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06-16-2015, 08:21 AM
I watched a bit of CNN this morning and they were saying that gal in NY who helped those prison employees escape was having an affair with one of the inmates and they were going to kill her husband, then run away to live happily everafter.

Then I switched to ABC News and 5 minutes later, they said she was having an affair with one of those inmates, but cut the affair off. Then the inmate threatened to blackmail her and kill her husband if she didn't help them escape.

Now I know why I stopped reading the newspaper back in the 70's ... I should extend that to tv news!

To add to the goofiness, the next story was them talking about those two kids who got attacked by sharks off the coast of N.C. They were talking about the 13 yr. old (?) girl who was attacked and stated she had "lost her hand, below the elbow". HUH????? Thanks for making that clear ABC!

06-16-2015, 08:29 AM
A) I seldom watch TV news.

B) If I do, it ain't ABC..........ever! At least not national ABC. They are blatantly awful, and somehow proud of it.

06-16-2015, 08:34 AM
News people are jackasses. I'm convinced of it. But how else to keep up with what's happening in our world? I'm open to a suitable substitute.
Journalism went south when we started having 'conservative' and 'liberal' news outlets IMO.

The thing that irks me the most is the fear shit. Just this morning, I read an article about how they kurds were closing in on the ISIS capitol in Syria and the US air support in conjunction with motivated militia on the ground was being very effective. Then I read another article five minutes later that began 'With the campaign against ISIS faltering.....'. I also read an opinion piece in the WSJ recently that talked about the 'crime wave' that we were experiencing in the US as a result of Ferguson and Baltimore causing police to back off for fear of recrimination. The only problem is, the facts show that crime is actually down in major US cities.
The media often lies to us and the worse part of that is we let them do it.
Fucking liars and thieves. i hate 'em.
Now back to vacationing. I may start the day with a bloody mary before I go drive with these left lane driving mofos.


06-16-2015, 08:39 AM
Y'all watch way too much news.

Now......I say I don't watch it.....but of course, it's on sometimes. The wife is big watcher. She owns 1/2 of the TV. So it ain't like I never see it. But I get up and leave the room way more than I sit through a story.

I do read..........and I read online the same outlets that are providing the news online, I guess. But I get to digest, rather than sit and be fed blips and blasts of what THEY want me to concentrate on. No nuance of voice, no eyebrows raised, when you read it.

But lately, I don't even read in depth much news. I know that some guys escaped in New York. I know that there's a Tropical Depression named Bill (while Posthole is asea!!! Oh, the irony). I know.......um.......that Hillary is running, and the GOP has 59 candidates, none of which excite me. I know.........um...........that's about it. I know I gotta go meet with 'my lawyer' this morning, and that in 66.934 years, I've never said that before.

06-16-2015, 08:44 AM
Oh, and I know that we shot an idiot that approached a US Military Installation (LRAFB), wouldn't ID himself, drove past the guards, and got out with a rifle!!

I'm betting he is somewhat IQ challenged. Or a terrorist. Or both. But we shot his dumb butt, and I know that.

06-16-2015, 08:56 AM
Tropical Storm Bill (is it Niner?) is hitting Texas and Oklahoma as we speak. My part of Okieland is supposed to get five inches or so of rain just this week. So get ready for another big gulp on the Arkansas down your way because our lakes are full as a tick.

My old MCI CEO, Bill McGowan predicted the Information Age we're in now and the big repercussions in t would have on business and society. It has been a thing of wonder, but we haven't done a very good job with it have we? Goodhunting is an example of something that could never have happened (the friendships and such) without it. Yellow journalism and blatant manipulation of data to create slanted 'information' is an example of something we haven't learned to manage just yet. There's hope though.

And on the same track, we pine for the good old days of family values, heterosexual marriage, and the days when everything was simpler. We tend to forget about the other stuff that went on during those golden years. There was some really bad shit happening. And our government was more fucked up then that it is now. Yet.....we keep trying.


06-16-2015, 09:12 AM
You do.

I'm a confirmed member of the Apathy Party.

06-16-2015, 11:19 AM
If you don't read the newspaper you are uninformed, if you do read the newspaper you are misinformed. -- Mark Twain

06-16-2015, 11:43 AM
My favorite author, and one of my favorite quotes by him!

Here's another.

Mark Twain
“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”

06-16-2015, 02:34 PM
And yet you argue with me!

I crack myself up.

And boy. Talk about good luck!! You went to the tropics to avoid a tropical storm.

06-16-2015, 04:21 PM
Now back to vacationing. I may start the day with a bloody mary before I go drive with these left lane driving mofos.


hahaha have fun!!!:beer