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View Full Version : Just exactly who does this help?????????

04-26-2015, 07:49 PM

04-26-2015, 09:52 PM
I'm so sick of this bullshit I could puke. We have a neighbor kid who grew up in an excellent family atmosphere. They're very religious and are at church every Sunday, as well as Wednesday nights. The mom does volunteer work for some sort of abused women's shelter as well as works a full time job. Once the kid hit his teenage years, he went to shit. Drugs, been busted stealing, burglary ... all sorts of crap. He was in the neighborhood once and I asked him why he keeps it up because it seems he always gets caught. He was bragging about how many times he outran the cops. His theory is, if he initiates a high speed car chase, gets a little crazy by running a couple of redlights and maybe jumps up on a few sidewalks ... the cops will call off the chase! He figures if he gets away 9 times out of 10, he's ahead of the game. He'll do a couple months in jail and be right back out again. That seems to be the norm these days ... run from the cops and you may get away with it. Submit to the cops, and thers's no way you'll get away with anything!

Every one of the incidents that have been all over the news lately have been worthless fucks who resisted arrest ... either by running or fighting.

I'd love to see law enforcement tell the world to screw themselves and put out a message ... run from us or resist arrest in any way and we WILL FUCK YOU UP!! Point a toy pistol at a cop ... YOU WILL BE SHOT DEAD!

Fuck these worthless assholes! :angryfire

Of course ... that's simply MHO and not at all realistic.

04-26-2015, 10:03 PM
I dunno the answer, Jimbo.

Maybe if every cop walks off tomorrow?...................

04-26-2015, 10:04 PM
But to protest "injustice" and in the process destroy property, leave a huge mess, act a fool.............

I dunno. I can't see how they are helping their cause in any way. I couldn't care less what this class of person is protesting against, or if it's valid or not. I just see their idiocy and want them to be gone.

04-26-2015, 10:39 PM
The stupidity reminds me of the Rodney King riots. The cops tried to make a traffic stop (he was DUI) and he took off ... initiating a high speed chase up to 115 mph. He zipped through a residential neighborhood before being stopped. The frigging dirtbag was already on parole for a robery conviction with past convictions for assault, battery and robbery! Somehow HE turned out to be the good guy and the cops were the bad guys.

The stupid part, the dumbasses in South Central L.A. (a scumbag area of town) burned, vandalized and looted their own damn neighborhood in protest! Can you spell "ignernt"?

04-27-2015, 06:13 PM

These are NOT protestors.

04-27-2015, 06:38 PM
I wonder how many of those worthless fucks are on welfare and have nothing better to do?

04-27-2015, 07:35 PM
Seriously? You do wonder???

04-27-2015, 07:43 PM
The governor declared a state of emergency and has called on the national guard.