happened again! Now that we know the weight, Flat Rate was the way to go. Ok, we've finally whittled this down to ... Where did the $9 shipping come from? That's $6.80 you threw away.

03-01-2015, 11:08 PM
I am guessing............

When I listed the item, I did NOT already have it packaged and weighed. I should have.

Still, I'm confused on that. The listing showed $5.95 (or so) for shipping. I have NO clue where that came from. Then when it listed as Sold, it listed (and still does) $9.75 for shipping. But that doesn't work, because that price is for a box that the thing wouldn't fit in.

03-01-2015, 11:09 PM
Price Sale date Checkout complete or not Paid or not Item shipped or not Feedback left or not Feedback received or not Actions
Lowrance 337c Color DF Depthfinder Auction
Item picture

Lowrance 337c Color DF Depthfinder (221696232634)

Estimated funds availability*: 03/13/2015


+ $9.75



Checkout complete

03-01-2015, 11:18 PM
Bedtime. Maybe it'll make more sense in the morning.

Good luck on your contest. Get rich!

03-01-2015, 11:28 PM
Yep, just sent my buddy another "Cha-Ching" text ... score, 5/2! And I still have 1 1/2 hours to go for my first day. :D

Ok, it's established ... you need work on your shipping procedures. We can fix that on your next listing.

Oh, and don't let the bedbugs bite! ;)