View Full Version : Damn, damn, damn!

05-21-2015, 01:26 PM
I have a large Live Oak in my back yard that needs to be taken out. The top fell out of it a while back and a few weeks ago I had a guy come out and inspect it. It seems the thing ain't feelin' too well and the center is rotted. If it falls, it can't get to anything on my side of the fence, but if anything comes down on the neighbor's side, it'll take half their house with it. I could be a prick and just figure if it falls, their insurance will take care of it, but they're great neighbors (elderly couple). The tree is right on the property line, but 99.999% on MY side of the fence! Just my luck.

Anyway, hurricane season is getting ready to crank up, so I feel I should be pro-active and have it removed. I've had three different tree companies come out and the best estimate I've received is $3800.00! OUCH! I guess I'd better start praying to the eBay gods to be good to me. This sucks. :(

05-21-2015, 01:47 PM
I've cut a many a tree down from the top-down. I've still got my climbing spikes and belt and ropes. But I was 60 pound lighter then. I'd climb to the top and throw out firewood size chunks. It actually was pretty cool work. Climbing with two saw, one small limb saw and the workhorse. Of course they both were Husqvarna saws cause I didn't want to get in the top of a tree and pull a cranking rope all day... ;)

05-21-2015, 01:53 PM
You need to find a stepladder so you can bite me!

I got my saw fixed I think by the way. Only took three trips to the place I bought it.

DON'T buy a Stihl saw with the EZStart feature.

And if it was around here, you could just string some copper wire through the top and some asshole would cut it down to steal the wire within a week.


05-21-2015, 02:20 PM
Well, half the city has to come out first to drop the power lines, the phone lines and the cable tv line! I called my neighbor and told him he'll be without electric (NO a/c!), tv and phone for a few hours, so maybe he should take the wife to a movie that day. ;)

He's a retired Sheriff's Deputy. Good guy and great neighbor.

05-21-2015, 02:57 PM
The EZ start feature on my Stihl is awesome, and works like a charm, every time.

Husky is good too.

That's a bunch, but I can see why it's so high........you probably have one of the 19 remaining large trees in Florida.

I paid $2,000 to have 5 huge sweet gums taken down, top down, and stumps ground to dust.

05-21-2015, 03:00 PM
I paid $2,000 to have 5 huge sweet gums taken down, top down, and stumps ground to dust.

You got a smoking deal! Seriously..

05-21-2015, 03:12 PM
He did an awesome job too. Had good references. I just looked back and it was $2,100.00.........sorry. I need 4 more gone, and no money.......spend it all on worthless things like wheelies and boat trailers.

05-21-2015, 03:18 PM
To be a rich an you poormouth pretty good. :D
I almost believed you there for a minute.

05-21-2015, 03:39 PM
That's what I spent for that! Honest.

No-till Boss
05-21-2015, 03:43 PM
To be a rich an you poormouth pretty good. :D
I almost believed you there for a minute.

He spends money like a Rockefeller !

05-21-2015, 03:45 PM
Or a farmer!

However, remember.......I ain't got much life left, like you guys. When I look down in my bucket for a list, I can see bottom.

No-till Boss
05-21-2015, 04:04 PM
Touché ..........lol

05-21-2015, 05:45 PM
Yep, it's a bunch'a money ... but it's a bazillion year old Live Oak. Prolly 4'-5' across the trunk. The problem is, I live at the end of a cul-de-sac so the lots are "pie-shaped". My lot is huge (this is a subdivision, not country sized lots) and is an acre. BUT, the tree is between our houses on the property line of the narrowest slice of the "pie". Since the top fell out of the tree previously, there's no anchor point to secure the limbs to lower them to the ground. Most everything on one side of the tree is over my neighbor's house and it's risky (and awkward) to cut and lower on ropes/cables. They're bringing in a huge crane that will be set up in the front of the house, will secure the limbs to the hook and lift large sections over the houses to be cut up in the street. It'll be quite an operation in close quarters. I'd already had two tree companies come out, they took a look, said they'd get back to me ... and I never heard from them again. This guy is a pro with his own crane, bucket lifts, trailers, dump trucks rigged with claw lifts ... you name it, he can handle it. Professional all the way, with tons of insurance and major references (mucho commercial contracts).

I just received his eMailed estimate and he gave me a 10% discount ... said I have it covered 2 ways ... 10% for either a senior discount (over 62) or veteran's discount (ex, active or retired) ... so that's $380.00 off the bottom line! Plus he takes ANY credit card with no added fee ... so I'll at least get some frequent flyer miles out of the deal, plus American Express will handle it if I encounter any problems with the guy. For something that HAS to be done ... no matter how painful ... he's easing the pain a little bit.

05-21-2015, 06:07 PM
Have him cut it up into firewood size chunks and sell it in your eBay store as Antique Florida firewood cut by Ponce DeLeon.
You will make a zillion.....

05-21-2015, 06:11 PM
The man is always thinkin'.........

Should work!

05-21-2015, 06:41 PM
Have him cut it up into firewood size chunks and sell it in your eBay store as Antique Florida firewood cut by Ponce DeLeon.
You will make a zillion.....

Dang! Did he bring his ships this far inland? ;)

No-till Boss
05-21-2015, 06:56 PM
Damn, do y'all not have any mexicans in florida ? That job here would be $700-$900 tops.

05-21-2015, 07:52 PM
Damn, do y'all not have any mexicans in florida ? That job here would be $700-$900 tops.

I dont think they will have insurance....

05-21-2015, 08:23 PM
Damn, do y'all not have any mexicans in florida ? That job here would be $700-$900 tops.

Yep ... they work out the back of station wagons and have zip insurance. Heck, I doubt if they even have green cards. Remember, this is being done because most of the tree leans over my NEIGHBOR'S house! Beneath the limbs are also power lines, phone lines and cable tv lines. I ain't even goin' there. Now if it were the tree out in the middle of my back yard with no structure withing 100 feet ... I'd hire any jack-leg off the street. If he falls out'ta the tree and breaks his neck, I suppose my homeowner's insurance would cover it. If not, I have a shovel! ;)