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06-01-2015, 10:32 AM
I guess Rand Paul delayed the vote on the sections of the Patriot Act due to expire. From the media and politicians weeping and gnashing of teeth you'd think we were in grave danger as a result. Even though not one terrorist act has been discovered or prevented. McConnell called it 'unilateral disarmament'.

Who's making money off of this? That's what I want to know. Or is it just more political posturing using our national security as a pawn?

I've hated this Act since its inception and it was supposed to be 'temporary'. Its been re-upped a few times since its inception. If we had a congress and president with anything but their own fucking political skin to look out for they'd work to revise it based on what have learned, into a more effective tool. As it is, nobody will even talk about real reforms to it. So kill the motherfucker.
Same shit, different day.


06-01-2015, 10:37 AM
I thought of you yesterday when I read the headlines. Haven't even looked today, did they kill it??????

06-01-2015, 10:37 AM
And I have a friend who has a comment about people and money and following the trail...........

06-01-2015, 10:42 AM
They couldn't reach agreement on anything so it is temporarily lapsed. Now, if they'll use this as an opportunity to really get down to brass tacks instead of this 'all or nothing' crap, we could see a good act put into place.

But of course, that won't happen.


06-01-2015, 10:50 AM
I am sorry......and I mean that.......but I sense in your post a thought that these guys are going to find some way to work together on something, sometime.

I am convinced, and I mean 1000% convinced.........that life as you and I knew it is over. I was supposed to be an analyst (best I remember). I was supposed to know how to analyze situations, determine all the possible methods and outcomes, determine the pros and cons of each, and find the best one.

Using that, I can see no way out of where we are today other than a full split. I mean, they are NEVER ever ever ever ever going to compromise on anything. What would it be? Will the Reds decide that they can live with Hillary after all and be happy? Will the Blues decide that Hillary's defeat is OK and things will be all right? Do you think either is ok? Do you think that on lesser issues, that somehow they'll all agree and 'get things done'?

We've gotten too many things done now. Every time a politician talks, and if two or more are together it's worse, they come up with a plan to fix something. Plans are costing me, and you, more than we have. We need fewer plans. Plans may be good, some of them might work (though almost none really do, and none of them do in the long run), but we can't afford it any more than I can afford a new Cadillac, even if they are on sale. I have to do without.

So I don't see much hope.

And thus..........Apathy is born, else my weak heart will win over and I will lose it all.

06-01-2015, 11:02 AM
I guess if I had to put a word on it, I'd describe myself as 'skeptical' instead of pessimistic. I think we have a good system, and I think we have a good government. They keep the lights on, they keep important stuff going for the most part, and they take care of our nation's defense. Governments are there for governing and as governments go, I really don't buy into the political rhetoric that all government is bad. Flag waving patriots tend to forget that the flag represents those we elect to govern our business as much as it represents all of us. its now fashionable to hate government which I always thought made about as much sense as hating one's job. We DO have the power to change it and judging from election turnouts, if there's any evil to be combatted in our society, its complacency more than anything.
I'm no saint and I'm not any smarter than anybody else, but I'm not complacent. My senators and representatives hear from me about my opinions. And I vote. Its no less important than any other service we owe to our country. But amazingly, the loudest complainers are often the ones who don't do a goddamned thing (but complain).
And lest you think this big, ugly, yellow tipped, THC encrusted finger is pointed at you, you are wrong. You are a thinker, and this apathy is not real. You just learned to not let it get you as steamed up as it used to! Its called maturity, doofus.


06-01-2015, 11:08 AM
Surely not! I'm too young to be mature.

06-01-2015, 11:27 AM
Manure? ;)

Oh, and P-hole ... excellent post as it's and exactly how and what I think. To be honest, I'm not sure if I could even add anything to that .. and certainly wouldn't argue about anything you said there.

06-01-2015, 04:14 PM
Here's another proof of why I dislike, distrust, and can't abide the Federal Government:

Just something I stumbled across, but it seems these things are so easy to find:
