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04-27-2015, 11:29 AM
:D :D

04-27-2015, 02:38 PM
I must be truly blessed as I have about a hundred eagles flying over my head every day. Actually, I've always thought that an eagle flying over your head was good luck so maybe I'm just lucky but I'm not sure about that. :D

04-27-2015, 02:42 PM
Just watch out for owls. Bad juju.


04-27-2015, 02:52 PM
Sunny, that to me makes about as much sense as Barney Fife seeing an owel and thinking it was an omen. My mother-in-law is as devout a Catholic as you will EVER encounter. She goes to church almost every day. She says the rosary and wears the beads down, literally. She belongs to prayer circles galore and often achieves (what seems to me) a state of true grace by prayer and faith.

For every single thing that can be pointed to as the presence of God, there are an equal number of "no-shows" on his part that are explained away but it being "his will", or that he "has a plan" or he "needed an angel back home" or "It will make sense when you die" sort of thing. That may or not be true, I have no way of knowing. I do know that despite her claims that the Virgin De Guadloupe would save my tiny nephew with a defective heart, he was not saved and therefore must fit one of the above categories of being Gods will in some sort of way.

I do think that everything will make sense when our physical bodies breathe their last breath on earth. I also think that anyone that tells you they are sure of what happens is selling you an idea that they have already purchased. Not a bad idea, but selling just the same.

04-27-2015, 03:27 PM
I consider myself an agnostic (fancy word meaning I'm OK admitting I don't know if God and an afterlife exist). I'm glad you are confident in your beliefs (I wish I could be), but I must say your sample size is pretty small if you're using your two observations of death as evidence. I'd be willing to bet there are many avowed atheist that went out with a smile and many salt-of-the-earth Christian old ladies that fought and clawed their way into whatever may or may not await us after death. JMHO.....

04-27-2015, 05:54 PM
Every real life example of such things does the opposite to me.......it strains my belief........but so far has not broken it.

I almost died myself. Medically, I did die..........three times.........No lights, no tunnel, nothing. Sorta ticked me off! :)

04-27-2015, 06:39 PM
I'd be a little disappointed too!

04-27-2015, 07:22 PM
I almost died myself. Medically, I did die..........three times.........No lights, no tunnel, nothing. Sorta ticked me off! :)

Ha! I just posted something similar in the "other post". I can relate Bucky. I have to admit, it was a disappointment. I was hoping ... :(