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View Full Version : Well, Sky got a new pup, and I got.......

Big Muddy
03-02-2015, 04:29 PM
I am now the proud owner of a pair of the "latest-in-technology-tiniest-very expensive" hearing aids.

I got plumb weary of all my family, complaining about my hearing loss, and it was confirmed this morning....left ear is fair, but right ear is completely sheeit-canned.

I had no idea the day'um things were so frigging expensive, however....thank goodness my insurance is paying about 50% of the cost....and, the really cool part is they can be controlled wirelessly, thru my iPhone.

Dr. said it'll take about a week for me to get used to them, so I'll let ya'll know the verdict....if not completely satisfied, I can return them within 90 days for full refund.

Big Skyz
03-02-2015, 04:33 PM
Just don't forget to take them out when the ladies get to gabbing at church, you'll thank me later for that. :D

03-02-2015, 06:25 PM
Glad for you.

Wife has 'em. Won't wear 'em. Period. Most of my friends have 'em........including my two fishing buddies. WITH them, they can't hear a thing. Had them for years, are constantly going back to doctor to tweak or repair........and repair means "sending off for weeks" it seems. I can't tell they do THEM one bit of good. They can't hear anything. I have noticed that the TV at one guy's house is not quite so loud. I'm sure they do something........but man, they're STILL mostly deaf.

All that said, if I need them, I'll get them in a heartbeat!

03-02-2015, 06:40 PM
Let me know how they work out.
My hubby has lost his hearing and didn't pass the Boeing hearing test.
All his childhood, shooting shot guns with no ear protection and the noise at the Boeing factory, have finally taken a toll on his hearing.

I been telling him for years he needs hearing aids. Tired of repeating myself and then tell me I didn't say what I said.
So if they work for you, let me know what brand. I'll be more persistent in him getting them. :D

Big Skyz
03-02-2015, 06:44 PM
My dad has them. He loves to turn them off when he's driving a car load of grandkids to anywhere further than 20 minutes. By the time my folks arrive, my mom will often be frazzled and my dad just has a big old smile on his face. The hearing aids also drive my mom a little crazy because she thinks my dad is a little too selective about when he turns them on and off. ;)

Big Muddy
03-02-2015, 07:17 PM
I did a good bit of research on them, and hearing aids are just like any other form of technology....it improves very quickly, just like pc's, cellphones, laptops, etc....so, I imagine that hearing aids over three years old have very ancient technology.

These things are tiny....the "behind-the-ear-part" is about the size of a .22 cal. shell....and, the tube, placed into the ear is just about the diameter of 6 lb. nylon fishing line....that's all there is to it.

I talked to a retired game warden, who just got his, and he said they changed his life....he said he never knew how much his wife farted. ;)

Chicken Dinner
03-02-2015, 08:56 PM

03-02-2015, 09:11 PM
I think I'm justgonna get one of those horn deals you put up to your ear when you want to listen. Allows you to be more selective I think. And they add a certain character to a person too.

Orvmaybe a biggerthan normal gum ear.


Big Muddy
03-02-2015, 09:57 PM

I said, "I didn't, either." ;)

03-02-2015, 11:54 PM

<iframe width="854" height="510" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/77sPKCc4SS0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

03-03-2015, 07:52 AM
Dave's not here man......

03-03-2015, 08:35 AM
I remember my Dad got some. This was back about 1985 or so.

He'd fought getting them for whatever reason or other....I don't remember why. Anyway, just about every time I'd call him on the phone he'd answer the phone..."Hello.....GDit!!!" as the thing would squawk and squeal with feedback from the phone. I'm SURE they don't to that business any more with everything being digital nowadays.

03-03-2015, 09:54 AM
My dad REALLY needs to get some but he absolutely refuses to even discuss the issue. Guess to him getting hearing aids equals accepting you are getting old or some silly thing. Much better to have no clue what everyone is talking about right? Yeah right.:slaphead