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03-23-2015, 05:12 PM

This lists worst and best places to retire.

Arkansas is LAST!

I WISH THIS WERE TRUE! This is the second state, behind Florida, in PER CAPITA retirees!!!! Biggest single source of income here? Social Security check!

But hey, this is an awful place. Y'all go home already!

03-23-2015, 05:33 PM
Wyoming just called and said that must have been a typo and for you to stay put.


Big Skyz
03-23-2015, 05:34 PM
Being noticer there was only one state east of the Mississippi listed in the top 10. Six western states, 3 Midwest, and one Eastern. The fact that Wyoming and Montana were ranked in the top 10 are not surprise. However, I really question if they are the best states to retire in as winters are freaking brutal and old people don't bounce well on the ice.

03-23-2015, 05:36 PM
Those are two mean posts and I'm hurt.

Big Skyz
03-23-2015, 05:49 PM
Wasn't mean Bucky. I said I question their train of thought on this one. Doesn't make sense to retire and move to a state with cold, snowy-icy winters. So in other words I question the whole validity of the ranking. Heck, I think most folks should retire and move to Florida with the rest of'em.

03-23-2015, 05:56 PM
It was the old people bouncing that was mean. I can't help it if I bounce on the ice, man.

At this weight, I bounce on danged concrete, ok?

Well, I don't bounce very high, but.............I bounce. :)

03-23-2015, 05:57 PM

I question the entire article as well, as do all the retirees in this state.................. :)

03-23-2015, 06:01 PM
Band name - Bouncing Old People

03-24-2015, 07:43 AM
I must be old then because I didn't bounce when I fell on the ice last month and tore up the knee. Still off work, haven't worked sine the first of February and I'll be off at least another 4 weeks unless they decide they have some desk duty for me to do. Saw the ortho Doc yesterday for a follow up after the surgery and he was happy with the progress, since has he put it, "Your knee looked like someone exploded a grenade in it."

03-24-2015, 08:45 AM
Ice was invented for cocktails ... NOT ground cover! Sheeeesh ... Yankees!

Seriously, hope all heals well Deppity ... messed up knees are a bitch.

03-24-2015, 09:32 AM
Man, I hear the rehab for a knee is 'basic training' stuff. The shoulder was not hard, just LONG. Good luck!!!

03-24-2015, 10:48 AM
Wow.. Iowa ranks 6th? uh, okay.. :snorting Did I ever post my "Iowa Tourism Rules"? I wrote this in about 1990 It was first published in Big River Outdoors and later in my 8 newspaper columns. It's been floating around the internet since. I still get back in my email occasionally - often bastardized to different states.

Iowa Tourism Rules
Gene Murray

Each person, entering the state, will be handed the following list.

1. That raw-boned farm boy did more work before breakfast than you'll do all week at the gym. How'd you like to go home and tell your momma you got your butt kicked by a big guy in bib overalls?
2. It's called a 'gravel road.' No matter how slow you drive, you're going to get dust on your BMW. I have a four-wheel drive because I need it. Drive it or get it out of the way.
3. We all started hunting and fishing when we were nine years old. Yeah, we saw Bambi. We got over it.
4. Any references to "corn-fed" when talking about our women will get your butt kicked...by our women.
5. Go ahead and fish with your $600 Orvis Fly Rod. Don't cry to us if a flathead breaks it off at the handle. We have a name for those little 13-inch trout you fish for...bait.
6. Pull your pants up. You look like an idiot.
7. If that cell phone rings while a bunch of mallards are making their final approach, we will shoot it. You might hope you don't have it up to your ear at the time.
8. That's right. Whiskey is only two bucks. We can buy a fifth for what you paid in the airport.
9. The Hawkeyes and the Cyclones are as important, here, as your Lakers and Yankees...and a dang sight more fun to watch.
10. No, there's no "Vegetarian Special" on the menu. Order steak. Order it rare. Or, you can order the Chef's Salad and pick off the two pounds of ham and turkey. Yeah, we have sweet tea. It comes in a glass with two packets of sugar and a long spoon.
11. You bring Coke into my house, it better be brown, wet and served over ice.
12. So you have a sixty thousand dollar car. We're real impressed. We have quarter of a million dollar combines that we use two weeks a year.
13. Let's get this straight. We have one stoplight in town. We stop when it's red. We may even stop when it's yellow.
14. Our women hunt, fish, and drive trucks - because they want to. So, you're a feminist. Isn't that cute?
15. Yeah, we eat catfish – carp, too - and turtle. You really want sushi and caviar? It's available at the bait shop.
16. They are pigs. That's what they smell like. Get over it. Don't like it? Interstate 80 goes two ways - 35 goes the other two. Pick one.
17. The "Opener" refers to the first day of pheasant season. It's a religious holiday held the closest Saturday before the first of November. Breakfast is available at the church.
18. So every person in every pickup waves. It's called being friendly. Understand the concept?
19. Yeah, we have golf courses. Don't hit in the water hazards. It spooks the fish.
20. And you can shoot Mt. Lions… but the DNR says we don’t have any. Okay, even we feel a little stupid about that one.

03-24-2015, 10:55 AM
You could move 2 states south and write that very thing!

03-24-2015, 11:04 AM
You could move 2 states south and write that very thing!

Ummm, that's prolly why he said it's "often bastardized to different states." ;)

Big Muddy
03-24-2015, 11:21 AM
Well, usually, MS is dead last in any sorta survey....sorta nice to see we came in at 36th on this one....so, we will gladly accept your "visiting" money, but don't get "permanently" attached to our kindness. ;)

Big Skyz
03-24-2015, 12:21 PM
Big Muddy that reminds me of some of the bumper stickers I see here in Montana now and then: "Come visit our beautiful state. Then leave!" or "Welcome to Montana. Now leave!"

03-24-2015, 12:59 PM
Here's our most popular bumper sticker:

http://rlv.zcache.com/welcome_to_florida_now_go_home_bumper_sticker-r3580b3624cea4d28bbdf578bb38b906e_v9wht_8byvr_512. jpg

The next most popular is this one, because the 8-most often heard words from Yankees who move down here is ... "The way we do it up North is ... (fill in just about ANYTHING here).

http://rlv.zcache.com/i_dont_care_how_you_did_it_up_north_florida_bumper _sticker-rfb427c76cbcb4528a32da302d418a426_v9wht_8byvr_512. jpg?bg=0xffffff

Of course, my all-time favorite is: ;)


03-24-2015, 01:37 PM
The area I live in has over 100 natural lakes and several of them are quite large, the largest is just over 1200 acres, along with at least 3 others that are over 800 acres, so we get a lot of summer visitors, "Lakers".

A few years ago a popular bumper sticker around here was, "Steuben County, You've seen our lakes, now leave!"

03-24-2015, 01:37 PM
The area I live in has over 100 natural lakes and several of them are quite large, the largest is just over 1200 acres, along with at least 3 others that are over 800 acres, so we get a lot of summer visitors, "Lakers".

A few years ago a popular bumper sticker around here was, "Steuben County, You've seen our lakes, now leave!"

03-24-2015, 04:04 PM
That's probably the only way Oklahoma will increase population. Seems like every time a baby is born, somebody leaves town.