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03-12-2015, 05:58 PM


03-12-2015, 07:06 PM
Ha. WELL, not to be outdone.....
Here is an editorial from today's state paper. It's not wild and crazy........UNTIL you realize that this writer is, without question, the single most Liberal editorial writer in this state.......and has covered Arkansas Politics for many years. He has been a Clinton apologist, and daily lambasts all things Republican. With that in mind, what he says is interesting:

What she wanted to say

By John Brummett

This article was published today at 2:44 a.m.

John Brummett is blogging daily online.

As a longtime watcher of Hillary Clinton, I can tell you that her session Tuesday with that media gaggle on the email imbroglio ended just in the nick of time.

She was on the verge of that dreaded scoffing stage.

I've seen that stage. I've endured its scorn. I can see it start to boil. I can hear the lid begin to clang. I can see the steam begin to rise. I can sense that the pasta is about to be overcooked.

It occurs when Clinton's limited patience runs out. Her dripping contempt for Republicans and reporters escapes forced concealment behind that smile she doesn't mean for a second.

So there she was, about to blow, enduring all those reporters' shouted questions about her emails as secretary of state.

She knew full well that what she'd said seconds before--about women's issues and the nonsensical letter Tom Cotton wrote to try to sabotage American diplomacy--was infinitely more important to serious people trying to do good work.

But there she stood among substandard people of the media who do voyeurism for a living, who think as herded cattle and who exist barely a grade above, if that, the National Enquirer and the paparazzi.

But then, after 22 minutes, her aide stepped in and Hillary said so long.

Unless I miss my guess, her smile vanished the moment her back was turned to the cameras.

It served to put me in mind of what she would have said if permitted unfettered truth and allowed her own devices--if, that is, Hillary was allowed to be Hillary, if the scoffer was allowed to scoff.

I suspect it would have gone pretty much as follows:

"Are y'all serious? Sure I have a bunker mentality. Danged straight. After all the [expletive deleted] that the Republicans put me through for all those years in the White House, do you really think I'd just let 'em read all my [expletive deleted] emails?

"Do reporters come from some other planet, one without air for your brains?

"We had this special computer server at our house because, as you might recall, I am married--more or less--to a former president. A former president gets stuff other people don't, like Secret Service and a secure home server. So I used it--the server, I mean. Well, the Secret Service, too.

"I'd tell you more about that, but I'm 67 years old and I wouldn't know a server if I was sitting on one.

"Now y'all can either trust me or not that I have turned over all my government stuff to the State Department and that what I've kept or deleted was entirely personal.

"Some of you will trust me. Some of you never will. We'll vote on that in November 2016. Count the votes.

"By the way, this guy, what's his name--Huckabee--he took all the hard drives from his entire governor's office in Arkansas when he left and gave them to a crusher to destroy. But y'all don't care. I guess I understand that. I'm going to be president and he isn't. Them's the rules.

"So I'm out of here, unless, that is, somebody wants to ask about the speech I just gave on women's issues.

"Didn't think so. Bye. Thanks for coming. I know y'all are in a hurry to get some Republican quotes to fill in your blanks. Congratulations on your Page One bylines.

"Oh, I almost forgot: About our accepting money from bad people to our foundation, let me just say that, yeah, we raise big money from bad people and then we do good things with it. So sue us.

"As for the idea that these bad people will have influence on me when I become president, let me just assure you of one thing: When I'm president, one person will be running things. And you're looking at her. I'm not standing up here putting up with this nonsense to let Saudi Arabia tell me what to do."

03-12-2015, 07:19 PM
Only good news... Is I don't see how she will be our next president after this.... Although.... Only logical people are discussing this (on both sides).

So maybe she will be.

Seems only about 10% of American's that vote cast their ballot based on logic.

The rest are bought, or thrown out of pure ignorance.

Chicken Dinner
03-12-2015, 07:43 PM
That in a nut shell is what irks me about these people. I know what's best. So, the rules don't apply to me. How dare you question me?

03-12-2015, 07:57 PM
Only good news... Is I don't see how she will be our next president after this.... Although.... Only logical people are discussing this (on both sides).

So maybe she will be.

Seems only about 10% of American's that vote cast their ballot based on logic.

The rest are bought, or thrown out of pure ignorance.

Funny how conservatives always say that. As if, we could just somehow mute that 90% everything would be hunky dory.

Personally, I believe this strategy of blowing their wad on Hillary this early is a stupid plan on the GOP's part. Hillary lost the only presidential race she was ever in. She may win, but I doubt she runs. In fact, anyone would be stupid to run.

This country has truly gone to hell.


03-12-2015, 08:05 PM
Posthead....if you READ... I said BOTH SIDES!!!! I have only voted in 5 presidential campaigns... I know I know... You retarded now and have been voting longer than I've been alive (I get it, I hear it all the time, like that makes me a complete idiot that I'm "young" but have grounded, fact based opinions) I have, in that time, voted both republican AND democrat. That's because I feebly try to weigh both sides AND REGARDLESS of whether they are registered "D" or "R"..... 90% of America votes the party line...without knowing who the fuck they are truly voting for.

03-12-2015, 08:06 PM
I also agree with you that the republicans were one minute wonders in bringing this up. MOST will forget about this by the time The elections roll around.

03-12-2015, 08:18 PM
Haha...sorry Artie. I just this minute got through writing and sending a very directly worded letter to my US Senators asking them WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING? when they gleefully signed the letter to Iran. Of course, I'm sure it has full support here. But it ain't kosher with me. You may hate him, and you may make fun of his race, and you may make up wild shit bout his birthplace and his religion, but he is our duly elected president. We've had incompetent ones before and we never did shit like this. Its disgusting and a disgrace.

And for the record, I think you youngsters who are involved and thinking about stuff is why I have any optimism at all for our future. The future doesn't have to be liberal or conservative to be successful and to protect the liberties we have, regardless of what idealogues will tell you. Our problems require closer attention and I'm damn glad you're there voting, even if it might not be the same way I would all the time.


Chicken Dinner
03-12-2015, 08:20 PM
I will say this. If my choices are between Hilary and some idiot like Paul Ryan, it'll be the first time in my 33 years of voting that I will skip an opportunity to vote. I've about had enough.

03-12-2015, 08:35 PM
I will say this. If my choices are between Hilary and some idiot like Paul Ryan, it'll be the first time in my 33 years of voting that I will skip an opportunity to vote. I've about had enough.

Almost agree. 1% says I'd be drunk and vote for Ryan at the last minute

03-12-2015, 08:43 PM
My favorite politician, who is just a plain citizen now, Tom Coburn, is making a lot of noise here in the state about starting a push for a Constitutional Convention. A refresh of the Constitution so to speak. It MAY just be the only way we can finally get a picture of what the people think about the powers of state and federal governments. And its a chance too, to really put us on a path judicially. And there's lots of problems when you get to the federal judiciary below the Supreme Court level. Line item veto would prolly also get a good look. I think the convention is a good idea. Lets let the people speak and say what's important.


03-12-2015, 08:57 PM
Lets let the people speak and say what's important.

I don't trust "people" to do that. It was "people" who voted that knucklehead we have now into office ... TWICE!!! :(

03-12-2015, 09:07 PM
I recently had a "political" discussion with my kids. They are both approaching 40. I was pleasantly surprised with the handle they have on the political scene. (Both are slightly more liberal - less conservative? than I - but I think that's mostly natural). As for the political scene - let me quote one of the most articulate and eloquent people I know (and I wish he'd post more - I love them.) ;) :

“Our current state of red/blue politics is like the final throes of a bad marriage. It’s become not about achieving reconciliation, or even an end, but how much pain can be inflicted before one side walks away…” Will .. 1/24/2013

I'm sick of it. My Mommy told me when I was just a little kid, "You were born 150 years too late" My Mommy was a wise, wise lady.

03-12-2015, 09:17 PM
Haha...sorry Artie. I just this minute got through writing and sending a very directly worded letter to my US Senators asking them WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING? when they gleefully signed the letter to Iran. Of course, I'm sure it has full support here. But it ain't kosher with me. You may hate him, and you may make fun of his race, and you may make up wild shit bout his birthplace and his religion, but he is our duly elected president. We've had incompetent ones before and we never did shit like this. Its disgusting and a disgrace.

And for the record, I think you youngsters who are involved and thinking about stuff is why I have any optimism at all for our future. The future doesn't have to be liberal or conservative to be successful and to protect the liberties we have, regardless of what idealogues will tell you. Our problems require closer attention and I'm damn glad you're there voting, even if it might not be the same way I would all the time.


Never before? haha. First, never before have we had a lawbreaking Dictator as President, so somebody has to let the world know his idiocy can't stand. Second, oh yes it hassssss:

As for Hillary, I will tell you all two things. Go write it down, and if I'm wrong on either, I'll drive by each of youse's houses and apologize.

1) She is running. Period. She is hiring staff. She has had her eyes on this since she was Hillary Rodham. I promise you with all I got that she runs. I also promise you that there probably will not even be a realistic Democratic contender to her. She will have the entire party behind her, she has no real opposition, nor will she.

2) If Hillary shows up on TV tomorrow, buck stark naked, and is having sex (real sex, not 'is' or 'is not' type) with Obama and his little dog, and then shoots two of the camera men because they touched her, and then afterwards faces the camera and begs for money because she is broke, then 1/2 of the US of A will support her 100%, laugh at anyone who disagrees with them, scorn any attempt to chide her for any of it, and say "That's enough, let's move on already, it's not that important".

She has all the black vote, 85% of the women vote, all the academia vote, 75% of the student vote, all the Latino vote......show me where the votes to overturn her would come from.

And I see not one thing wrong with Paul Ryan. I'm sick to flipping death of "status quo".

