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06-01-2015, 11:01 AM

What is going on? Where did all this come from? This never was this prevalent.

Doesn't even seem statistically possible.

06-01-2015, 11:07 AM
Something went horribly wrong, obviously. And until theres some facts known, there's really no conclusions to be drawn. Travis and I have a friend who is OHP and I imagine he's as puckered up as I am waiting to hear he wasn't involved.

It sure doesn't look good so far. And I think OHP is doing itself a disservice by not releasing ANY information like they have.


06-01-2015, 11:09 AM
I agree with all that.

My comment is.......um.....more at the 30,000 foot level... Why the quantity of these things? Why now? If every one of them has a good reason, that doesn't answer why there are so many? Or is it just being reported now, and wasn't before (I don't buy that)??


06-01-2015, 11:19 AM
There's killings by police every day. IMO, two things have happened: first, the media is digging into and reporting on almost all of them these days, especially when they involve a minority. The vast majority of these seem to be justified. The few that occurred from bad judgement or pure malice are blown way out of proportion. Secondly, I think cops are in an impossible position nowadays. Mistakes are tragic in the best of times, but given the way things are even honest ones are not tolerated. We expect perfection and as a result the cops are more secretive and like the OHP in this case, they aren't honest and forthcoming and the cycle grows into a big ball of burning poop.
I also think that way too much shit is against the law and way too much shit is used as a means to see if you're doing something else that might be more serious. That's a tough big old grey issue, but its true.
I honestly don't know how they do their jobs nowadays.


06-01-2015, 11:22 AM
Agree very much with all that. Or almost all.

(Interesting side note: You said too many things are against the law. That's MY POINT!! Too many laws, too many programs, too much involvement by elected officials, Congress, whatever......to modify our social behavior, or our fiscal behavior. They don't know squat about the best way for me to live, and I sicken of them trying and failing, 100% of the time, to try and do that).

But I do NOT think this is simply a case of "it's always happened to this degree, but it's just being reported more now". Sorry, I ain't buying that one. It may be true...........but until proven, I don't buy it.

06-01-2015, 11:54 AM
Good point, and I'd like to see those statistics too. Interestly enough, none of our media outlets seems to have collected that data.


Chicken Dinner
06-01-2015, 12:25 PM
Lots of statistics and analysis in the Washington Post article from last week. Unless there's significant under reporting, which there is according to the article, police involved shootings are way up.


06-01-2015, 12:39 PM
I realize I don't post very much, or ever, but I do try to keep track and keep tabs on what's going on around here so correct me if I am wrong but did Barry just agree with Bucky and did I even see a "good point" in there? What the hell is this world coming to??? Barry's "retirement weed" is really starting to take effect....

06-01-2015, 12:57 PM
Yeah. But he ignored my question about why he thought my perceptions were weird. I even emailed him, and he ignored that too. Clearly, VERY CLEARLY, his 'grass' is more important than I am.

I get it. I know my place.

quercus alba
06-01-2015, 01:21 PM
Good point, and I'd like to see those statistics too. Interestly enough, none of our media outlets seems to have collected that data.


The media NEVER lets facts confuse an issue.

06-01-2015, 01:37 PM
I would say that the media is reporting these more than they used to, or at least it's getting spread further than the stories used to. In the past, it probably just would have been a local story, but now it's going national. This story is an example of that. This article didn't have any facts in it except that the guy got shot by a Trooper and died. Everything else was just speculation by people that knew him, but weren't there when it happened.

I'd also say that law enforcement is being confronted more than ever before, or at least in modern times, over stupid little things, which leads to this situation. The police are given some authority by the jurisdictions they work for, however, a lot of people don't recognize this and will question the authority of the officer and physically confront them over little things like untaxed cigarettes or just a minor traffic offense.

I think that the OHP is doing the right thing by getting their facts straight before releasing any information. Just because the news media doesn't wait to get their facts straight before running with a story doesn't make it correct. Imagine the outcry if they release some info and then it turns out to be incorrect, they would be crucified and accused of trying to cover things up and purposely give out false info, whereas the media can put out anything they like and if it turns out to be wrong, they aren't held accountable for it any more.

I'd like to know why you think more things are illegal now than before. What kind of things are illegal now that weren't, say, 25 years ago? I've done my job for about that amount of time, and I can't think of that much that has changed in that regard other than adaptions to new synthetic drugs for example. Some things are now focused on more than before, like impaired driving, child abuse/neglect, and domestic violence, but those were all illegal when I started 25 years ago too.

06-01-2015, 02:08 PM
I realize I don't post very much, or ever, but I do try to keep track and keep tabs on what's going on around here so correct me if I am wrong but did Barry just agree with Bucky and did I even see a "good point" in there? What the hell is this world coming to??? Barry's "retirement weed" is really starting to take effect....


06-01-2015, 06:10 PM
Some details out today and OHP released part of the dash cam video. I can't see how they could avoid shooting the guy. The latest details also say the two guys were drinking whiskey and the guy who was shot was holding the trooper's head underwater. I imagine the fact the guy was also open carrying while he was assualting the statie made things a lot more dangerous. This guy's family has been painting him as a preacher who'd who'd never do anything like this and the media has been waiting to pounce. I don't think there's anything to pounce on here.




06-01-2015, 07:25 PM
Lets see how the family and the media try to turn this around since the shooting happened outside the camera view.... "Oh, he is a saint, he aint doing that... blah, blah...." Really did not looked like a preacher man should behave...

06-01-2015, 08:35 PM
I think the parents were just doing what most parents would do in that situation. Bad deal all around. Especially for a couple of guys just doing their duty to protect and serve.