I will predict one more thing. I pray to my Lord Almighty that I am dead when it happens, and regardless, I pray that it's bloodless, but I cannot imagine this country continuing on the path that it's on where it is almost a perfectly equal split in ideology and beliefs, and neither side will EVER be willing to admit the 'other' side is ever right, on anything, again. How on earth can that continue as it is for the next 100 years? 500 years? Do you seriously think we are exempt from the fate suffered by every other country that ever existed on Earth?

03-12-2015, 10:07 PM
You don't get to decide that. We have checks and balances in our system and they work. That's the arrogant bullshit that I'm talking about. You think you get to decide when the rules apply and when they don't.


03-12-2015, 11:07 PM
Yeah. Me and Kerry and Pelosi do. And Obama's immigration Edicts. We're the Elite Smart Ones.

And I'm still right on both counts above.

03-12-2015, 11:28 PM
No matter how you spin it, there's no way you can justify throwing your lead negotiator under the bus and claim that you're only trying to achieve a better result. That's richer than three feet up a bull's ass. And here we are negotiating with some pretty dang large world powers at the table, and its with some the same idiots have been saying is a huge danger. Like Saddam was, an Isis is, and everyone else who can get on CNN.


03-12-2015, 11:32 PM

But if that's true why wasn't it true when Pelosi did it in Syria or Jim Wright in 1987 or.........or.......or........??? Stop acting like this is the first time anyone did anything similar. That's just one more example of "my side is right and I won't hear about the errors of my side, and your side is wrong, no matter what".

And to be indignant about someone in Washington being a dictator, a czar, an elitist, and it NOT be Obama is.......disingenuous.

03-13-2015, 08:42 AM
Not even close. And even if it were, you are claiming that two wrongs make it right?


03-13-2015, 10:06 AM
No no no. I'm claiming that this is not wrong.........AND countering your claim where you said, quote, "We've had incompetent ones before and we never did shit like this."

Big Muddy
03-13-2015, 12:05 PM
And, to add to Cap's cartoon post:


03-13-2015, 12:19 PM
Ha ha! Yep, she's a witch and a ... well, a witch! But, although it's a good one, that story ain't true and can be filed under "internet lore". ;)

Big Muddy
03-13-2015, 12:23 PM
Yep, I know, but she's still a liar. ;)

03-13-2015, 12:26 PM
How do you PROVE it's not true???? It can't be 100% corroborated, but it has a lot of evidentially acceptable facts in it..........

Read this:


03-13-2015, 12:30 PM
http://i279.photobucket.com/albums/kk131/Buck7088/Funny/HC2emails_zpstyett1mf.jpg (http://s279.photobucket.com/user/Buck7088/media/Funny/HC2emails_zpstyett1mf.jpg.html)

03-13-2015, 12:36 PM
Here's some great reading about her secrecy.......from a liberal ezine at that:


03-13-2015, 12:38 PM
'this ain't true but it could be!'

What alternate universe are you from?

And stop worrying about Hillary. She ain't gonna run. Y'all are gettin played!


03-13-2015, 12:43 PM
I'll bet you anything you can afford to lose.

03-13-2015, 12:45 PM
And it didn't say "It ain't true but could be". It showed that the attempts to prove it false were not substantial enough to be valid. That is allowed as evidentiary proof in court, for goodness sakes. If you just WISH it were a lie, then fine, believe that. But you can't prove it was/is a lie, and that's all I said. It's not a 'given'.

Big Muddy
03-13-2015, 12:46 PM
'this ain't true but it could be!'

What alternate universe are you from?

And stop worrying about Hillary. She ain't gonna run. Y'all are gettin played!


Haha....this, from the same guy who wanted us to trust Odingdong, back in 2008. ;)
oh, she's gonna run....take that to the bank.

03-13-2015, 12:48 PM
Not only will she run, I doubt she has many, if ANY, Democratic opponents!

03-13-2015, 08:35 PM
Well, personally, I don't like her.

03-13-2015, 08:42 PM
I'd be willing to bet she'll tell ya how the cow ate the cabbage. There's something really fakey about her that has always put me off. I thought she did a good job as Sec'y of State though. Overall, I don't like her either though. Then again, there ain't ANY I like on either side right now.


03-13-2015, 11:20 PM
Whose gonna run for the Democrats then if she isn't? No way the party will stand behind Biden, so who else is there? Is there some hot shot Democratic governor that I ' not thinking of?

03-14-2015, 10:30 AM

03-14-2015, 10:56 AM
Elizabeth Warren might be a dark horse Democratic candidate that could make a difference. Biden ain't gonna do it. I really think Hillary wil decline to run, but she's gonna let the GOP make total asses out of themselves first. They're already hysterical. Imagine another year of this shit.


03-14-2015, 11:00 AM
I always imagine another year.

One day it won't work anymore.

03-14-2015, 11:53 AM
OTOH Hillary could likely beat any of the riff raff already announced on the right. So maybe they are rightto shoot all their bullets at her, assuming the Little Prosecutor Trey Gowdy can yap loud enough to garner any attention.


03-14-2015, 12:46 PM
Looks like that's working for him!!


03-14-2015, 07:29 PM